Live Streaming: Great Adventure in the Wilderness

Chapter 97 - 95: Just Give it a Try

Chapter 97: Chapter 95: Just Give it a Try

Translator: 54^90339

Within half an hour of hanging up the phone, Yao Jun galloped over to Bi Fang.

This was the first time the two had met in person, and Yao Jun was thrilled. Right after getting out of the car, he grasped Bi Fang’s hand and laughed aloud. “Finally, I get to see you in the flesh, Master Fang!”

Bi Fang also reciprocated the handshake politely while taking the opportunity to size up Yao Jun.

An impressively built person, not the bodybuilder type of strong but solidly put together. It was clear that Yao Jun worked out regularly and genuinely loved outdoor sports.

After exchanging pleasantries, Bi Fang asked curiously, “Did you come over as soon as you got the call?”

Even though Magic Capital had well-developed transport systems, traffic jams were unavoidable. Considering that only half an hour had passed since the phone call, it was evident how eagerly Yao Jun had rushed over.

“Hey, not at all, Master Fang. I just happened to be nearby and didn’t have anything else going on, so I got here so quickly,” Yao Jun lied without batting an eyelid or changing his expression.

The reality was that he had been shopping with his girlfriend. But upon receiving Bi Fang’s call, Yao Jun made it clear.

Women only slowed down his pace in star-chasing!

“Just call me by my name.” Being constantly called Master Fang was a bit embarrassing for Bi Fang. It was one thing in the barrage of live chats, but it felt a bit too adolescent saying it in person.

“Sure, Master Fang,” Yao Jun agreed amicably. He then jogged to the other side of the car, opened the door, and the pure white leather racing seats welcomed the honored guest.

They had their chat, but now it was time to get down to business.

The thought of exchanging his treasured collection for Bi Fang’s equipment sent Yao Jun into an uncontrollable excitement. His biggest hobby had always been seeking adventure and feeling the pulsation of life within it!

A month ago, the first time he saw Bi Fang live streaming, he felt they were kindred spirits, like two wild animals encountering each other in the jungle and recognizing each other’s presence.

The only difference was that Bi Fang was capable of pursuing adventure, while Yao Jun could only watch enviously from behind a screen. That’s why he was so exhilarated to learn about Bi Fang’s plan to set up a club.

Bi Fang nodded. Yao Jun’s unexpected enthusiasm was difficult to decline.

The car Yao Jun drove over was a Porsche Panamera. Compared to his net worth, it was quite modest.

The dark blue car body was sleek and low. Upon ignition, the 4.8-liter V8 engine roared defiantly. The 7-speed PDK dual-clutch transmission engaged smoothly, distributing power evenly to all four wheels. The wide tires clung to the ground like the coiled claws of a beast about to pounce.

The setting sun poured over the windshield like a waterfall. Yao Jun released the brake, floored the accelerator, and the Porsche pierced through the grand curtain of light like an arrow released from its string!

Humans are such creatures, relying on very few things to live—and those must be tightly held onto!

The Porsche merged into the flowing traffic, and Yao Jun talked with Bi Fang in the car.

“What sort of gear are you planning to equip, Master Fang?”

“What do you have?” Bi Fang asked in return.

“Everything!” Yao Jun boasted confidently. In this area, he was a true professional, much like how some people collect sneakers, his hobby was collecting sports equipment.

Yao Jun had even bought a villa specifically to display his collection!

Even Bi Fang was taken aback when he saw it!

He wasn’t new to equipment; in his previous life, he had often ventured into the wild on missions and was familiar with many major brands. And now, all around the walls hung various types of charge clothes.

Ancestor Bird, Mammoth, Groundhog, both limited and unlimited editions.

There was also a whole cabinet of hiking boots, trail shoes, and so on. Pushing open another room, there were neatly arranged glass showcases, inside which customized knives glittered under the light.

The entire villa had no space to even step in!

“Are these all your collection?”

“That’s right. If you see anything you like, just say the word, and I’ll give it to you!” Yao Jun was generous, all too aware of one thing.

The most valuable thing about an item is when it’s being used.

Red Hare became world-famous because it was ridden by Lii Bu!

Since Yao Jun himself couldn’t make full use of this equipment, he might as well change its owner!

“Pretty impressive, huh!”

Bi Fang was stroking a Progenitor Bird Charge Clothes. A month ago, he had a jacket from the same brand, but he sold it for a low price to scrape together some travel money. Now, he couldn’t help feeling sentimental.

“Speaking of Progenitor Bird, I actually picked one up online recently. I couldn’t tell what style it was, but the craftsmanship was definitely Progenitor Bird’s, and the quality was very good!” Seeing Bi Fang’s apparent fondness for Progenitor Bird, Yao Jun brought up the topic.

Upon hearing this, Bi Fang nearly lost control of his expression, “Picked it up recently? Can you show it to me?”

“Yeah, about a month ago, I saw it on my old flea market account. It was surprising because I had never seen that design before. And since it wasn’t expensive, I bought it. But when it arrived, I found out it was definitely genuine —probably some limited edition or custom-made that I’m unaware of. The seller must’ve been in a hurry to get some cash to put the price so low.”

As Yao Jun explained, he led Bi Fang to the Progenitor Bird Charge Clothes in question.

Upon seeing it clearly, Bi Fang’s eyes nearly popped out of his head.


This texture, this style, wasn’t it the very one he’d sold?

The light grey exterior, the soft lining, the quick-drying fabric—everything was the same!

“This is too much of a coincidence!”

“What coincidence?” Yao Jun didn’t catch on.

After Bi Fang explained the whole situation and showed the sales record on his phone, Yao Jun was also stunned and blurted out, “Can it even happen like that?”

Who would have thought a jacket could make its way back to Bi Fang after all that?

“So our destiny began long ago, huh!” Yao Jun remarked, sounding inexplicably emotional.

Although not many people could afford outdoor gear, and the base was small, the probability of encountering such an incident in this vast sea of people was extremely slim.

Bi Fang: “…”

Why does that sound so weird?

Yao Jun, on the other hand, felt nothing amiss and directly handed over the Charge Clothes to Bi Fang, “But since it belongs to Master Fang, it should return to its original owner!”

“How can that be okay? I should buy it back at the original price.” Bi Fang wasn’t one to take advantage of others. He had sold it reluctantly before, but now that he had money, he shouldn’t be stingy. Besides, once sold, it belonged to someone else, and in essence, it had nothing to do with him anymore.

But how could Yao Jun agree, “Master Fang, what do you mean by that, are you looking down on me?”

“Where did that come from?”

“Then just accept it, the rest is the same—take whatever you like! If you say ‘no,’ I will no longer bear the name Yao!” Yao Jun spoke earnestly, “I thought we were already friends!”

Bi Fang still wanted to refuse, but after hearing Yao Jun’s last words, he hesitated, then decided not to fuss, “Alright then.”

“That’s more like it!” Yao Jun said gleefully, pulling Bi Fang into another room, which was also filled with Charge Clothes, “Since Master Fang likes Charge Clothes so much, take a look at these.”

Yao Jun then picked up a jacket and began to explain, “Patagonia! It embodies the rich natural environment of California: surfing, diving, fishing, mountain biking—it can handle them all, extremely durable. Master Fang, you should give it a try. It’s made of an abrasion-resistant material that even a Hunting Knife can’t cut through, and the style is vibrant, free and easy, with an American ruggedness…”


Yao Jun’s words were interrupted by a grating tearing noise. He stared in shock at the gash on the sleeve of the jacket, speechless like a chicken choked by the neck.

Bi Fang’s face turned red as he sheepishly pulled back his Hunting Knife.

He hadn’t expected the jacket to be all show and no substance.

It was Yao Jun who had said to give it a try…

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