Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 139: Intermediate Healing Potion

Chapter 139: Intermediate Healing Potion

"Should I use that?"

Thinking about his not long ago newly gained power, Greg activated his Third Flow and waved his hand.

In an instant, drops of water appeared out of thin air and flew at his skin, creating a small water layer around his body.

"Let's try it.", said Greg and without hesitation he made the water on his skin to freeze into a solid substance, making his whole body look like it was made out of sky blue jade.

Feeling as his whole body didn't feel cold at all, but instead, it made his entire being calmer, Greg nodded and looked at his palm.

"Even though it feels like my whole body is in cement, I can move around just as easily as before.", thought Greg calmly and looked at the Spirit Grass on the ground.

As he looked at the sharp edge and surface of the grass, Greg nodded and extended his arm toward it slowly.

"Let's see just how hard this jade like skin truly is."

With that in mind, Greg stopped being careful and grabbed the Spirit Grass.

As he did this, Greg waited for a sharp pain to pass through his palm, but to his surprise, that feeling didn't come. He was holding the Spirit Grass just as easily as he would with any other normal grass.

Of course, this was only possible because of the jade around his skin, so Greg was pleasantly satisfied.

"Perfect. Then let's start making the last potion.", said Greg with a slight smile, and without hesitation, he put the grass on the bottle's lid.

Seeing that it was firmly on the top, Greg the grass's end with both of his hands, and started to push it forcefully.

He didn't start to add pressure on the grass slowly, because he wasn't afraid at all. If he couldn't make the grass and the bottle to crack with his First Flow, then it was quite obvious it won't break under his strength if he adds a little bit more pressure to it.

As he thought about this, Greg clenched the grass's end with his hand and was about to push it hard, when suddenly Russ's shocked voice sounded behind his back.

"Where did you find that?"

Stopping what he was about to do, Greg turned around and looked at Russ.

"In the forest under a tree. Why? Is it a problem?", asked Greg calmly as he raised the grass before his head.

Russ seeing Greg's jade like appearance looked even more shocked, but because he was somewhat used to these things by now, he just shook his head and said, "No, not at all. Instead, you did the right thing. With that grass, you are able to make an Intermediate Healing Potion, but the process is totally different, so no matter how hard you try to push those drops out from it, you won't achieve anything."

Looking at the grass in his hand, Greg sighed and said, "So that is why. I should have thought about this possibility."

With that, Greg put the Spirit Grass down and deactivated his Third Flow, making the jade around his skin to evaporate in an instant.

"So how should I do that? I only made four potions and I wanted this to be my fifth.", asked Greg while putting out the four Beginner Healing Potions before him.

Seeing as Greg put out one potion one by one, Russ looked a bit surprised, but in the end, he still nodded.

"The secret to making those drops to come out from such a Spirit Grass is not to put pressure onto it, but to cut it up."

"Cut it up? Something this hard and sharp?", asked Greg with confusion as he watched Russ crouching down next to the Spirit Grass.

"Yes, you heard it right. Cut it up. Or simply cut it in half. Whatever the point here is to make a small cut on the middle of it."

With that said, Russ took out a knife that was made out of bone and said, "The easiest way to cut it, is to find an object with the rank of an Ascender rank. Just like this knife in my hand."

Raising the bone knife before Greg's eyes Russ smiled and said, "I obtained this Soul Creature, by clearing an Ascender ranked zone in the past. I only use it for Pharmacy, so this is the best tool for something like this."

As he said this, Russ held the Spirit Grass with his bare hand like nothing and after putting the bone knife's edge on it he pressed on the grass gently.


Just like a hot knife cutting through tofu, the bone knife pierced into the grass, making it to give out a loud metallic cracking sound.

Greg was totally stunned by this. He wasn't stunned because of the knife, because it was on the Ascender rank, but instead because of how Russ ignored the Spirit Grass's aspects.

That thing could easily cut through his skin even though his body was refined in the Body Grade, but Russ didn't. Even though he completed the Evolution Step, he should at least use a small power to protect his bare hand, but he didn't. He just simply grabbed it just like any other grass on the ground.

Seeing Greg's surprised expression Russ smiled and said, "Don't be that shocked kid. Maybe it doesn't seem like that, but in the past, I trained my body to the extreme limit. Something like this can't even put a scratch on me."

Listening to this Greg nodded and thought, "Now it is clear how he could make Albert's body fly away that easily back in the temple."

While Greg thought about this, until then Russ raised the pierced grass above the bottle and shook it gently.

In an instant, small drops of liquid with a blackish and greenish color started to fell into the water one by one.

However, after the third drop, Russ put the grass away and said, "It is very important that you only put 3 drops in it. Just like with the normal healing potion, if you put even a single more, you could easily find yourself in a dire situation."

With that said, Russ closed the lid and shook it around for a while and after a minute he threw it to Greg.

"Here. This will be on your help in the future that is for sure.", said Russ, and a while later he continued, "Even though you couldn't finish 5 pieces of potion I will still teach you."

As he said this Russ looked at Greg and said, "To tell the truth, when I first made my very first Beginner Healing Potion, I needed an hour. To think that you were able to make four potions under such a small amount of time, you are a quick learner kid, aren't you?"

Hearing the compliment, Greg just smiled wryly and scratched the back of his neck slowly, but a second later he remembered something and asked, "Do you know where can I find energy crystal with earth affinity?"

"You need it for your earth element yes?", asked Russ as he looked at Greg calmly.

"Yes. I need energy crystals with the proper affinity for each of my elements for my breakthrough, but I think you figured this out."

With a nod, Russ put his finger under his chin and started to think.

After a small while, he looked at Greg and said, "Maybe you don't believe me, but earth creatures are hard to find in the Forbidden Lands, so I can't really help with that."

Looking toward the bridge in the distance, Russ thought for a while and said, "If I'm right we will teleport to the middle of the Forbidden Lands tomorrow, so maybe you can find one. But until then, let me teach you something really cool."

"Really? What is it called?", asked Greg curiously as he looked at Russ.

With a smile, Russ took out a strange looking ball filled with colorful liquid and threw it toward Greg.

Greg seeing this frowned and raised his hand to catch it, but the moment the ball touched his hand a shocking sight happened.

Instantly when his fingers touched the ball's surface, the ball exploded into a huge white cloud, and just like glue, it stuck on Greg's body.

Seeing this Greg was quite surprised and wanted to tear it off from him, but the moment he touched the strange substance his palm stuck on it instantly.

"What the...", said Greg with awe and looked toward Russ asking for help.

"Haha... Look at you. Not knowing what to do?", asked Russ with a mocking smile and waited for Greg to figure out how to take the material off from his body.


Seeing that Russ won't help him at all Greg sighed and without hesitation he activated his Second Flow, setting his whole body ablaze with golden flames. 

However, to his surprise, the golden flames didn't turn the slimy material to dust but simply it just turned it into more watery, making his whole body to be covered almost instantly.

Seeing this Greg stopped using his flames without hesitation and thought, "If hot is not the key what about the cold?"

With that, he activated his Third Flow, making the temperature around his body to fall under 0 degrees almost instantly.


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