Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 175: Echo Spirit

Chapter 175: Echo Spirit

*KRR... KRR... KRR...*

With a sound that echoed throughout the whole place, the terrifying creature turned its disgusting head here and there slowly.

Jay who was inches away from the creature felt as huge drops of sweat rolled down his forehead because of pure fear.

Turning his eyes to the back, he saw as Emma and Mila were lying on the ground with pale faces while holding their breath in silence.

Seeing them fine, Jay calmed down by a level and turned his glare back at the creature.

The creature had ash-black skin, covered with an insane amount of blood. It had no eyes nor nose, just a pair of ears and a crazily huge mouth with hundreds of razor-sharp teeth. 

However, even with such a disgusting look, its appearance got even worse as he looked at its back. Watching the several bones coming out of its spine through the skin, with that strange-looking trident tail, it's the whole image became even terrifying.

"Strange... Normally I wouldn't be scared of something like this, yet my body is shaking subconsciously... It is definitely using some kind of intimidating power.", thought Jay and looked at the creature's face.

"It seems it orientates itself through voice, then if I do this..."

Moving his hand, Jay grabbed a small stone from the ground, and with a strong motion, he threw it at an iron door not far away from the humanoid tiger.



Instantly as the creature heard the sharp sound, it let a deafening clicking sound with its throat and started to run toward the sound.

But what was even scarier, that the creature moved not only with insane speed, but it didn't give out a single sound. With such a huge body and fast movement, it moved in complete silence.

"It's not a surprise that I wasn't able to detect its presence... Just what kind of thing is that? Never seen such creature before.", thought Jay as he wiped the sweat off his face.

The humanoid tiger in the distance seeing this widened his eyes extra wide and with a trembling body, it stepped back a step.

"How... Is this possible? First, the Lifeblood Lance and now an Echo Spirit!? Impossible! They should be extinct, so how?!", mumbled the creature with disbelief as he took back one step after another slowly.

However, what he didn't think that the moment he took a step back, the debris that was under his feet moved, making several rocks fall to the ground with a loud sound.



The creature called the Echos Spirit hearing the sound not far away from it, stopped moving and turned its disgusting head toward the humanoid creature with a scary snarl.


Seeing as it was 'looking' toward his direction, the humanoid creature looked frightened and under a single second, he turned around and started to run toward the exit.

Instantly as he did this, the Echo Spirit opened its already huge mouth extra-wide, and while blood flowed out between its disgusting teeth, it shrieked loudly.


As this happened, Jay, Mila, and Emma felt as a terrifying power appeared around their body, making their whole being to froze up instantly, unable to move even a single inch.

This happened with the tiger too. In the middle of its run, suddenly his whole body froze up and started to tremble, however, suddenly it shouted.



Using his Voice Manipulation skill, the unknown power got blasted away from his body, making him move again freely toward the exit with insane speed.


The moment the creature sensed as its power got deflected by foreign means, it became visibly angry and like a bullet, it started to run toward the humanoid tiger.

Jay and the two girls seeing as the two creature's figure vanished through the exit, sighed up with relief.

"Dad? Are you alright?", asked Emma with a worried expression and after running next to him she instantly used her power to heal.

"Yeah... I'm fine. It's just I feel a little bit exhausted.", said Jay with a wry smile, while letting Emma to help him get better bit by bit.

Mila on the side walked closer too and after thinking for a while she asked, "If I'm not being rude... What was that spear? It looked insanely powerful. I didn't see anything like that before. Its power was definitely above the God rank."

Jay who was on the ground and enjoying the pleasant feeling throughout his body heard the question and looked at Mila.

After thinking for a while Jay shook his head and said, "It's a very long story, so what I can say is that I found it."

"Found it? Where?", asked Mila with curiosity.

"Inside an ancient ruin somewhere on the east side of the Rainforest.", said Jay and after staying silent for a few seconds he smiled slightly and continued, "To tell the truth, I don't know either how I found it. The only thing I can remember was that one moment I got under a powerful spell, then the next minute I was standing before this spear. It was very strange."

Mila and Emma hearing what Jay said looked at each other and looked shocked.

Both of them knew that those who used spell powers were no ordinary people. They could easily control anyone if they lowered their guards, but almost all the time when they use their powers, they use them for killing.

To think that there was someone out there who used the power of their spells to control Jay to a powerful weapon... Why did they give it to him instead of taking it away personally? That was not normal at all.

While the two were thinking about this, inside the staircases the humanoid tiger was running up as fast as he could.

Behind him, the Echo Spirit was following him closely, leaving several deep scratch marks on the stairs and walls with its claws. 

Its claws smashed through the surface of them like hit knife through butter. Not even the slightest resistance could be seen, showing just how terrific those nails really were.

While running with everything he had, the humanoid tiger didn't forget to spit fire at his enemy behind his back.



One crimson fire explosion after another, the Echo Spirit got numerous blasts on its body. However, even like this, the attacks didn't slow it down not even a bit. No, instead they made it even angrier, making it to approach the humanoid tiger faster than before.

"F*cking hell!"

Watching as the personified death accelerated its speed, the creature stopped spitting more fire and concentrated on running.

Under a few seconds, he ran several hundred steps yet just only after 10 more minutes did the exit get finally revealed before him.


The humanoid tiger knew really well that if he is able to run all the way out, then outside the Echo Spirit will be totally lost.

Because outside was too much noise it was the perfect place which could help him easily escape. While it will be too busy to hunt down everything one by one, he will have enough time to escape.

"Just a few more ste-, huh?"

Just as he was about to finish his sentence, suddenly above in the blinding light, suddenly two figures appeared.

Because the sun's light was shining on the two figures, the creature couldn't figure out who they could have possibly been, but suddenly he realized that a few of his men were still out there, so he smiled widely and started to say.

"How could have I forget them! I still have a few men out there. Using them to distract its attention until I escape from this rotten place. Simply perfect!"

With that in mind, the creature quickened his speed, however, the next moment his eyes widened with shock.

Before him, in front of the two figures suddenly a flash broke out, and the next second what he could only see before closing his eyes and halting as two attacks exploded onto his body.


With a huge explosion that was filled with electricity and fire, the creature's already injured body got blasted backward without a single chance to resist.


After getting his balance back and stopping his body, the humanoid tiger vomited up a huge amount of blood and wanted to say something, but before he could have a blood-freezing sound came above his head.


The moment that quite yet eerie sound sounded almost next to his ear, the beast raised his head up slowly, only to see as the Echo Spirit was hanging from the top while looking at him with a disgusting smile.




Seeing as drops of gore fell onto his face from the creature's sickening mouth one by one, the humanoid tiger raised his hand and shouted angrily.

"F*ck yo-."


Or at least he just wanted to shout, but couldn't, because the creature above him didn't let him.

After his very first word, the Echo Spirit opened its mouth wide, and with a single bite, it snapped the creature's whole head off and immediately started to suck the blood out from the body.


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