Live Streaming: Great Adventure in the Wilderness

Chapter 105 - 102 Bi Fang smiles, life and death unpredictable. (First subscription plea!)

Chapter 105: Chapter 102 Bi Fang smiles, life and death unpredictable. (First subscription plea!)

Translator: 549690339 I

In the scorching sun, Bi Fang walked along the lee side of a sand dune, discerning his direction while sharing his survival plan with his audience.

“In the desert, the key to survival is a water source.”

[I know this one! Find the girls first!]

[Girls my foot, wasn’t it mentioned that we need to find a water source first?]

[The guy above is thinking too small.]

[Ah, I don’t understand anything, I’m still just a child!]

[How do you determine direction? It feels like all the tricks Master Fang taught us earlier can’t be used now.]

[No, the stick-planting method is still usable, you just haven’t watched Master Fang’s first live broadcast, right?]

“No, in this kind of weather, making you stand under the sun for over ten minutes just to discern the direction is totally not worth it,” Bi Fang shook his head.

“There are various types of desert terrain, including sandy, rocky, muddy, gravelly, saline, water, and ice deserts, and all these terrains have many things that can tell us direction. In the Qaidam Desert, there is an even simpler method—look at the sand dunes!”

“Each type of desert terrain has its own methods of determining direction, and Qaidam Desert’s sand dunes are the most typical crescent-shaped dunes!”

In windy areas, snow sometimes accumulates on the ground and forms mounds up to 1 meter high.

The windward side will be cut from the bottom, while the leeward side will be bucket-shaped. This phenomenon is called “snow cornices” and often occurs in permafrost, the Arctic, and Antarctica.

“Sand behaves in the same way, these features are called ‘crescent-shaped dunes.’ They give a great indication for judging the wind direction, which helps with navigation. Snow cornices may be compacted tightly, but crescent-shaped dunes in the desert are usually much wider. We can easily determine it!”

“As long as we figure out our latitude and the terrain, determining the prevailing wind direction can indicate the direction.”

Just when Bi Fang was about to tell everyone about the wind direction in the Qaidam Desert, an abrupt roar of an engine interrupted his explanation.

It sounded like the noise of a car engine…

Bi Fang squinted his eyes, watching a plume of sand rising in the distance, like a sand serpent rolling toward him, its lead in vibrant red, showing off the driver’s flamboyance.

How can there be a car?

[Holy cow! Why are there people here?]

[What the hell? You encounter people on the first day of survival?]

[Is it going to end already? Is the Qaidam Desert that pathetic? So easy to run into people?]

[Old Fang is really slacking off this time. The first two times were real wilderness, what’s going on this time?]

The arrival of someone did not excite the audience at all; instead, their interest was completely lost.

Meeting people so easily meant this place wasn’t dangerous at all, right?

What kind of survival is this?

Bi Fang scratched his head, also puzzled.

The Qaidam Basin is not uninhabited; it’s even a tourist spot. But the Qaidam Desert is indeed rarely visited—how could there be people here?

This isn’t scientific.

However, as the jeep drew closer, the raucous voices from the vehicle instantly made everything clear to him.

“Brothers, double-tap for a 666, do you want to watch Wolf King live? Send a rocket to your brother!”

“Master Fang’s live broadcast, how many family members want to watch?”

“Real wilderness survival? No, no, no, I don’t have the skill for that, but I can live stream someone else’s real wilderness survival for you!”

[Wow amazing, did the streamer find Wolf King’s live location? I’ve got to send a rocket to support this, right?]

[Damn, isn’t this a bit too disgusting, riding on the hype like that?]

[You’re not only ugly, streamer, but you also stink like crap!]

[Shut it down quickly; I’m afraid Master Fang might punch you to death, you stinking dog!]

In Pan Wei’s live chat, there were definitely those who were cursing, but there were also people tipping. In just a moment, the income had already exceeded 30,000!

That’s just how people are, flocking to the action.

Live streaming another person’s broadcast, who could have thought of that?

No one had done it before—it was a business opportunity!

The shameless make money.

Pan Wei wasn’t afraid of being cursed. If being cursed brought in money, then please, curse more fiercely!

And now, the viewers in Bi Fang’s live-streaming room had also realized that this wasn’t a chance encounter at all—it was clearly a planned ambush!

The popularity they were leeching off was utterly nauseating.

Everyone was whipped into a frenzy.

[Damn, I feel sick, what kind of rat turd is this?]

[That’s it, there goes my good mood for the day.]

[Emmm, why do I find this kind of interesting…]

[Are you sick in the head, upstairs?]

[This is interesting? You find a turd interesting?]

Even Bi Fang had never considered this point. Fame brought disputes, but he always thought it would, at most, be the mania of fan idolatry; maybe he would encounter such fans in the future while trying to survive.

But Bi Fang never expected that a fellow live-streamer would come and ride on his coattails!

As the heat rose, Bi Fang stood at the base of the sand dune, quietly watching the few people acting outrageously for attention.

Veins on his hands popped with anger!

The chattering noise from the people in the car was like the buzz of a fly—no, sorry, not one fly, but a swarm of flies buzzing around Bi Fang.

He really wanted to snatch one of the flies, squeeze its belly until it burst, pull out its intestines, and then use them to strangle it by pulling hard on its neck!

“He’s getting anxious, he’s getting anxious,” Pan Wei said as he observed Bi Fang’s furrowed brows and burst into shameless laughter.

“Hahaha,” the chubby man also clutched his belly, laughing so hard he was gasping for air.

[I can’t control my ‘Qilin Arm’ any longer, I really want to beat them to death…]

[Now I’ve truly seen how disgusting a person can get!]

[Damn, how can you bear this? Master Fang, go fuck them up! Aren’t you a special forces soldier? Isn’t dealing with these guys a piece of cake?]

[Can’t you think for Master Fang upstairs? If he starts a fight, what will he do later? Do you not want to watch his live streams anymore?]

[Damn, then what do we do, just watch them shit on our heads?]

At the Wolf Fang TV headquarters.

“What the hell is going on? Is Shark screwing with me again?”

In the control room, Wang Yongbo was also fuming with anger. He had just heard that the other party was asking viewers to send rockets, a feature exclusive to Shark TV!

He had seen shameless people before, but never this shameless—what kind of bitch gave birth to these animals?

In fact, this time Shark TV was really an innocent victim…

Plagiarism, ousting people, exploitation—they had done all that, but they really hadn’t thought of such a shameless tactic. It could turn off the audience, and the other party was obviously targeting Shark TV’s audience.

“Do it! Go after him! Gather all live-streamers who are still broadcasting on our platform! I want his infamy to be the top news headline by tomorrow! Quick!”

At the Shenhua Group headquarters.

“Three minutes, I want all the information on these people in three minutes!”

Behind the screen, Lin Chang pointed at Pan Wei, his tone very calm.


The secretary was startled and promptly left the room.

Having followed Lin Chang for so many years, he had never seen Lin Chang with such an expression before!

Someone was in for some serious trouble!

At a division of the Dingjin Group.

Yao Jun picked up his broken phone, pulled out the SIM card, inserted it into a new phone, and dialed a number silently.

“Brother Long? Can you bring some brothers to teach someone a lesson for me? Right now, I can send you there in my dad’s private plane! The place is a bit remote, the Qaidam Desert!”

In the desert, Pan Wei was still joking and singing with the others.

The glasses-wearing man inside the car watched as the viewership and gifts increased on the backend with a big smile on his face, but suddenly, he caught sight of Bi Fang’s expression and he couldn’t smile anymore.

The face of Bi Fang, which had been filled with rage, suddenly became calm, and he even smiled faintly at him.

For some reason.

He felt a chill run through his body..

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