Lord of the People: My Explosion Rate is 100%

Chapter 1158: The improvement of the lord’s talent! Trends in the Supreme Alliance!

 Chapter 1158 The improvement of the lord’s talent! Trends in the Supreme Alliance!

Zhou Zhou flew back to the shrine, opened his personal terminal, and held a video conference with Makiya, Zheng Fugui and Carol Moira.

 “The territory has just been upgraded.”

 “You have already felt your improvement, right?”

  “Tell me about it.”

Zhou Zhou smiled lightly.

Hearing this, Makiya was the first to say respectfully:

“Your Majesty, the level of the Scarlet Brood where I am currently has been promoted from Lower God Intermediate Level to Lower God High Level.”

“The number of mist mothers derived from the lower god’s superior scarlet brood has increased from the original 50,000 to 70,000.”

“Each mist mother’s mist mother world can now cultivate 100 million mist monsters.”

“70,000 mist mothers can cultivate a total of 7 trillion mist monsters.”

“In addition, the quality and efficiency of cultivating high-quality scarlet offspring have also been improved.”

“Currently, I can cultivate a scarlet **** at the highest level of a superior god. This process takes about three days. If you want to cultivate a scarlet descendant of a lower-level god, it only takes about one day.”

 Zhou Zhou nodded with satisfaction.

This improvement is not bad.

“Out of your 70,000 mist mothers, leave 10,000 mist mothers specifically to cultivate iron-eating bears and withered trees.”

"The other 60,000 mist mothers, 30,000 are used to cultivate storm demon spirits, and the other 30,000 are used to cultivate yellow talisman soldiers."

 60,000 mist mothers can breed 6 trillion pasture monsters!

With the help of the King of Trophies, he will be able to harvest 9 trillion "Yellow Fu Dao Soldier Recruitment Book" tomorrow, 9 trillion "Yellow Fu Dao Soldier Transfer Certificate", 9 trillion "Storm Spirit Recruitment Book" and 90,000 Billion copies of "Storm Spirit's Job Change Certificate"!

 If all these recruitment books are converted into new recruits, there will be a total of 36 trillion soldiers, that is, 36 trillion soldiers!

 At present, the total strength of his command, not counting the Star Alliance, is only 38 trillion!

 He can be transformed through the Scarlet Brood tomorrow.

 “Just by raising a small level, you have achieved such a big improvement.”

“It seems that one day, I will be able to transform hundreds of trillions of soldiers in one day!”

 Zhou Zhou couldn't help but think.

 Then a smile appeared on his face.

 “Yes, Your Majesty.”

Makoto said respectfully.

Zheng Fugui in the video then laughed and said:

 “Report to Your Majesty.”

“Today, the number of our mysterious merchants has increased from the previous 200 million to 300 million after the territory was promoted to the level of lower **** and higher level!”

“The number of carriages transporting goods has also increased to 300 million!”

“The strength of all our mysterious merchants has also been upgraded to the level of lower gods.

“Our treasure hunting ability has been improved again in terms of probability. When we go out for business in the future, we should be able to bring back at least 100 treasures each time, and the quality of each treasure can be comparable to god-level treasures.”

Zhou Zhou clicked his tongue in surprise.

 300 million gods of lower level and higher level!

Even if they are living gods, such a large group of gods gathered together is an extremely amazing fighting force.

It is a pity that as mysterious businessmen, they not only represent Zhou Zhou, but also represent the Mysterious Chamber of Commerce, an extremely large and mysterious organization in all worlds. When facing war, their camp can only be neutral and unable to fight for themselves.

 Otherwise, your own power can increase several times again with the help of the mysterious businessman!

 After Zheng Fugui finished speaking, Carol Moira continued:

 “Report to Your Majesty.”

“Your Majesty, after the territory has been promoted to the lower level of God, our Life Ark already has 1 trillion priests, 1 trillion priests, 1 trillion nuns, and 10 trillion life paladins.”

“These clergy are enough to complete the war treatment mission and war resurrection with giga-level troops.”

"in addition."

“Currently, we have 10,000 high-level clergy members at the **** level of the Ark of Life!”

“Each of them has mastered the art of resurrection, big and small, and can individually resurrect the gods of our country.”

“As for my strength, I am still at the intermediate level of True God.”

“Can resurrect any **** below the level of the main god.”

Zhou Zhou nodded slightly.

 He then chatted with the three of them for a while and then interrupted the video.

He sat on the throne of God and was quiet for a while, and then suddenly asked:

“Zero, is there any movement on the side of the Supreme Alliance and the Lords of All Races?”

As the incarnation of the machine god’s consciousness, No. 0’s intelligence exceeds that of any other machine race in the world.

Zhou Zhou would naturally not let this top intelligent being go.

Therefore, as soon as he came to the Sun Empire, Zhou Zhou handed over all the intelligent systems of the Sun Empire to No. 0 for management.

 The things that Wen Ya did in the past were all handed over to No. 0 by Zhou Zhou.

Wen Ya, as a mechanical angel, should concentrate on combat matters.

 This also prevents the other party’s talents from being wasted.

  [Report to Your Majesty. ]

[At present, most of the racial forces in the Supreme Alliance, led by the original spirit race, are not proactive about the content of this special event of the Tribulation of All Races. ]

[Although they have led their armies to leave their respective racial territories and rush towards the Sun Empire, their marching speed is extremely slow, and it will take about tomorrow night to reach the territory of the Sun Empire. ]

As for the lords of all races, although His Majesty has said that there will be no arrangements for them, they attach great importance to the key targets mentioned by the Supreme Will, and are currently rushing towards our territory with all their strength. ]

But because their means of transportation are too low-level, the lords who can arrive the fastest will have to wait until tomorrow morning to reach our Empire of the Sun. ]

 Zhou Zhou was speechless when he heard this.

This group of racial war main force is not active. On the contrary, the weak lords of all races are rushing to come up and die.

 Do you really think that the soldiers and gods of Os are jealous?

 As for the target to be killed, after Zhou Zhan’s verification, it has been determined that it is the target of the Eye of Disgust.

 Zhou Zhou and Zhou Zhan paid little attention to these goals.

 Because they have all decided to destroy the top 100 high-level scarlet empires headed by Os.

They will easily solve those targets that are important to kill, and will not go out of their way to find them.

Then he frowned and asked doubtfully, "Do these guys from the Supreme Alliance have to risk the punishment of reducing the luck of the race and wait until the end to come and fight these scarlet armies?"

Your Majesty, as far as I know, all the forces in the Supreme Alliance have learned that you have sent troops to sneak attack the scarlet army led by Os.

According to the data, there is an 83.9% probability that the other party wants to wait until you are destroyed by the Scarlet Army, and then come to help and resist the invading Scarlet Army. This way, they can eliminate you, who is the most important person to them to ascend to the Supreme Lord. Threats can also be made without violating the requirements of special activities of the Supreme Will;

The 16% probability is that you want to take action at the last moment, which can not only destroy most of your soldiers, but also save your own life, leaving you alone, so that you will not pose any threat to other lords of the tribes, and also Able to complete the tasks of the Supreme Will;

 The last 0.1% probability is other possibilities. ]

Zhou Zhou sneered when he heard this.

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