Kaleidoscope of Death

Chapter 68: The Butterflys Death

Chapter 68: The Butterflys Death

Kaleidoscope of Death by Xi Zixu

Going to the deans office now was actually quite risky. But sometimes, without taking any risks, it was hard to earn the hints.

Lin Qiushi and Ruan Nanzhu meandered up the staircases, quickly coming to the floor where the deans office was located.

It was nearing 12AM. The entire sanitarium was steeped in darkness, with only the room on the top floor emanating a spot of light, grabbing all attention.

The sounds of the nurse jumping had continued in sporadic thumps of a great weight hitting the ground. It was really quite haunting.

Lin Qiushi and Ruan Nanzhu didnt go straight for the deans office. Instead, they found a hidden spot first to observe.

The lock on the deans office had been broken off, so anyone who wanted to could get in. Watching the window, Lin Qiushi could vaguely see a silhouette moving inside the office.

Its a person, right? Lin Qiushi spoke quietly to Ruan Nanzhu.

Probably, Ruan Nanzhu responded.

If it wasnt a person, it likely wouldnt have a shadow.

Since it was a person, what were they doing so late in the deans office? Lin Qiushi was just thinking this when he saw the office door push open.

A person hed never anticipated came out from within. It was the girl theyd met once during the day, Hu Die. Her expression was cool, and her skin, under the white lights, appeared even more devastatingly pale. In her arms was a parcel, with something seemingly placed inside

Before Lin Qiushi could respond, Ruan Nanzhu, whod been behind him up until this point, took a sudden step forward, calling out: Hu Die.

Hu Dies steps halted. When she heard the call for her, Lin Qiushi could clearly see her expression turn to horror.

What did you bring out? Ruan Nanzhu asked softly.

Peering once at them, Hu Die immediately turned and ran. Fortunately, Ruan Nanzhu was prepared, striding forward the few steps to stop Hu Die on the run, taking her by an arm with a firm grip.

Lin Qiushi followed quickly, watching as Ruan Nanzhu smiled coolly in Hu Dies face.

Why are you running?

Hu Die didnt respond, staring at Ruan Nanzhu with fear and resentment as she said, its none of your business. What Im doing has nothing to do with you

Ruan Nanzhu completely ignored her and made a grab for her bag.

Hu Die held on with her life, but in the end, she was a womanher strength couldnt be compared to a mans. The package in her arms ended up in Ruan Nanzhus possession.

When Ruan Nanzhu opened the bag and saw what was inside, his brows furrowed, expression going sour.

Lin Qiushi got close as welland saw that the bag was, in fact, a piece of cloth wrapped around the babys corpse. It had obviously been fetched fresh from the deans office. He glanced at Hu Die, and found her shaking all over.

Let me go Hu Die said. Let me go, shes coming back, and when she sees the child missing, were all dead!!

Ruan Nanzhu watched Hu Die, tone icy: She? Youre talking about the nurse? So why did you steal her baby?

Hu Die replied, I wasnt stealing, I just thought this thing was important! Maybe the key is inside So I was just taking it back to have a look. Or so she claimed

It was obvious that Hu Die wanted them to trust her, but her excuse simply had too many holes. Even Lin Qiushi had a hard time believing it.

This thing can only be taken out at night Hu Die was getting more and more frantic, like she was scared of something. If its moved during the day, it cries!

Ruan Nanzhu quirked a brow. Alright, well go back first.

Hu Die reacted like shed gotten a pardon from death itself.

But Ruan Nanzhu wasnt planning on letting her go. He kept Hu Die in his grip, and let Lin Qiushi take the bag beside him.

The three began creeping downstairs.

Just before they got to the stairs, Lin Qiushi heard another noise, one that made all his hair stand up on endhigh heels striking against floorboards. That building-jumping nurse had returned!

The situation was dire enough that Lin Qiushi couldnt care about exposing his identity, and so spoke lowly to Ruan Nanzhu: Shes coming!

When she heard a mans voice, Hu Die looked on in shock, so surprised that her mouth gaped open: You're Youre a man??

Ruan Nanzhu ignored her, speaking only to Lin Qiushi: From where?

Lin Qiushi closely scrutinized the sound. From the fourth floor. He glanced up, and pointed at a flight of stairs that led to the roof. I think its coming from there!

Come on, well head back from here, Ruan Nanzhu said.

Hu Dies expression seemed lost, like the fact that Lin Qiushi was a man had left a great impact on her. Lin Qiushi thought this was quite strange. He didnt know Hu Die, after all; even if he were a man, why should Hu Die look so disoriented? It didnt matter that much, did it? Whether he was male or female?

Just as they got to the sixth floor, they heard a womans chilling wail from the deans office. That cry was ear-piercing, and sent shivers all up and down the body.

Lin Qiushi felt, oddly, that the dead baby in his hold had gotten harder to handle.

But it was at this moment that Hu Dies gaze fell on Lin Qiushi. She spoke softly: Ill hold the corpse. That thing is dangerous.

At this, Ruan Nanzhu shot her a look, but took instead the bag from Lin Qiushis arms himself. No, I got it.

Hu Die looked awfully pale, and like she wanted to say something more, but Ruan Nanzhu ignored her, speeding up his steps instead.

Descending from the sixth floor, they didnt dare dawdle on the floors in between, sprinting in one breath to the fourth floor. But as they cleared the stairwell and caught a glimpse of the hallways end, the air stopped in their lungs.

The nurse stood right at the end of the hall. More than half of the bones had broken in her body, and she was propped up, twisted, on the other side of the walkway. In her hand was a bloody knife, and that terrifying face was smiling queerly at them.

The three turned immediately and raced up the stairs.

But the nurse was faster, taking only a moment to appear in front of them.

Lin Qiushi didnt have enough time to react before the nurse raised the long blade in her hands. An overripe scent filled his nostrilsand in this moment, it smelled an awful lot like death.

The blade fell. The nurse, surprisingly, attacked Hu Die first.

Ruan Nanzhus expression was odd. He seemed to be waiting for something. Lin Qiushi clasped his sleeve, pulling at him to leavebut instead, Ruan Nanzhu flipped their grips and took him by the wrist.

Ruan Nanzhu lifted a finger, making a gesture to shush.

Lin Qiushi paused, and glanced at Hu Die, who was being attacked.

Hu Die had been knifed in the stomach. Her expression, however, was peculiar. It was like she wasnt scared of her incoming death at all, and instead was watching Lin Qiushi and Ruan Nanzhu.

It was the sort of gaze that held malice, like an audience beneath the stage awaiting a good show.

With plunge after plunge, the nurse knifed Hu Die into veritable pulp.

Hu Dies body collapsed stiffly to the floor. Eyes closing, she died just like that.

The nurse looked up, and saw Lin Qiushi and Ruan Nanzhu in the corner. The blade in her hand was still dripping with blood.

Ruan Nanzhu pulled the two leftover Russian nesting dolls from his pocket, picking out the innermost doll and tossing it before the nurse.

We found him.

The nurses steps stalled.

Ruan Nanzhu said, hes right behind you.

The nurse didnt move anymore, seemingly contemplating Ruan Nanzhus words.

Ruan Nanzhu said, we can get rid of him the final time for you. He ought to have died anyhow. He delivered the dead baby parcel in his hands over to the nurse.

After he said this, the nurse took what was offered, turned, and genuinely left.

Lin Qiushi was shocked beyond words. Ruan Nanzhu beside him let out a long sigh of relief, laughing humorlessly, good thing it worked.

Lin Qiushi, you could communicate with her? This was the most shocking thing to him.

Ruan Nanzhu shook his head and spoke nothing else, skipping ahead like he wanted to discuss the matter no further.

Hu Dies corpse was right before them, hacked to messy pieces by the nurse. It was difficult to tell if it was even human still.

Lin Qiushi said, shall we go back?

Ruan Nanzhu replied, no, well stand watch here.

What are we watching for? Lin Qiushi was a bit confused.

Ruan Nanzhu pointed at Hu Dies corpse.

For him to come out, of course, he laughed. Didnt we promise the nurse?

Lin Qiushi blinked.

So the two stood where they were, as time ticked on bit by bit. Around three in the morning, the corpse before them began a strange transformation. Lin Qiushi heard the sound of something writhing. He glanced at Hu Dies corpse, but found the body twisting about. The eyes that had once been closed were now open.

Lin Qiushi was just about to back up, when Ruan Nanzhu caught him by the waist and said, dont be scared.

And it was like Lin Qiushi really wasnt scared anymore. To be honest, whenever Ruan Nanzhu was beside him, Lin Qiushi felt a sense of security and safety, like everything they did was within control, and nothing would go wrong.

Of course, Lin Qiushi knew this feeling was wrong. He couldnt be overly dependent on Ruan Nanzhu. They would have to separate someday.

At this, Lin Qiushi felt, for some reason, a sense of loss.

But this minor sort of emotion was quickly smothered, because the scene before them was getting more and more frightening. Hu Die had gotten up off the ground; the lethal wounds had seemingly no effect on her, and shed revived. It was just that her body was in pieces, prone to collapse with every couple of steps. And in the pair of eyes that had opened again, there was a thicket of gluttony, watching Ruan Nanzhu before her.

Help Hu Die spoke, at first slowly, but very quickly reverting to a normal cadence. She pleaded directly with Lin Qiushi and Ruan Nanzhu, help Please come, help me out, Im not dead yet

Both Lin Qiushi and Ruan Nanzhu stood unmovedon Lin Qiushis face was an expression of consideration, while Ruan Nanzhu didnt have any expression on at all.

Hu Die came more and more conscious, and seemed to remember something. Her expression went twisted, as she spoke, in a low, poisoned tone, why?? Why arent you dead?!

Ruan Nanzhu answered, did you think wed die like Xue Zhiyun and them?

Hu Die didnt reply.

What a shame, Ruan Nanzhu said. She let us go, because we can help her get rid of you. Here he began to laugh. As long as we dont let you find a new body. Isnt that right, Jiang Yingrui?

Hu Dies breath stared coming short and fast, as she said, I dont know what youre talking about

No matter. Watching the person before him, Ruan Nanzhu took on a more piteous tone. Hey, take a guess why she attacked you first.

Hu Die startled.

What an idiot, Ruan Nanzhu began to laugh. Of course its because I put the 502 room tag in your pocket.

Hu Die was so angry that she shook all over. She reached down, and as expected, pulled out the 502 card from her pocket. Most likely, Ruan Nanzhu had tossed it into her pocket when hed caught hold of her before. Hu Die had thought that when she woke at dawn, shed find their corpses hacked to pieces. Unexpected, Ruan Nanzhu and Lin Qiushi appeared before her, perfectly finethat bitch had let them be![1]

Hu Dies expression was filled with vitriol. She threw the door tag to the ground, shaking from sheer rage. Lin Qiushi, who stood watching from the side, was absolutely certain that if Hu Die had any sort of weapon in hand at this moment, she would swing it their way without any care in the world.

Holding onto the wall, Hu Die turned and made to leave.

Ruan Nanzhu said, where are you going?

None of your business Hu Die replied coolly.

Of course its my business. Ruan Nanzhu approached Hu Die, and with a kick, socked Hu Die back onto the ground. He didnt go easy on her at all, and when Hu Die was once again on the floor, he held her down with a foot on her back. You really think Id let you go to find some other body?

Panic shot across Hu Dies expression. She said, What the hell are you talking about

But Ruan Nanzhu didnt speak, instead gestured at Lin Qiushi. What time is it?

Lin Qiushi glanced at his phone: Three-forty.

It was almost dawn. And right before dawn, was the darkest hour.

There werent any lights where they were, just the faintest moonlight that barely illuminated the view before them.

Hu Die, beneath Ruan Nanzhus foot, began to struggle. Hard. She screamed, trying to get up off the floor.

Ruan Nanzhu was ruthless, aiming another kick at Hu Die, almost knocking her right out.

Lin Qiushi had picked out what was happening from Ruan Nanzhus words: Hu Die wasnt Hu Die. Or rather, she whod used to be Hu Die was no longer.

The three remained in stalemate.

When six o'clock came, dawnlight flooded the sky.

People started trickling out of the living quarters, headed for breakfast in the cafeteria. Hu Die, collapsed on the ground, seemed to have given up.

Ruan Nanzhu kept watching her. Never once did his gaze let up.

His vigilance paid off, because just as the sun was rising, Hu Die, whod seemed on her last breath, began another violent bout of struggling, lunging for Lin Qiushi standing in the corner.

Lin Qiushi was caught off-guard. Luckily, Ruan Nanzhu had been prepared, catching Hu Die by the hand and throwing her backward, to slam her body back against the wall

BAM. Hu Dies body hit the wall hard, with a loud noise. Hu Die seemed to finally understand that she didnt stand a chance, and began to wail.

Normally, Lin Qiushi mightve pitied the girl before him. But after knowing Hu Dies true identity, there was only calm in his heart.

Had Ruan Nanzhu not been so clever, they mightve already croaked, thanks to Hu Die. Going easy on the enemy wasnt a smart move at all. Lin Qiushi didnt speak, just silently watched. His expression in the moment was quite like Ruan Nanzhus.

Let me go, I dont want to die Hu Die was sobbing. I havent done anything! I dont want to die

Ruan Nanzhus expression was strange, like he couldnt comprehend what Hu Die was saying.

You havent done anything? Are you sure about that?

Hu Die went silent.

Ruan Nanzhu, do you not know what youve done?

Slowly turning her head, Hu Die glanced at Ruan Nanzhu before she said, I dont know anything.

And then her body began to mutate. Her stomach slowly started to bloat, looking like she was a few months pregnant. Hu Die twisted, and struggled, as if shed become one large pupa.

Then came the sound of tearing flesh. Lin Qiushi could clearly see something ripping apart Hu Dies abdomen, crawling out from within. At first Lin Qiushi thought it would be a kid or somethingbut when the thing finally came out, he saw a face that really wasnt all that unfamiliar.

Hed seen this face before in the deans office, with its mop of pretty, golden hair and handsome faceit was the dean of medicine himself.

In that moment, every one of Ruan Nanzhus suppositions was proven true.

The dean indeed hadnt been in the sanitarium, but resided instead in other peoples bodies. The bodies of others was the medium through which he escaped nightly from the nurse who plotted to kill him.

But what Lin Qiushi wanted to know most was, those whose bodies he occupiedwhere they people from inside the door, or outside? Jiang Yingrui and Hu Die, did they actually exist?

Because of Ruan Nanzhus sabotage, the dean had lost his opportunity to find a new body. He seemed quite weak, collapsing on the floor and unmoving for the longest time.

Ruan Nanzhu didnt get closer, instead watched from afar this strange and truly quite absurd scene.

Lin Qiushi asked, what else do we have to do?

Ruan Nanzhu, nothing else, I dont think. We just have to wait until evening. Without the protection of other bodies, the dean would be easily killed by the nurse.

It was likely that, from their background research, the dead baby that this person had attempted to remove was the nurses aborted infant. And the blond man before them was the babys father.

The blond man began to curse at them. In his curses was a tone of self-defeat. Lin Qiushi simply pretended like hed heard nothing at all.

Ruan Nanzhu said, come on. Feng Yongles waited up for us the whole night.

Lin Qiushi nodded.

And so they completely ignored the blond man, and turned to leave.

Lin Qiushi followed behind Ruan Nanzhu, steps a bit slow. He said, Hu Die and Jiang Yingruiare they from outside or inside the door?

Ruan Nanzhu replied, likely from outside.

Lin Qiushi, So they were from the outside, huh.

Ruan Nanzhu, there were only two matryoshka dolls left, so he shouldve only been able to switch bodies one more time. Unfortunately, he bumped into us. Coolly, he continued, nah. There wasnt even a single switch left for him.

The thing had resided in Jiang Yingruis body, then switched over to Hu Dies body. Lin Qiushi was still a bit wary: But why did Jiang Yingrui try to keep it a secret for him?

Why wouldnt he keep it a secret? Ruan Nanzhu said. If he told, its another matter altogether whod believe him. And even if they did believe him, theres no benefit for Jiang Yingrui at all. Theyd just avoid him.

Lin Qiushi,

As for that dean, Ruan Nanzhu said, he hides in the bodies of outsiders. If the nurse wants to kill him, shes got to follow the rules; she cant just kill whenever she wants.

And as for that dean, he clearly wanted everybody else dead as soon as possible, because with everyone else dead, the odds of Jiang Yingrui being the last survivor went up drastically.

But it wasnt to be; Jiang Yingrui couldnt outplay Ruan Nanzhu in the end. Of course, had it been anybody else, the outcome wouldnt be so certain.

The two came to their room door, opening it to find Feng Yongle anxiously pacing circles inside. When he saw them, he let out a loud sigh of relief, exclaiming, youre finally back! Hell, I was so scared! I thought something had happened to you two!

Ruan Nanzhu gave a nod. Nothing happened.

So what is it, did you find the tunnel? Feng Yongle asked.

We found it. The key will likely appear tonight, Ruan Nanzhu said.

Wow, and you two found the key? Feng Yongle was quite excited, his pacing turning to excited circling. Excellent. So well be out soon then?

Ruan Nanzhu, if nothing unexpected happens.

The dean, without the protection of someone elses flesh, was utterly at the nurses mercy. If she wanted to kill him, she only had to wait until evening of the next day.

The empty frame in the deans office could finally be filled.

But Lin Qiushi remembered something else. He typed: Oh yeah, I just remembered. Why did Hu Die steal the dead baby last night? Could the corpse have some kind of use?

Ruan Nanzhu gave the matter some thought, before shaking his head and going silent.

But this was certainly a possibility. They couldnt prove it though, could only hypothesize.

Feng Yongle didnt know what had happened, and asked, mystified, what? Hu Die stole a dead baby? What the hell happened last night?

The questions were starting up again. After Feng Yongle started speaking, Ruan Nanzhu just shot him a look, but didnt bother answering a single word.

Feng Yongle felt a bit wronged by Ruan Nanzhus look: Im just a normie

Ruan Nanzhu, so Im not normal?

Feng Yongle, of course youre not normal. Its like damn sign language, the way you talkcant you just speak plainly for me to understand?

Ruan Nanzhu, no.

Feng Yongle, How come you can reject me so firmly.

Lin Qiushi giddily played the mute on the side.

And so in the end, Feng Yongle still didnt know what happened last night, and so gave up on finding out the truth.

During the day, the three of them checked out the tunnel theyd found last night, and confirmed it did indeed lead outside. The tunnel was packed full of those black body bags on the inside. It was chilling just to look in; had it not been an exit, nobody would dare enter.

After getting a look in, Feng Yongle rubbed at his own arms, chanting for Buddha.

Ruan Nanzhu frowned, and said, this is a Western world. What use will Buddha be?

Feng Yongle, should I say hallelujah then?

Ruan Nanzhu,

Lin Qiushi, He thought that itd be a hundred times more reliable to chant Ruan Nanzhu banzai! After all, this was a god right at their sides; he could come any moment, and was truly quite useful.

Ruan Nanzhu peered at Lin Qiushi, looking as if he knew exactly what Lin Qiushi was thinking.

With an awkward smile, Lin Qiushi rushed to pretend nothing had happened. He was honestly still wondering if Ruan Nanzhu could read mindsor else how could it be that at any given moment, Ruan Nanzhu could guess exactly what he was thinking?

Authors Note:

/head scratches, I dont understand everybodys scary points. I dont think this world is very scary at all Why has everyones reactions been so huge /puzzled

Translators Note:

  1. I cant seem to find a Chinese version that didnt have the two words in this sentence missing So I went with vibes, please let me know if you know the original
  2. Multi-meaning title again!
  3. Translator doesnt endorse the gender essentialist views expressed in the text

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