Lord of the People: My Explosion Rate is 100%

Vol 2 Chapter 1452: The need to advance to the realm of Juni

Chapter 1452: The need to be promoted to the realm of Junior Lord God! Upgrade the Summoning Gate!

 [Name of the Kingdom of God: Kingdom of the Sun]

  [God Lord: Sun God Lord]

 [Divine Kingdom Level: Advanced Divine Kingdom]

 [Flag of the Kingdom of God: Stars Gathering the Sun]

[Army of the Kingdom of God: Legion of the Sun (upper level of True God), Monster Army (upper level of True God), Dragon God Army (upper level of True God), Legion of Ten Thousand Races (upper level of True God), Tiantu Army (upper level of True God), Homeland Defense Army (lower level of True God) ]

[Required conditions for promotion to the junior main **** lord kingdom: the territory level is promoted to the main **** lower level, the **** capital area level is advanced to the main **** level, 1000 main **** lower level divine crystals, conquers 10 high-level **** kingdoms under the Scarlet Lord (0/10), Conquer 5 high-level divine kingdoms that are not under the command of the Scarlet Lord (0/5), conquer any 100 high-level divine kingdom-level lord forces and possess their true **** superior divine order (0/100), 1 billion independent regional territories, and own There are 1 million racial heroes, 100,000 gods of this race are worshiped, 10 racial artifacts of this race (10/10), 100 true god-level worships of this race are held, and the lord’s own strength level reaches the lower level of the main god! ]

 Zhou Zhou carefully looked at the promotion request.

Then he murmured to himself: "I have met all the conditions of the divine capital area, the number of territories in the independent divine crystal area, racial heroes, worship of gods, racial artifacts, worship of true gods and my own strength."

 “Only the remaining conditions are not met.”

“Among the remaining conditions, conquering the Kingdom-level territory is the easiest to complete, so you don’t need to worry about this at all.”

 “Then all that’s left is to upgrade the territory.”

“As long as I can upgrade my territory to the lower level of the Lord God, I can promote the Kingdom of the Sun from the high-level Kingdom of God to the Kingdom of the Junior Lord God!”

Zhou Zhou nodded slightly.

 It was just a matter of time for Him.

Thinking of this, he stopped thinking about it and came to the door of summoning. Then he spent 200 units of basic material resources and 1,000 true **** advanced divine crystals to upgrade the summoning door to the true **** advanced level.

 Text prompt appears.

  [Congratulations, your Summoning Gate has been successfully upgraded to a True God superior building! ]

  [The number of people you can summon every day +50 million! ]

  [One million professionals will appear among the people you summon every day! ]

  [Tip: Affected by the unique title of the race ‘Glory of the Pioneer XII’, the number of people you can summon every day reaches 1,031,586,000! ]

  [Among the people you summon every day, 1,000,013 professionals will appear! ]

 Zhou Zhou nodded after reading it.

 The summoning gate of the True God's superior has a basic summoning number of 85,965,500 people!

After being blessed by the Glory of the Pioneers XII, the number directly increased 12 times, becoming 1,031,586,000 people!

“With the call of destiny, these one billion new citizens, at least they are extraordinary superior citizens.”

Zhou Zhou was very satisfied.

 Then he took a look at the need to upgrade the Summoning Gate.

[Building upgrade: 100 units of wood, 100 units of fine sand, 100 units of metal, 100 units of stone, 1,000 lower-level **** crystals, and the territory level is upgraded to the lower-level main god! ]

Zhou Zhou withdrew his gaze, and then spent 4,000 basic materials, 10,000 True God Superior Divine Crystals, and 1 billion high-grade elemental gems to promote the original Long Yuan to True God Superior.

 [Building name: First Longyuan]

 [Building Level: True God Superior]

[Building function: 60 billion diamond superior pure-blood dragons, 6 billion extraordinary superior pure-blood dragons, 6 billion epic superior pure-blood dragons can be summoned from the original dragon abyss every day... 600 true **** superior dragon gods become the lords under the lord Citizen, there is a 50% probability of summoning a legendary dragon. ]

  [Note: When all legendary dragons are summoned, the legendary dragons that can no longer be summoned will be replaced by 1,000 true **** superior dragon gods. ]

[Building upgrade: 1 unit of wood, 1 unit of fine sand, 1 unit of metal, 1 unit of stone, 10,000 lower-level divine crystals of the main god, 10 billion high-level elemental gems, the territory is promoted to a junior main **** kingdom-level lord force, owned 50 Lord God-level dragons are worshiped! ]

Zhou Zhou looked at the architectural effect.

  The initial dragon abyss of the true **** superior actually did not improve much in terms of recruitment effect.

 The biggest improvement is that the probability of recruiting legendary dragons has been increased from 30% to 50%.

 “Half probability.”

“So I have a half chance of getting a legendary dragon every day from now on?”

Zhou Zhou nodded slightly.

This improvement is not bad.

  After all, each legendary dragon clan represents a powerful person above the main god. Even Zhou Zhou today would welcome such a strong person to join his Kingdom of the Sun.

 Then his eyes fell on the attention prompt at the back.

 “Such a prompt actually appeared?”

 “This kind of prompt has never appeared before.”

 Zhou Zhou touched his chin.

 Then a guess quickly appeared in his mind.

This sudden reminder is certainly not groundless.

 There must be a reason for it.

“Could it be that...” “There are not many legendary dragons left among the dragons?”

 “That’s why you gave me such a hint?”

Zhou Zhou thought about it and found that it was really possible.

 50% probability of summoning the legendary dragon is already an extremely high probability.

There are not many legendary dragons in the first place. If he continues to summon them every day, he will definitely summon all the legendary dragons among the dragons before long.

It is not surprising that such a prompt appears.

After thinking about this, Zhou Zhou shook his head and didn't care.

 At least for a short period of time, the legendary dragon clan will not summon light, so he does not need to worry about this for the time being.

 Then he looked at the initial upgrade requirements of Long Yuan.

 It was found that all other conditions were met, except that the number of main gods of the dragon clan was still short of 8, and the territory had not yet been promoted to the subordinate territory of the main god.

 But this is not a problem for Zhou Zhou today.

  Just give more of the inheritance of the Supreme God to those dragons with superior strength of the main god.

After coming to the ultimate void battlefield, he knew that he would not lack the inheritance of the Supreme God in the future.

As for the promotion of the territory to the subordinate territory of the Lord God, for Zhou Zhou, it is only a matter of time.

Then he returned to the World of God and sent someone to call Mugu, Zheng Fugui and Carol Moira.

  After a while.

 The three of them came to Zhou Zhou.

 “I have met His Majesty!”

 The three of them said respectfully.

“Well, you have also seen that the territory has now been promoted to the level of True God Superior. Let’s talk about your respective promotions.”

Zhou Zhou opened his mouth and said.

Hearing this, Makiya was naturally the first to stand up.

“Your Majesty, the level of the Scarlet Brood where I am currently has been promoted from True God Intermediate Level to True God Superior Level.”

“The number of Mist Mothers derived from the True God’s Superior Scarlet Brood has increased from the original 10 million to 20 million.”

“Each mist mother’s mist mother world can now cultivate 50 billion mist monsters.”

“Twenty million mist mothers can cultivate a total of 100 mist monsters.”

“In addition, the quality and efficiency of cultivating high-quality scarlet offspring have also been improved.”

“Currently, I can cultivate 100 scarlet true gods who are superior to true gods, or 1,000 scarlet gods who are subordinate to true gods. As for ordinary scarlet gods, I can create one million scarlet gods in one day.”

Makoto said respectfully.

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