Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 172: Everchanging Maze

Chapter 172: Everchanging Maze

The moment Greg and Joe walked into the maze, Jay looked toward the exit, then at the carvings on the ground and the wall.

After thinking for a while, Jay cut his finger and dripped his blood onto the ground. He hoped to create a clone, however, the moment his blood touched the ground, the carvings suddenly lit up and under a single second his blood got evaporated into thin air.

"So I can't use my clones in this place. Great..."

Mila seeing this, waved her hand, just like she did against Netherclaw, but even after a few seconds, nothing happened.

No purplish flames and no boiling lava. She couldn't use her powers, yet she could clearly feel that below the surface, the lava was there, but because of the carvings, she couldn't utilize her abilities.

"Like this that our power is restricted, it will be even harder to defend this place against the enemy.", said Mila and looked toward the stairs.

As she said this, Mila looked at Jay and asked, "What should we do?"

Jay who was quiet a while looked at Mila and Emma.

"The perfect plan should be to set traps, and wait for the enemy to walk into them. However, this place is like a trap itself, because of these carvings. The only thing we can do currently is to wait patiently and when the enemy comes fight them head-on without hesitation."

Emma and Mila hearing this looked at each other, but still, they couldn't think about anything better either. Just like how Jay said, this place is one huge trap, so the only thing they could do to wait and fight only when the time comes. 

Because the carvings negated every ability by physical contact, they couldn't make traps. Only those who had power similar to Greg's or his fairy's wind blades could set up traps without activating the carvings.

For those kinds of people who used their full power through the ground or need to use their surroundings, while they had only a little bit of close combat experience this place was a real nightmare. 

Even Jay, whose power is through his own blood, needs to be careful because if the object he created gets into contact with the carvings, his ability will get nullified fully.

Naturally, after a few seconds of waiting, he could activate his skill again, but that few seconds against enemies could become fatal.

"Well... this is what we are in currently. The only thing we can do is to wait patiently for Greg and Joe to find another way out from here.", said Jay and sat down onto a broken stone without taking his eyes off from the stairs.

Knowing that they could do almost nothing except of waiting, Mila and Emma sat down to a small stone also and waited while looking at the stairs with sharp eyes.

While the three were patiently waiting, Greg and Joe were already deep inside the maze.

They were running with fast speed, while behind their track Greg was leaving Shapeless in the form of a black rope.

Turning right, left, and then again right, the two didn't stop even for a second. Under the few minutes they spent inside the place, they have already turned to different directions more than hundreds of times. 

The turns they have taken have reached almost four digits, showing just how many directions they could possibly go. After almost every meter, the path split into 3 or more other passages, making them choose every single second.

At the very beginning, it was easy to remember which path you choose, but the more you went deeper and the more direction you chose, the harder it got to remember the way back.

Luckily Greg was using Shapeless as a tool to find the way back easily. If he didn't have this Soul Creature, he couldn't have thought of another way to explore this maze this efficiently.

The only thing they had to do was to run as fast as they could while looking out for those passages that they have already taken.

For example, currently, Greg and Joe had turned right leading them to another intercrossing where 3 paths could be seen in 3 different directions.

However, out of the 3, 2 had a black rope coming and going out of them, indicating that they have already taken those paths.

The only way they didn't take was on the left, so without any hesitation, they went into that passage and continued to run.

"This maze is insanely huge. We have been running for several minutes now and took almost a thousand turns, yet this was the very first time we met an intercrossing where we have already been.", said Joe as he followed Greg from the side, while from his body thin thunder particles popped up from time to time.

Greg who's body was covered with hardly seen wind vortexes looked at the walls which were made out of corpses and nodded.

"Yeah. Also, looking at all of these corpses, I can't imagine just how big a massacre could have been here in the past."

Joe after hearing this looked at the walls which were one and half a meter wide, while its height reached the ceiling easily, he nodded.

Just looking at the numerous ragged and lifeless bodies put on top of each other made him feel a cold rush through his spine. 

"Just what could have happened here?", asked Joe quietly from himself, but to be honest he didn't really want to know.

The two were running without stopping, yet even after 10 minutes they still didn't meet a single path that they have already taken. But still not losing hope, the two continued their exploring, not caring if they have already taken a path or not. The only thing they cared about was to find another way out of this place as fast as possible they could.

When the two have already run for almost 20 minutes, suddenly Greg stopped running and grabbed Joe's shoulder.


Just as Joe wanted to ask Greg what happened, suddenly Greg put his hand on his most, not letting him to speak, and pulled him to the side where a small gap was.

And just as he did that, suddenly a huge claw appeared from the corner and pierced right into the walls, tearing off numerous limbs from the corpses as easily as breathing the air in.

Slowly, a terrifyingly large creature got revealed from behind the wall turning its terrifying-looking head here and there slowly.

The head had no eyes nor nose, but a small pair of ears and an insanely huge snarling mouth with hundreds of razor-sharp teeth in it.

The corner of its mouth has reached the side of its head, while between each teeth blood and torn flesh could be seen.

Its ash-black skin was almost fully covered with a thick amount of blood, while from the middle of its back, from its spine several sharp bones pierced right through the skin, making the whole creature look even more scarier.

*KRR... KRR... KRR*

With a sound that was similar to when one started to click with their throat, but with the only difference that it was louder and had a piercing effect, the creature turned its head slowly toward the direction where Greg and Joe were.

Greg and Joe, hidden in a small gap, didn't dare to take even a single breath, fearing that the slightest sound could reveal where they were.

*KRR... KRR...*

Clicking its throat for a few more times, the creature let the wall go and with long steps, it walked away slowly, leaving the shocked looking Greg and Joe behind.

The moment the creature's tail, which looked like a trident, vanished in the corner, Greg let Joe go and breathed out a huge sigh.

Joe looking toward the direction where the creature disappeared, looked at Greg with shock and said, "That creature... Just what the hell was that?"

Greg turned his gaze at Joe shook his head and said, "I don't know, but it was terrifying. And what is even worse, only its presence was on the God rank. That suffocating bloodlust alone made me think I would die..."

"Yeah... We can't beat that thing. We should go back now. It is way too dangerous to continue. Let's go back-, huh?", said Joe with a nod and turned around, but just as he was about to start running, suddenly he stopped moving.

Greg seeing Joe's shocked expression frowned slightly and walked out of the gap, but before he could have asked why did Joe freeze up, suddenly he too stopped moving.

The moment he looked toward the direction where Joe was looking, suddenly his eyes widened too, not believing the sight that he was watching at the moment.

The path from where they have come from could nowhere to be seen, but only a single huge wall, made out of hundreds of corpses.

Seeing as the route where they have come from suddenly got blocked by a wall, Joe and Greg looked at each other, not knowing what they should do now.

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