Lord of the Secret Art!

Chapter 148: ambush

   Chapter 148 Ambush

   pushed open the iron door, the five entered the villa, and walked in the corridor at the back of the villa.

  Crack, snap, snap!

   A maid came from the other side of the corridor, holding the clothes basket.

   The five were not ordinary people, so naturally they noticed the approaching maid before the maid.

   The little man just now had killing intent in his eyes, and a dagger appeared in his hand.

   The edge of the dagger is green, apparently it is a dagger smeared with poison.

   "Keep it alive, I need to know the location of Lindy's bedroom and study from her mind."

  Smeared purple eye shadow woman to stop the road.


   The little man put away the dagger and shrank slightly.


   The next moment, his body relaxed, and he rushed out like a vigorous cheetah.

   But unexpectedly, there was no sound during the whole process, and he just ran in a vacuum environment without making a sound.

   This is the extraordinary ability "silent" awakened by his advanced to the third ring, which can erase all the sounds generated by his actions and approach the target silently.


   A dark shadow flashed in front of the maid's eyes, and she felt a pain in her neck and fainted. She didn't even have time to call for help.

   The remaining four came forward, and among them, the woman with purple eye shadow walked over to the maid.


   A dim light bloomed between the eyebrows, and the shape of an eye appeared, as if a third eye appeared.

   The secret technique she practiced is called the Eye of the Heart. It is a secret technique with a master-level psychiatrist as the precondition, and the secret organ is the third eye.

   Having practiced this secret technique to reach the middle ring, she can spy into the depths of other people's hearts and forcefully learn what she wants to know from him.

   Heart eyes opened and looked at the maid.

   The memory in the maid's mind was like a fast rewinding movie being read by her, and soon she knew where Lindy's bedroom and study were located.

"Come with me!"

   Maintaining the state of the eye of the heart, the woman with purple eye shadow leads the way.

   When searching for the location of Lindy's bedroom and study in the maid's mind, she wrote down the layout of the villa by the way. Now, she seems to have lived in the villa for a long time and knows everything about the villa.

In the    bedroom, Fei Lin was looking at the mysterious gun secret book.

   Suddenly, his brows furrowed.

  Eye of Appraisal reached the ninth ring, his perception became extremely sharp, and just now, he actually felt the fluctuation of extraordinary power.

  Lindy has already gone to work, and there is no other mystic other than him in the villa today.

   Then, who is the source of this extraordinary power fluctuation?

   The woman with purple eye shadow led the way, and the five came to the main building of the villa and went up the stairs.

   Along the way, with the help of the purple eyeshadow woman's familiarity with the villa, the five easily avoided the maid they met along the way.

   Either kill all the people in the villa, or don't alert the people in the villa, so that there is enough time to rummage.

  Lindy's study and bedroom are located on the third floor of the main building. The five people passed the second floor and walked up the stairs leading to the third floor.

   Passing the corner of the stairs and walking into the platform in the middle of the stairs, the third floor has appeared in their field of vision.

"Be careful!"

  Suddenly, the voice of the woman with purple eyeshadow hurriedly sounded a warning.

  On the third floor where the stairs were connected, where there was no one, a black-haired young man in a wheelchair appeared out of nowhere, facing in their direction.

   In the hands of the black-haired young man, he was holding a pistol with a huge muzzle diameter unlike any standard pistol.

   From this pistol, she sensed danger.

   The black-haired young man was naturally Fei Lin.

   sensed the fluctuation of extraordinary power and knew that someone had sneaked into the villa. He was in the bedroom on the third floor and could not avoid it, so he chose to take the initiative.

   Invisibility with the hidden necklace, waiting at the entrance of the stairs.


   Facing the five, he pulled the trigger of the mysterious gun.

   With a gunshot, a bullet was fired from the barrel.

The    bullet lights up with purple lines and turns into an armor-piercing bullet with armor-piercing properties.

   This is not the end, while the purple lines are lit up, there are actually black lines that light up.

  As the black lines light up, bullet phantoms with solid bodies appear one after another around the bullet.

There are dozens of   , covering a large area and shooting forward.

   The purple and black double lines light up at the same time. This is a composite bullet inscribed with the inner inscription method, which has the dual properties of armor-piercing and phantom clones.

  Although Fei Lin’s current proficiency in the inner inscription method is not very high, he can only complete the inscription in two seconds.

   But because the enemy was discovered early, there was a very long preparation time, and naturally there was enough time to complete the inscription.

   Hearing the reminder from the woman with purple eyeshadow, the expressions of the other four changed when they saw Fei Lin who was on the third floor shooting with a gun.


   One of them is a esoteric detective, a body-strengthening type of occultist.

   Although most of the Beyonder abilities are of the auxiliary detective type, they lack the Beyonder abilities of the combat type, and their combat power is not strong among the same tier.

   But as a body strengthening type mystic, his movement speed is quite fast, and he immediately wanted to retreat to the stairs.

   It’s just that Fehling was too close to him, less than ten meters away.

   He only had time to move one position, and dozens of bullets were already approaching.

  Puchi, puff, puff!

  Three bullets passed through him, and each one left a baby fist-sized body on him who strengthened the occultist—a hole that was transparent to the front and back, and blood kept flowing from the front and back of the hole.

   His face froze, and his body fell to the ground.

   And the bullet that penetrated his body, the power has not been exhausted, continue to move forward and penetrate the walls of the villa behind him.

   "Metal Shield!"

   One of them is practicing the occult mechanical heart, and the occult organ is the mechanical arm of the left hand.

   In a very short period of time, the mechanical arm quickly unfolded and turned into a vertical shield, and he bent down to hide behind the shield.

  Puchi, puff, puff!

  The metal shield made by the Heart of Mystery Mechanism is quite strong in defense among its peers.

   If he is a middle ring occultist, he should be able to block bullets with a metal shield that is quite strong in the same tier.

   But he is not, he is not a middle ring occultist.

  Despite being greatly hindered, four bullets penetrated the metal shield and landed on him

   There were four blood flowers blooming on his body, and the blood was flowing.

  Although the residual power of the bullet did not penetrate his body, it also left him with serious injuries.

   was severely injured, and he staggered to the ground, slowly walking towards death.

"Do not…"

   One of them is an occult barrister who is neither good at speed nor defense.

   let out an unwilling scream, and then was shot by as many as three bullets, and three holes the size of the mouth of a bowl appeared on his body, and he died before he fell to the ground.

   (end of this chapter)

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