Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 283: Hypnotist Martial Artist

Chapter 283: Hypnotist Martial Artist

Greg calmed his heart beating down and raised his gaze at Eldar. He would have never thought he would meet such a powerful human here, let alone finding out that the Hypnotist Martial Artist was the leader of the Charon Family!

As everyone knew, the Charon Family had an insane amount of manpower, so much that they were populating close to 30% of the Federation! 

That was crazy!

Yet, even though they had such a huge number of men, there was a mystery that no one knew truly; who was the real leader, the real Head Master of the family.

Every Family in the federation, let it be a big or small one until they have more than 10 people or disciples in their circle, they will and must choose a Head Master for sure.

Just like how it is in Clans, for example in Greg's and Joe's Clan, the Eternal Kingdom. Naturally, that is an exception, because every Clan and Family has only 1 Head Master, but because they agreed mutually and they are friends, they decided to be the leaders together; but of course, the number of member in their Clan is so small that they can't call themselves as such yet!

So when Greg arrived here in disguise as Ecron, even though he acted calm, arrogant, and almighty before Eldar and Nos, he was shocked to learn that Eldar was the Head Master. And even more, when he discovered he was the Hypnotist Martial Artist!

"It was a great choice to conceal myself as Ecron. If I walked in here as my real self first, things could have turned out quite dire for me."

The plan behind Greg's idea was quite easy. The moment Kuragari told them way back before the Nether Canyon that the proximity of the place he was defending started to get invaded by more and more people, Greg had an idea. 

With the help of his new ability that could help him shapeshift at will, and the power of his darkness element, Greg could turn into Ecron and put the three into his shadow to hide them; Of course, because he did not see Ecron before, he needed the three's help for detailed description.

As for how he knew Ecron was associated with the Charon Family leader, Eldar? That was easy to answer...

It was nothing more but a simple guess.

Or at least it was a guess from his side, but a fact from Zane's side. Zane told him Ecron used space abilities against them and also was above the God rank. Considering the fact, which Greg did not know until this point, that 70% of the Charon Family was annihilated at the same time through special means which could be related to space powers, he suspected he was in connection with the Charons and their incident.

So disguising himself as Ecron was a good choice, because like that, if he shows up as Ecron they wouldn't dare to get suspicious at him because of pure fear! That being who could annihilate close to 70% of one of the five Great Families with a single attack, was nothing more but a scary monster!

But who would have thought, that even though they were right, they would get busted right off the bat!

"Wait. I was protected from that power of his because I have the demon mask, but how about..." as Greg arrived at this point of his thought, he tilted his stare at the three experts only to widen his eyes with shock!

They were standing motionlessly without moving a single inch!

"Did they get trapped by that power?" asked Greg, now a bit scared. If Eldar was able to capture Zane's, Eliana's, and Kuragari's mind with his hypnotic ability, it was definitely the end for him!

"Don't worry, they are not." said suddenly Alice, making Greg to knit his eyebrow tightly together. However, just as her voice fell, the three experts moved.

Kuragari and Zane flashed behind and before Eldar, while Eliana threw a coin at Nos; everything happened so fast that it was terrifying!

"H-how!" it was apparent that both Nos and Eldar were surprised by this, however, none of them were idiots; both of them reached the God rank not on a whim and both of their reaction speed and power showed their might right away.

The very moment he was attacked, Nos used his strange, Trap Box ability to trap Eliana's coin into a translucent box-shaped barrier and with a quick motion with his palm, smashed the coin into pieces, making shock to form in Eliana's eyes.

As for Eldar, he was even more shocking. The very moment Kuragari and Zane appeared from two positions, behind and before him, and attacked him from also two different angles, one aimed at his neck with his katana while the other his stomach with his hand, Eldar tilted his upper body to the right to an almost horizontal line, while he used this force to kick upward with his left leg at Zane.


The power of his kick was so great that under his supporting leg and Zane's body, the marble ground cracked and turned debris, while pieces of stone flew away by the shockwave. However, even like this, Zane's other hand was able to grab Eldar's leg, holding him still in one place.

"You are dead," said Zane in an indifferent tone as a black flash appeared above Eldar, aiming right at his neck.

"..." Watching the katana with an indifferent expression as it flew at his neck from above, Eldar pushed his supporting leg deep into the ground and by a powerful jump, bounced up high into the air and kicked Kuragari's weapon away with the front of his ankle.



However, this was only the start, of his counter-attack. Still, in the air and his leg still held by Zane, Eldar spun almost 180 degrees and with another powerful whack, kicked Zane right in the face!


This caused Zane to let Eldar's leg off and stagger backward several meters instantly while holding his bleeding nose with a frown.

"It's a stalemate!" thought Greg with surprise.

To think that Kuragari and Zane, two powerful experts got arrived in a stalemate in their first clash was something only a few could achive!

However, Greg couldn't think more about this matter, because just as he wanted to inspect the happenings more, suddenly Eliana's figure appeared on his side.

"Please help me with that guy," said Eliana as she stared at Nos on the side.

Tilting his gaze there, Greg watched as Nos was waiting for them to attack just smiled and said, "You just go and help those two. That guy... I can easily take care of him."

"!" When Eliana heard this she wanted to say he couldn't, but then again realized that Greg no longer was weak; he was also on the God rank and on top of that with the powerful ability to control 6 elements!

Pondering for a while, Eliana turned her head at Zane, Kuragari, and Eldar and nodded her head.

"Haha! You have guts kid! Don't you think you underestimate me quite a bit?" asked Nos with a grin, hardly believing Greg had what it took to beat him. Of course, he understood what kind of power he had, but it was not like he could escape his ability once he gets trapped. Only those could escape his Trap Box who has space-associated powers, but obviously, Greg had none such as that.

"I only need to trap you once and you ar-"

"Stop talking nonsense and fight already." talked suddenly Greg from behind Nos, causing him to widen his eyes in alarm.



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