Live Streaming: Great Adventure in the Wilderness

Chapter 115 - 112: The Valley

Chapter 115: Chapter 112: The Valley

Translator: 549690339 |

Bi Fang zipped up his windbreaker and raised the collar to block the cold wind.

The current temperature is probably between five and ten degrees Celsius, which is quite cold, but during the day, the desert reached an astonishing high temperature of around forty-five degrees Celsius. The temperature difference is over thirty degrees, which demonstrates the unique climate of the desert. So, if you want to go on a desert tour, you must prepare the necessary cold protection equipment.”

“Moreover, due to the scorching weather during the day, the pot of water I brought is almost finished, so I want to find a place to replenish my water supply before midnight.”

[How do you find water in this place? Rely on an oasis?]

[I always feel that oases are rare in the desert, usually only in novels]

[Add one]

[I’m already looking forward to Master Fang’s display of divine power]

[That’s right, Master Fang certainly has a way!]

The audience can hardly imagine how to find a water source in such a barren desert.

Yet they instinctively believe that Bi Fang can find it, which is a trust built up over a long time.

To achieve this, the difficulty is comparable to a company trying to establish a good reputation; every single thing must be done correctly and with precision like a wristwatch.


“Don’t pin your hopes on the existence of an oasis, they do exist but are hard to form, requiring a combination of many coincidental factors, which makes the probability of encountering one very small. My plan is to extract enough water from plants, like cactuses, for example.”

To pin hopes on an elusive oasis is completely wrong; that is a miracle that only happens in movies and TV shows.

Bi Fang had a clear goal. He didn’t indulge in thoughts of finding an oasis, but finding plants in the desert was relatively simple.

He opened his water bottle and drank the last sip of water, as if it were a do-or-die situation.

His cracked lips moistened, regaining a bit of color.

The task of finding water became more urgent.

To find plants, of course, could not rely on luck.

“Survival is all about purposefulness. We have limited physical strength, so we must use our limited strength to achieve as much as possible. That’s how we can significantly increase our chance of survival.”

“The wet quicksand we just encountered is an important clue. There’s a complete and enormous underground river here; otherwise, we wouldn’t have seen such an expanse of wet quicksand.”

“The conditions nearby shouldn’t be as bad as before, all covered in dunes. If we can find a Gobi-like valley nearby, there will likely be green vegetation.” Bi Fang swallowed his saliva. Generally speaking, in places with lots of giant rocks, desertification isn’t so severe—it’s mostly Gobi terrain.

“During times of war in the past, people fighting in the desert faced the biggest challenge of water scarcity.”

“To solve the water issue, scientists from Ugly Country came up with a method. It was to gradually reduce soldiers’ water supply. If they didn’t feel dehydrated, they could survive under water scarcity and develop physiological adaptation.

”But as you might guess, this method was not viable. A lack of water would only lead to a threat of death.”

As he walked, Bi Fang casually mentioned another example. He was never a person who relied solely on the System. Instead, he actively learned and strived to improve the quality of his live broadcasts.

After scouring through a vast array of materials and learning, he was now able to recount such stories effortlessly. Many long-time viewers from the beginning could clearly feel this.

Even as Bi Fang was on the move, very few left; who doesn’t love to hear a good story?

[Awesome, Master Fang’s time for a science lesson]

[If I knew this much back in my day, I wouldn’t be single now!]

[You being single is because of this? Not because you’re ugly?]

[Don’t expose people’s shortcomings! Leave some leeway for others, so we can meet again in the future!]

Quite interesting, huh.

Bi Fang chuckled as he watched the barrage of comments from his online friends, and didn’t feel as exhausted anymore.

With company, one seldom feels lonely.

“To survive in the desert, the most important thing is to maintain a balance between physical activity, ambient temperature, and water consumption. To function normally at different temperatures, one must consume varying amounts of water.”

“Research indicates that under high temperatures or when performing strenuous labor, the average person needs to intake at least 3 liters of water per day. Without enough water, this advanced animal cannot make correct judgments or handle problems normally.”

The human body needs to maintain a temperature around 37°C. When we are active or in a hot environment, we easily sweat, and the amount of sweat is directly proportional to the temperature because we must perspire to dissipate heat in order to maintain body temperature balance. Otherwise, we can easily get sick.”

Once we understand the relationship between activity, temperature, and the body’s water content, we will know how to better reduce water consumption. Here, I have three ways to slow down the rate of dehydration.”

Everyone perked up their ears.

The connection between activity, temperature, and body hydration is very tight; a change in one often disrupts the balance of the others.

Therefore, there are traces to follow to reduce water consumption.

Expand sources, save expenses.

“First, reduce activity in high temperatures, which is why I avoid the sun during the day.”

Second, make use of the sweat on our bodies. When we move, we must be fully equipped, using our clothes to preserve the sweat, keeping it on the skin. As it evaporates, we will feel cool. If exposed directly to the air, the sweat will evaporate in no time, serving no purpose.”

“The last point is, do not eat food that cannot rehydrate you when you are thirsty and lacking sufficient water supply!”

Many viewers were listening attentively, but the last point puzzled them. Why shouldn’t they eat?

Doesn’t eating provide energy?

How can one escape the desert without strength?

You are right, but before I came here, I also said something that you seem to have forgotten,” Bi Fang addressed the comments, explaining, “At that time, I said, in the desert, survival is not the most important thing anymore, because this is not a short-term task. What’s truly important is finding a water source!” “Any food entering the body requires water to digest, so if you are very thirsty and do not have an ample water supply, and the food itself doesn’t provide hydration, then definitely do not eat it!”

Bi Fang slid down the dune, spat the sand from his mouth, and kicked a stone at his feet, feeling a slight joy.

Deep in the desert, the presence of stones means getting closer to soil, even if it’s just a Gobi, it’s much better than a desert full of dunes.

Because stones are heavy, even strong winds can hardly lift them, and under the cover of sandstorms year after year, except for real boulders, they would generally be buried under the sea of sand.

Sure enough, after Bi Fang climbed over another dune, a sandstone terrain appeared before everyone.

Every rock was bizarrely shaped, their jagged figures standing under the silvery white moonlight added an eerie look

As Bi Fang stepped into this stretch of sandstone terrain alone, this sense of eeriness intensified.

[It feels like a scene from a horror movie.]

[I’m a bit scared to watch, what do I do?]

[Demons and devils, leave quickly, demons and devils, leave quickly!]

[I’ve already warned you, if you don’t listen, that’s on you!]

[Silent Ridge 3 shooting in progress]

“What’s there to be afraid of?” Bi Fang said with a smile as he caressed a rock, “This is the result of thousands of years of wind erosion. It’s full of historical weight, not horror.”

Bi Fang crossed over the rocks and continued on his way. After jumping over several cracks, a canyon suddenly appeared before everyone.

Here it comes!

All spectators perked up at the sight of the valley.

Could there be greenery here?

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