Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 177: An Exit

Chapter 177: An Exit

Looking at all of the energy crystals before them, the two didn't know what to do.

There were so many energy crystals, that only with a small portion could one reach the God Rank under a few days. Naturally, they still needed the foundation of knowledge of their power to break through into the ranks, but with these crystals, it was only a matter of time.

Joe grabbed a sword from the crystals and started to inspect it.

It was made out of white jade, while its hilt was ice blue stone. Both of the edges of the sword were jagged, while the tip was razor-sharp and extremely thin. 

Joe holding the sword looked surprised and waved it around.



"The feeling, the grip, and the weight... Everything is simply extremely satisfying. It's like I'm swinging feathers, yet I can control it as clearly as I wish. It's amazing!"

Greg hearing this looked around and after thinking for a while he asked, "What should we do? There are simply way too many things here. Even if I use my shadow to put them away, I'm worried I will become as slow as a snail or even unable to move."

Joe, the moment heard Greg nodded and said, "I know, but it would be simply a waste to let them rot here."

"I agree.", said Greg and continued, "But still we need to find a way back to the others. They must be in trouble, so let's explore this hall."

"Sure.", said How with a nod, but still made sure to keep that sword with him.

The two split apart and started to explore the huge hall full of treasures and energy crystals hurriedly.

"What a sight... Just who was the one who collected all of this?", thought Greg with awe as he ran around the place.

Among the millions of energy crystals, there were swords, shields, spears, knives, masks, and even a few potions.

Seeing those, Greg grabbed one potion and looked at it.

"What is this?", thought Greg with confusion as he looked at the blue liquid inside the bottle, but in the end, he decided not to drink it and simply put it into his own shadow.

He put into his shadow several other potions, energy crystals, and weapons too, but after the number reached a bit more than a hundred he felt like someone suddenly put on his body a ton of weight.

With his refined and tempered body this weight was nothing, but still even after walking like this, he felt like his body getting tired a little bit with each step.

Greg knew that until the object he puts into his shadow is low quality or it's a Low-class energy crystal until then he could carry thousands at once without getting tired.

But when he saw as only after a hundred items his body received huge burden, Greg was quite shocked.

"These items are truly not fake! With so many items and energy crystals, even a low family in the Federation could become a tyrant and reach the level of the 5 Great Families or even surpass them!"

And it wasn't just Greg who thought about it like this but Joe also. However, he didn't know if it would be a great choice to tell all of this to his father.

Everything had its advantages and disadvantages. If he tells his father about this place and he ends up obtaining all of this, maybe they will earn an insane amount of strength, but at the same time, the Dia Family would become the single target in the whole Federation. 

It was a very tough decision, but he still had time to think over this matter.

Time ticked by silently when suddenly Greg heard Joe's voice from the other side of the hall.

"Greg, here!"

Hearing Joe's voice, Greg walked to him and asked, "What did you find?"

"Look at this. I think this should help us find the exit.", said Joe calmly as he pointed above his head.

Following his finger, Greg looked up, only to see that above his head on the ceiling, which was made out of black jade, there was a small circular shaped button.

It was so small, that not even Greg would have seen it if Joe didn't notice it by luck.

"Do you think it's for the exit?", asked Joe as he looked at the button with curiosity.

Listening to the question Greg grabbed an energy crystal from the ground and said, "Well, we have one choice to find out."

With that said, Greg threw the energy crystal in his hand toward the ceiling without hesitation.


With a metallic sound, the energy crystal hit the button, pushing it in slightly, yet even after waiting for a few seconds, nothing happened.



Greg and Joe after waiting for a full minute heard a clicking sound from somewhere else, and a second later the button got pushed out into its original position.

"Something must have definitely happened.", said Greg and activated his earth element.

Instantly, he started to tap on the ground continuously, making him able to see the whole hall as clearly as day.

"Push that button again."

Joe hearing Greg nodded and with a throw, he hit the button above.

Immediately, Greg's eyes turned sharp and examined the whole hall, looking for any changes, no matter if it was extremely small.

Suddenly Greg's eyes widened, because, at the other side of the hall, the wall without any sign vanished, revealing jade stairs going up toward the surface.

"Got it!", said Greg with a smile, but his smile vanished when he saw as the wall appeared again only after 3 seconds.

"This is not good at all.", thought Greg with a frown and started to think.

After looking at the hall's size, which was more than a few hundred meters in length, Greg stood up and said, "I found the exit, but it will be only open for 3 seconds."

"Where is it?", asked Joe as he looked at the mountain sized energy crystals on top of each other all around the hall.

"It's on the other side.", said Greg calmly as he looked at the blockages before them.

There was not a single straight path where they could have reached the other side of the place, making it insanely challenging to arrive at the other side in under 3 seconds.

" I need to try something.", said Greg and activated his light element. 

Instantly, white light covered his whole body and like a bullet, his whole figure burst forward.


1 second... 2 seconds... 3 seconds... 4 seconds and 5 seconds.

Because of zigzagging here and there and the weight his body was under, Greg could only reach the other side under a bit more than 5 seconds.

"It's possible, but I need to take out a few items from my shadow."

With that said, Greg took out several weapons and potions which he thought were useless, and after the amount reached around 50, he tried again.


This time he could reach the other side in less than 3 seconds, making Greg to bod and look at Joe.

"What do you think? Can you reach the other side in under 3 seconds?"

Joe looking at Greg smiled and said, "Maybe I'm not good at everything as you, but I'm extremely confident I can beat you in speed."

"Perfect.", said Greg with a nod and grabbed an energy crystal.

"Then get ready."

Instantly as he said this, Joe smiled waved his hand. Immediately, around his whole body, a robe appeared made out of pure thunder, while under his feet a circle emerged, making his presence to reach almost that of the God rank.

"Nice.", said Greg with a nod, and without hesitation, he threw the crystal at the button.



The moment the crystal hit the button, both Greg's and Joe's bodies exploded forward in a flash.

Zigzagging here and there while their bodies were only left behind after images, the two moved with inhuman speed.

Greg's light element was extremely fast while it also got faster the more he ran, yet even like this, Joe was a full head before him.

Seeing this Greg was quite surprised, but still, he continued to run as fast as he can.

"There!", said Greg as he saw the exit before him, but then suddenly his eyes widened.

It was because suddenly the wall before the exit started to appear a bit sooner than he first saw it.

"We can do it!", said suddenly Joe and accelerated his speed even further.

Seeing this Greg knew he couldn't fall behind with his speed, so he clenched his teeth and made his speed to become even faster, not caring about the pressure on his body at all.


With an explosion, both of their figures exploded forward with faster speed than before, making them to reach the entrance in a single flash. They were moving so fast that only two flashes could be seen and nothing more.

Under a single millisecond, both of them reached the stairs, and just as they made it through, the entrance behind them got blocked by a wall entirely, leaving them in complete darkness instantly.

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