Kaleidoscope of Death

Chapter 69: Match Made in Heaven

Chapter 69: Match Made in Heaven

Kaleidoscope of Death by Xi Zixu

Lin Qiushi guessed that most likely, the key would be linked to the deans office. Ruan Nanzhu supposed the same, so the two of them simply waited for night to come.

Seeing them calmly waiting, Feng Yongle too settled down his thrumming anxiety.

The long, winding day finally passed. When the hour hand pointed to 8, the sun dipped under the horizon, leaving the sanitarium to be wholly swallowed by darkness once more.

Ruan Nanzhu and Lin Qiushi were in their room.

At 8 o'clock, no sound of high heels came. Instead, Lin Qiushi heard a mans awful screaming, coming from a place not far from where they were. Lin Qiushi was familiar with this scream. It was Jiang Yingruior rather, the dean.

Feng Yongle, at first standing by the window, poked his head outside when he heard this. Then he spoke quietly, come look at this

Lin Qiushi went, and saw what was outside.

At the foot of the building, the nurse had once again appeared in her mangled form. She was dragging an unidentifiable corpse in her hand, slowly crossing beneath them, and finally up the stairs.

Though it was impossible to recognize the actual corpse, judging by its clothing, it was the dean.

Lin Qiushi heard a child crying, and glanced at Ruan Nanzhu, only to see his placid expression like he hadnt heard a thing.

After a moments hesitation, Lin Qiushi told Ruan Nanzhu about the noise he heard.

Ruan Nanzhu read the words he typed and went briefly quiet in thought. Ill go look for the key on the top floor. You two wait for me at the door to the tunnel.

Hearing this Lin Qiushi shook his head in disagreement: Im going with you.

Feng Yongle, awkwardly, then Ill go along too. Seeing two women take such risks for him was a difficult thing to bear.

But whodve thought that Ruan Nanzhu would just shoot him a look, and say: You can just go to the tunnel.

Feng Yongle, Was he imagining it? Or was there actually a touch of distaste in Ruan Nanzhus voice?

Feng Yongle struggled to say something more, but then Ruan Nanzhu waved, grabbed Lin Qiushi, and simply left, leaving Feng Yongle where he stood, not knowing whether to laugh or to cry.

Ruan Nanzhu and Lin Qiushi went up to the sixth floor.

Today was quite different from the days before. The nurse no longer sprinted along the halls, no longer jumped endlessly off the building. She seemed to have found what she wanted, and so was at peace.

Ruan Nanzhu and Lin Qiushi came to the deans office door.

Inside was dark, and quiet. There didnt seem to be any oddities at play. Ruan Nanzhu reached for the knob, and with a light tug and click, the wooden door before them. He entered, patting along the wall for the light switch.

The lights turned on, illuminating everything in the entire room. After adjusting to the brightness for a few seconds, Lin Qiushi saw that that last picture frame had indeed been filled.

But the picture inside the frame wasnt a solo portrait, instead featured a couple.

The man wore a doctors coat, and the woman wore a nurses uniform. The mans expression was a bit stiff, but the womans smile was sweet, and seemed wholly satisfied.

Ruan Nanzhu eyed the frame, before fetching a chair. Because the frame was hung a bit high, he had to step on something to reach.

Lin Qiushis gaze fell onto the rest of the room. Suddenly, he noticed that one of the drawers had been opened, and so slowly approached.

The infants corpse was still inside that opened drawer. Staring at the dead baby, Lin Qiushi recalled something. He remembered that when the dean was running away last night, the dean had seemed to place a lot of importance on this corpse. Could the corpse have some kind of use?

After a moments hesitation, he reached in and picked up the dead baby.

Just as he did, Ruan Nanzhu got the frame down. Flipping it over, they saw the key hanging off the back.

Ruan Nanzhus expression cleared at once at the confirmation that their guess had been correct. He quickly removed the key, and moved to hang the picture frame back.

It was at this point that a major problem presented itselfthe frame couldnt be hung back up.

Something that was supposed to be easy became an impossible task. Repeatedly, the frame slipped from the wall, and Ruan Nanzhus expression grew more and more sober.

Lin Qiushi noticed the rooms atmosphere changing. The moment that frame had been taken down, the other funereal portraits had begun to slowly move. First it was only the gazes. And then it was the expressions. And finallythey reached out their hands, raring to crawl out from their frames.

As for the joint portrait in Ruan Nanzhus hands, the deans smile became eerie, and the nurses expression grew to match his.

These changes happened in all but a second. Ruan Nanzhu caught on quick, his expression changing drastically, and he stopped trying to hang the frame back up.

Somethings off, lets go! he shouted, before turning and making a run for it.

Lin Qiushi was right behind him.

The two rushed out of the deans office, sprinting toward the stairs.

But Lin Qiushi discovered something weird. The stairs that were once a simple matter to descend were suddenly endless. Theyd rounded many corners already, but were still running in circles.

Ruan Nanzhus footsteps stopped, forehead furrowing. Were trapped.

Before Lin Qiushi could speak, he saw a faint figure appear ahead of them on the stairs. At first he thought there was only the one, but very quickly, he discovered it was a whole massall the figures from the portraits had come out from their frames. Stood at the end of the hallway, they smiled at Lin Qiushi and Ruan Nanzhu, mouths ripping into grins. With black gaping eyes and black gaping mouths, they didnt look human at all, but like faces made of papier-mch.

A chill shot down Lin Qiushis back.

Taking a deep breath, Ruan Nanzhu slowly drew a blood red jade bracelet from his pocket, and handed it to Lin Qiushi.

Put that on.

Lin Qiushi glanced at him. What is it?

Ruan Nanzhu said, something that can save your life once. A rare anxiety had appeared in his eyes, and Lin Qiushi could clearly sense that their situation wasnt good at all.

Lin Qiushi asked, and what about you?

Ruan Nanzhu said, I have my own methods. He handed the key to Lin Qiushi as well, saying, well make a run for it. You go straight downstairs.

Lin Qiushi watched Ruan Nanzhus face, and asked again: and what about you?

Ruan Nanzhu didnt speak, until he answered, quite neatly, I probably wont die.

He said probably, not definitely. Lin Qiushi stared, and said firmly: No, Im not going alone.

At this, Ruan Nanzhu jerked.

Im not going alone, Lin Qiushi said. If were going well go together.

Ruan Nanzhu: Dont be stubborn He was going to try to persuade Lin Qiushi some more, but the silhouettes in front began to move toward them.

They were fast, and in an instant, stood directly in front of Lin Qiushi and Ruan Nanzhu. It was at this moment that Lin Qiushi suddenly moved. He stuck his hand into his bag, and pulled out the corpse baby hed gotten out of the deans office before.

This was a very sudden motion; Lin Qiushi didnt actually know if this would work, and was just going along with his instincts

The silhouettes looming over him and Ruan Nanzhu suddenly dispersed. Though their eyes were only dark holes, Lin Qiushi could see on their faces an air of fright. These things were indeed scared of this baby Lin Qiushis heart shot up in joy.

Ruan Nanzhu saw this happen too. But without time to investigate any details, he grabbed Lin Qiushi by the hand and ran straight through the silhouettes, dashing ahead.

This time, the figures didnt dare get in their way.

Internally, Lin Qiushi let out a very big sigh of relief, and knew theyd gotten out of another major bind.

However, though the stairs were back to normal again, the situation all around them began to go strange. The thick scent of blood permeated the air, and when Lin Qiushi and Ruan Nanzhu ran past the fourth floor, they saw a spray of fresh red across the hallway floor. Ruan Nanzhu and Lin Qiushi exchanged a glance, and found in each others eyes grimaces of apprehension. The same thing was on their mindshopefully, Feng Yongle was alright.

The sanitarium was beginning to stir. All the patients, once asleep in their rooms, had left, and started to attack each other.

Passing the second floor, Lin Qiushi witnessed one patient shove another to the ground, then drop down to bite into that patients throat. Hearing their footsteps, the first patient lifted a bloody face, and shot them a grin.

Similar things were happening all over. It was like all the malice and resentment in the sanitarium was being released at the same time.

Ruan Nanzhu and Lin Qiushi finally arrived at their rendezvous point with Feng Yongle.

Seeing them arrive, Feng Yongle was so excited he practically leapt up off of the floor. He seemed to have been mildly injured, with a scratch on his cheek. Youre finally here I was so fucking scared man, these patients are going crazy

Ruan Nanzhu said, get in there!

Feng Yongle nodded.

Theyd confirmed during the day that the metal door was at the end of the hallway, not far from where they were now. They would just have to pass through the path stacked high with body bags.

It had been alright by day, but now, as they stepped into the tunnel, they discovered the body bags by their feet had started to move. Some corpses had even managed to gouge holes in their bags, stretching out ghastly pale arms to grope around, hoping to catch any passersby.

Ruan Nanzhu took the lead, skirting those hands. Lin Qiushi followed tight in his footsteps. Feng Yongles face had gone colorless, but at least he didnt fall behind. The three were very careful, doing their best to avoid all these ghoulish hands.

But in reality, they were hard to completely avoid. The entire hallway was packed, after all. Even their footholds were in the soft flesh of corpses.

It was truly an awful feeling. A layer of cold sweat had broken out over Lin Qiushis forehead.

Fuck Feng Yongle, last in line, suddenly cursed loudly. Lin Qiushi twisted to look, and saw his leg had been caught by a hand.

That hand gripped tight. Feng Yongle nearly fell right over, voice stammering as he said, I Ive been caught

He began to struggle, putting force behind it. But that hand was like a metal cuff, impossible to break.

Lin Qiushi glanced at Ruan Nanzhu, and saw Ruan Nanzhus brow furrow. Lin Qiushi spent three seconds in indecision, before determination filled his expression, and he pulled out a pocket knife.

This knife was very sharp. Ruan Nanzhu had picked it out himself, had said it could cut through steel like mud

Lin Qiushi brought the knife before Feng Yongle, and Feng Yongle stared with wide eyes. Qiu Qiuqiu What are you doing It had to be said, seeing a gentle young woman, knife in hand, watch you with such a blank expressionit was oddly scary.

Lin Qiushi ignored him, crouching down.

Don't dont cut off my leg Feng Yongle was just beginning to wail when he felt the pressure on his foot loosen. He looked down, and saw that Lin Qiushi had severed the hand gripping him in one stroke.

And that Lin Qiushi was watching him with a kind of ah, low IQ look in his eyes.

Feng Yongle laughed twice, awkwardly. Hahah, Im just joking around.

Lin Qiushi thought, if you hadnt screamed so earnestly, I really mightve believed that.

Meanwhile, Ruan Nanzhu had already opened the metal door with the key. Pushing it open revealed the path beyond, faintly glowing with light.

Ruan Nanzhu waved them over. Quick, come on

Following the door opening, the corpses in the tunnel grew more restless. Lin Qiushi and Feng Yongle quickened their steps, and finally reached the end of the tunnel.

Feng Yongle didnt bother with comportment this time, dashing through the door after just a greeting for Ruan Nanzhu.

Ruan Nanzhu, come on, lets go.

Lin Qiushi nodded. After walking through the door, he glanced back at the other end of the tunnel. He saw the nurse standing there, watching them with a blank expression. The dean stood at her side, resentment thick in his glare. It was a chilling sight to see It was all too easy to imagine what would happen to the people who hadnt gotten here yet, when they were met with the two ghouls at the entrance.

Retracting his gaze, Lin Qiushi turned back, and followed Ruan Nanzhu into the door.

After a long tunnel, they returned to reality.

Lin Qiushi appeared once again inside the mansion, feeling for a moment like hed jumped through worlds.

Chestnut just happened to be passing by. It meowed at him a couple of times, and even bumped its head against Lin Qiushis feet. This was when Lin Qiushi really came to, joy blooming across his face.

Chestnut!! Youre finally letting daddy hold you!!

He giddily picked up Chestnut, flipped up that furry white belly, and buried his face against it

Ruan Nanzhu, coming down the stairs and into the dining room, saw Lin Qiushi like this first thing. His expression seized for a moment, but very quickly recovered.

Lin Qiushi.

Lin Qiushi was still mesmerized by his kittys scent, until Ruan Nanzhu called for him again.

Mh? What is it? Lin Qiushi finally lifted his head.

It was spring, Chestnuts shedding season. When Lin Qiushi looked up, there was a strand of white cat fur stuck to his mouth.

Ruan Nanzhu went over, and held Lin Qiushis lips still with one hand. With a soft rub, he brushed that white fur away.

Lin Qiushi said, were finally out. With a sigh of relief, he felt exhaustion throughout his body.

Mh. Rest up, Ruan Nanzhu said. And check inside your bag.

Lin Qiushi nodded and opened his backpack. When he saw what was inside though, he blinked.

Because still inside was the babys corpse hed gotten from the deans office. The only difference, now that hed brought it out, was that the corpse had turned completely, thickly black.

Ruan Nanzhu, so it was a usable prop.

Speaking of props, Lin Qiushi recalled the red bracelet Ruan Nanzhu had given him. He didnt get a good look inside the door, but now, he could see that it was carved out of blood jade. It was really quite lovely, thorough in its coloration with red misting through it in swathes and spotsit was clearly uncommon goods.

He took the bracelet off and handed it back to Ruan Nanzhu. Oh, let me give this back. This bracelets very nice. Its pretty.

Ruan Nanzhu took it, and replied placidly, prettys one thing. Its from a dead person, is the other thing, or itd be fine to give to you to wear.

Lin Qiushi laughed, Im not a girl, why would I wear it. He wasnt interested in accessories and such.

But Ruan Nanzhu just lifted an eyebrow. Arent you?

Lin Qiushi, Hed only just remembered he was still in drag. With a sigh, he said, what do we do about this corpse? Just leave it around?

Ruan Nanzhu said, theres a study in the house with a few safes inside. You should keep this sort of thing locked up, typically, and bring it with you when you go into the doors.

Lin Qiushi tilted his head. So what does this thing do then

Ruan Nanzhu shook his head. I dont know, but itll definitely be of use.

As for how, that would have to be figured out later, just like the diary from before.

Lin Qiushi nodded his understanding, and returned to his room. He took off his outfit, showered, then opened up the internet forum once seated in his bedroom.

Entering high-level doors at such a high frequency was honestly exhausting. At least Lin Qiushi felt so. He didnt know how Ruan Nanzhu did it.

Only after a night of rest did Lin Qiushi feel better again.

The next day, Cheng Qianli asked how he felt this time inside the door.

Lin Qiushi answered, alright, I guess. We met someone a lot like you inside the door.

Cheng Qianli, like me what does that mean?

Lin Qiushi, clever and adorable?

Cheng Qianli looked suspicious. Really? Youre lying to me, arent you, though yes, I am clever and adorable.

Lin Qiushi, hahah.

Ruan Nanzhu had mentioned before, the closer you got to the latter doors, the more accurate your sense got of when your next door was coming. By the tenth door, you could even concretely know down to the minute and second when your door is coming next. This could be a considered a kind of benevolence from the doors; at least you had plenty of time to prepare beforehand.

After coming out of this door, Lin Qiushi gave some matters a lot of thought. On the third day he went to Ruan Nanzhu, and expressed that he wanted to have a talk.

Ruan Nanzhu seemed to be discussing something with someone over the internet. He gestured with a lift of his chin for Lin Qiushi to sit, and went straight for it: Go ahead.

Lin Qiushi said, actually Ive been wanting to know for a while now, has anybody actually survived the twelfth door?

Ruan Nanzhus hands, tapping at the keyboard, froze.

Even someone as good as you is only on his tenth door, Lin Qiushi said. Have you met anyone whos survived the twelfth door?

Ruan Nanzhu answered, I havent.

Lin Qiushi startled.

Ruan Nanzhu, actually, nobody has. His tone was calm, though all his words were quite shocking. But its the only possibility to consider. And he paused for a while. Its the only path to walk.

Lin Qiushi was silent.

Youre resilient. Thats good, Ruan Nanzhu said. But not everyone can so easily accept the truth like you can. So they have to have some sort of goal.

And everybody tacitly set that goal to be the twelve doors.

They firmly believed that once past the twelfth door, there was a new life waiting for them.

Lin Qiushi asked, and theres not a shred of evidence proving this?

Ruan Nanzhu answered, to anybody else, Id say there is. But to you, I dont want to lie. He closed the laptop, turned, and watched the teammate before him with a deep look in his eyes. Youre a good match for me.

Faced with Ruan Nanzhus stare, Lin Qiushi felt a bit self-conscious.

That stare went too deep; there was too much hidden inside, so much that Lin Qiushi couldnt even begin to parse. He asked, do they all know?

Ruan Nanzhu, some know, some dont. He flipped up his palm in a gesture of carelessness. What does it matter either way? This is how we spend our days anyhow.

They had to go through all those doors anyways, whether they were willing or not.

Lin Qiushi actually didnt think Ruan Nanzhu would be so candid with him. Hed thought Ruan Nanzhu would at least find a perfunctory excuse, smooth things overbut instead hed been given the blunt truth.

Lin Qiushi laughed, a bit pained. Arent you overestimating me a bit?

Ruan Nanzhu blinked. Am I wrong to?

Lin Qiushi was silent.

No, Ruan Nanzhu wasnt wrong. Actually the answer to this question wasnt all that important. Lin Qiushi had just been curious.

Ruan Nanzhu said, Cheng Yixie is about to enter his ninth door.

Lin Qiushi startled.

I have to go in with him, Ruan Nanzhu continued. I was considering whether or not to bring you along.

Lin Qiushi had already crossed his sixth door. If he could survive Cheng Yixies ninth door, then he would be skipping right over his seventh and eighth doors.

Lin Qiushi said, and have you reached a decision?

No, Ruan Nanzhu answered. Not yet, at any rate. You? What do you think?

Lin Qiushi gave it some thought, then answered honestly: I dont know.

Seeing how he answered, Ruan Nanzhu actually grinned. He said, Lin Qiushi, I like you a lot. We work well together, a match made in heaven.

He said this quite plainly, and Lin Qiushi didnt feel like there was anything wrong with the statementhe really was quite happy working together with Ruan Nanzhu.

Go on, Ruan Nanzhu said. Get some rest.

Lin Qiushi nodded, got up, and left.

Though Ruan Nanzhu had brought it up many times now, honestly, Lin Qiushi didnt have much of a sense of his own peculiarity.

Not until the newbie whod joined them previously, that Qin Budai, had a sudden incident.

It was Lin Qiushi who first came upon it. That day, hed woken up in the middle of the night from hunger pangs, and gone downstairs in search of something to eat.

But when he got to the doorway, he heard the sound of ravenous gobbling coming from within.

Footsteps stalling, Lin Qiushi didnt turn the lights on. He quietly entered the kitchen instead, and saw, by dim moonlight, Qin Budai squatting in a corner.

Qin Budai was crouched on the floor, a large slab of raw meat in hand. He had his head down, and was furiously chewing at this meat; he hadnt heard Lin Qiushi approaching, enraptured by the act with all his heart and soul.

This scene was far too eerie. It even gave Lin Qiushi the impression that he might still be in a door. Luckily it was only a momentary illusion. Lin Qiushi was hesitant, but still opened his mouth, and called out: Qin Budai

Qin Budais motions halted, and his face went frozen. Slowly lifting his head, he saw Lin Qiushi standing in the doorway.

The moment their gazes met, Lin Qiushi even felt as if the thing crouching before him wasnt a person, but instead a wild animal.

Quickly though, Qin Budai regained his senses. He slowly got up, and tossed the meat to the side.

Let me explain he said, as he began approaching Lin Qiushi.

A part of Lin Qiushi wanted to back away, but he stifled this instinct, until Qin Budai stood in front of him.

Qin Budai said, I dont want to be doing this, but I also cant help myself. He licked his lips, gaze lingering on Lin Qiushis long, pale neck, before looking down. I really really cant help it anymore.

Names in this chapter:

  • Qn Bdi / Qin(2) Bu(2) Dai(4) /

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