Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 137: Pharmacy

Chapter 137: Pharmacy




"Ahhh! This... This wasn't as bad as I expected.", said Greg quietly, while feeling as the pain in his body started to subside slowly.

Sitting up and moving his arm and body here and there, Greg was quite surprised and looked up at Russ.

"Did you make this drink? How?"

Russ watching as Greg's expression looked relatively curious smiled and said, "I learned pharmacy when I was little. I can make all kinds of things, but unfortunately, because of the unknown consequences, I couldn't experiment with them on humans. You are the very first one who tried it."

Hearing this, Greg's expression and body froze instantly, and looked at Russ silently.

"Unknown consequences? What? You gave me something that could kill me?", asked Greg with an ice cold expression.

Feeling that he made a small mistake talking about that part, Russ smiled wryly and said, "Don't be like this. I know I made a mistake to give you something like that, but look... You didn't die, no?"


Russ seeing Greg's expressionless face scratched the back of his neck slowly and sighed.

"Look, it was my fault sorry. I won't do anything like this ever again."

Looking at Russ's honest face Greg could only shake his head helplessly and after a slight sigh, he said, "Well... At least I didn't have a problem with it. Anyway... Can you teach me how to do a potion like that?"

Russ hearing the unexpected question turned his gaze at Wayne, but the moment he saw his shrug he didn't know what to say.

"Well...", turning his gaze slowly back at Greg, Russ said, "I can, but for exchange, you need to tell me something."

"Sure. What do you want to know?", asked Greg as he looked at Russ calmly.

Seeing his carefree attitude toward him, Russ smiled and asked, "You are not even in the Creator rank, aren't you?"


Inside a massive volcano, Mila was sitting on a small rock with closed eyes, while boiling lava was flowing around her body slowly.

One breath after another, she was calmly inhaling and exhaling the hot air while ignoring the insane heat around her body.

The man and the woman who were Mila's teachers watched her from afar with an expressionless face.

"Will she be able to break into the Creator rank?", asked the woman a bit worried expression as she looked at Mila's unmoving figure.

"She hasn't been moving for days. I start to get a bit worried. To break into the Creator rank with her current strength and intelligence, she should have achieved that under a day, but for some reason, she is still like that."

The old man looked at Mila and after touching his beard he said calmly, "I don't know either. She has the power to control fire in ways that not even others can, so her current position is harder than any other fire holders, but this shouldn't be the reason behind this strange phenomenon."

"Should we go to her?"

Shaking his head the old man said, "No. I see that she is at a very crucial point, but every time it is about to break through, she forces her powers back. Stran-"


Just as the man wanted to say that it was strange what Mila was doing, suddenly Mila opened her eyes and stood up.

"She finally mo-, huh?"


With a loud splash, Mila jumped into the boiling lava, making both the woman and the old man shocked in an instant.

"Oh no! She is only on the rank of a Soul Collector! She won't survive!"

Realizing what had just happened, the woman and the old man were about to move and help Mila, but just before they could, suddenly a blinding light broke through the river of lava.


With a loud explosion, the lava burst high up into the air, making the lava to fell from the sky like rain.

Summoning an air barrier around her and the old man, the woman looked at the middle of the place lake with widened eyes.

"This presence... She... Did she breakthrough right into the Calamity rank? Impossible! But how?"

The old man hearing what the woman said nodded too and with visible disbelief, he said, "She really broke through..."

In the middle of the lava lake, Mila was standing calmly on a huge rock, while on her body, a lava armor started to form bit by bit, making her presence to reach the Calamity rank in one go.


With another explosion, the lava around her body exploded, but this time instead of falling down like rain, it flew out and in seconds it formed a massively huge sphere around the volcano.

"What is... Argh... Hugh..."

The woman was about to ask something, when suddenly the temperature inside the volcano reached a suffocating height, making hot only her, but even the old man to use their powers without hesitation.

"What the... How can she have such terrifying power? This just too much!", asked the woman with huge eyes as she tried to catch her breath.


Behind the wooden house, Russ was standing before 3 same looking plants, while before them, Greg was sitting with a concentrated expression.

Looking at Greg as he was thinking about which plant he should choose, Russ thought back to the moment he agreed to teach him pharmacy.

"You are not on the Creator rank, aren't you?"

Greg hearing this unexpected question looked a bit surprised, but even like that he shook his head and said, "I'm on the Creator rank, but because I have a strange Guardian, my powers are stronger than those who are on the same rank as me. I don't know why, but this is the truth."

While Russ remembered back at this, suddenly Greg raised his hand toward a plant and said, "This one."

Looking at the one in Greg's hand, Russ shook his head.

"That one is correct. What you are holding at the moment is called Trigger Grass. It has special attributes which can be on your help for small injuries after smashing it, but for potions it is useless."

As he said that he pointed at the middle one, which looked exactly the same that Greg was holding, and said, "However this is what we are looking for."

Picking it up, Russ pointed at the edge of the grass and said, "As you can see, this grass has a sharper edge than the one you are holding. It also has a dim green glint on it."

Putting it back Russ straightened his back and said, "That is called the Spirit Grass. It has a huge effect on wounds and broken injuries after smashing it, but it has bigger power if it is used for making a potion."

"And what is that one?", asked Greg curiously as he pointed at the third grass.

"That is nothing else, but a normal Grass. If you would have chosen that, I would have left you here without teaching you anything else."


Seeing Greg's expressionless face, Russ chuckled and said, "But you didn't so you are perfectly fine. Well then, let me show you how to make a Beginner Healing Potion."

With that said, Russ picked up the Spirit Grass and after taking out a bottle he crouched down.

Looking at Greg he smiled and asked, "Can you please take a small amount of water from the lake?"

"Sure.", said Greg and after activating his Third Flow, he served his hand.

In an instant, small drops of water appeared out of the air, and under a few seconds, a small ball of water floated before Russ.

"Woah! Using your power in such a way... Amazing!", said Russ with awe as he watched the water flying into the bottle in his hand.


When the water from into the bottle, Russ nodded as thanks and held the Spirit Grass above the lid.

"What you need to do is to put the grass's edge above the lid and start to push it with a medium pressure against the bottle's lid. But be careful, because if you are doing it too hard, the grass will break. But if you do it right..."

Just as he said this, small drops of greenish liquids started to fell into the water one by one, making the water to change color into dark green.

"And also, be sure that only 5 drops fell into the water. If you drop even just one more than five and drink it, you can achieve the total opposite you wanted.", said Russ calmly, as he put down the grass after the 5th drop fell into the water.

Raising it up he closed the lid and started to shake it gently.



After 2 minutes of shaking, Russ stopped wiggling the bottle here and there and threw it to Greg.

"Here. A Beginner Healing Potion. Now it's your turn. Make me 5 until the sun goes down. If you are not able to do that, don't even dream about learning anything else from me."

With that, Russ turned around and walked back to the house, without saying anything more.

"Until the sun goes down?", asked quietly Greg, but the moment he looked up at the sky he said with a stunned expression.

"But the sun will go down after less than 2 hours!!!"

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