Lord of Mysteries:Dream

Chapter 504: Adam is in control

Chapter 504: Adam is in control

The Church of the Night won the holy war and gradually took over everything from the Church of the God of War.

However, the world did not calm down because of this. Instead, the war became more intense because of this reason.

Many angels or true gods who have mastered enough knowledge only need to think a little to realize what the Mother Earth and the Goddess of the Night have gained in the holy war.

The two goddesses are the first two true gods to have gathered all the adjacent paths!

They only need to wait for the appearance of the "Lord of Mystery" and wait for the seal of the gray fog to be reduced before they can try to find and control the source!

The end of the world is approaching. At the moment when the Kingdom of the God of War collapsed, all true gods faced the power of the foreign gods head-on. Knowing their greatness and irresistibility, they would naturally be more eager to go further.

The true gods are naturally fluctuating in their minds, which is directly reflected in the war, that is, the intensity of the war is higher.

"If the war continues at this intensity, it will soon be our final decisive battle." George III coordinated all the materials and troops in Loen and made an accurate judgment on the current situation.

"No need to wait any longer, I will go to Feynaport." Adam suddenly walked out of thin air, and even George III, who was an angel, did not notice it at all.

"I will come back with the last copy of the 'Hand of Order', and you can start preparing for the final ceremony." Adam's eyes were still as clear as a child. Even if he had great fear of Him, it would disintegrate silently.

"You just need to remember your promise."

Adam looked at the darkness in the deepest part of the palace, where a figure who had almost materialized the rules sat.

He seemed to have lost his body and became the incarnation of the rules. This was something that William Augustus had been preparing for more than a thousand years in the Kingdom of Loen.

——He has become equivalent to concepts such as laws and rules, and has become the incarnation of rules in the hearts of the people of Loen.

"Okay," the incarnation of rules transformed by William Augustus nodded silently.

Probably after the collapse of the Terensost Empire at the end of the Fourth Epoch, William Augustus took the initiative to find Adam.

At that time, William Augustus had obtained a "Hand of Order", split at least one-third of the territory of the Terensost Empire, and established Loen, which was the time when he was most ambitious.

So He followed Solomon, who had visited Dream and obtained the opportunity to become a god, to find Adam.

As for why he did not go directly to Dream, it was of course because the "Black Emperor" and the "Judge" were adjacent, and He was a full era later than Solomon.

After a secret but notarized contract, William Augustus obtained Adam's full support, and now he can prepare for the final god-making ceremony.

Adam nodded gently to this collaborator, and his figure disappeared directly in the palace.

"Drink." William Augustus's body, the incarnation of rules, seemed to have a pair of golden eyes with a strong sense of majesty opened, with a sense of the cruelty of rules.

"Yes!" Drinker Augustus was in awe of this ancestor.

"You go to the Storm Church to find Gad II in person, hoping that the Storm Church will devote all its efforts to this war and make up for the vacancy of the Night Church." William Augustus acted according to the plan that had been set long ago.

"Okay," Delink nodded solemnly, then asked after two seconds of silence, "What if Gad II agrees to our request?"

"No," William Augustus said calmly, "The popes of the Storm Church are all completely opposite to the Lord of Storms, and Gad II is even more so."

For some reason, the first priority for the Lord of Storms when choosing a pope is not piety and majesty, but wisdom...

"Gad II only has the Church of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom in his eyes. He is probably happy to see us and the Castilla family lose both and do his best to weaken the Church of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom."

William Augustus chose the Storm Church as his target and naturally had enough understanding of it.

"Okay, I'll go to Pasu Island." Delink Augustus nodded.

"I'll prepare the final ceremony." George III also left quickly.

William Augustus closed his eyes. Behind him, the Order Scepter and the brass book were emitting golden fluorescence, resonating with the rules and order on him.


Adam left the Loen Palace, but he suddenly stopped and looked to the side.

Truman was waiting leisurely, holding a glass of bubbling sweet wine in his hand.

"Do you want to follow me?" Adam thought for a moment and understood Truman's thoughts.

"Since you invited me, I won't be polite!" Truman raised his eyebrows, drank the soda in the glass, and walked to Adam's side.

Adam never thought that his arrangement could be hidden from Truman, so he was also very calm. He walked with Truman to a battlefield between Feynaport and Loen.

"How do you know Castia is here?" Truman looked in one direction and suddenly laughed.

"Oh, it's Medici? He actually cooperated with you? It's really a ghost." Truman was surprised.

"What's wrong with cooperating with me? Without using 'Imagination', you are no better than me." Adam's childlike eyes stared at the battlefield that was like a meat grinder, without any emotional fluctuations.

This is the real "audience".

"..." Truman's mouth twitched. He was good at crushing the situation with a dominant position, which had been the case since the Second Epoch.

After that, he became even more lazy with the power of "making fantasy come true". Often, just a thought would come up and the world would turn to the future he envisioned.

Adam was better at grasping the mind, provoking conflicts, and directing the trend of history from the characters.

"That's quite interesting." Truman focused his attention on this battlefield.

The intensity of the battlefield here was far less than the holy war that took place in Winter County before.

After all, it was not a battle of life and death for a church. The true god-level forces such as the Church of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom, the Church of Storms, and the Church of the True Creator had not yet truly invested all their resources in the battlefield.

But under Adam's manipulation, the undercurrent under this battlefield was even more turbulent.

"It seems that Medici is about to succeed." Truman looked at one side of the battlefield, where the army of the Church of the True Creator was stationed, which was actually the Medici Legion.

His ritual has now reached a critical moment. As long as he wins this war, his ritual will be completed.

Of course, this step is actually very difficult. It is unclear who is the enemy and who is the friend, and even the enemy and the friend may change to a certain extent.

From this point of view, this battlefield is much more complicated than the previous holy war.

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