
Chapter 80.8: Chi Lu x Bo Yu (8)

Chapter 80.8: Chi Lu x Bo Yu (8)

The night was dark, and the wind came in through the half open car window, clattering.

Chi Lu's hand was tightly clasped by him, with no strength to rebel.

There was a substitute driver in the front seat, while the two of them sat close to each other in the back.

Chi Lu didn't know how to describe their sitting posture at the moment, or some other things, she just felt a little uncomfortable, and she couldnt put it into words.

Because it was already late at night, the light outside the window was flickering on and off, dimly shining through the car window, making the view less vivid.

As for what Bo Yu was doing, no one knew except Chi Lu, not even the substitute driver who was focusing on driving.

Her body was slightly stiff, she grabbed Bo Yus hand and wanted to hold it down, but she wasnt as strong as him.

Chi Lu gritted her teeth, and warned with a pressuring tone, Bo Yu!

Bo Yu looked up, Hm?

He chuckled and asked softly, What?

Keep your hands in control.

Bo Yu's hand rested on her back and waist, then he leaned towards her side and asked with a deep voice, Was my hands uncontrolled?

Chi Lu couldn't stand him teasing her like this, she bit her lip and warned, You know it clearly.

Bo Yu curled his lower lip and deliberately disagreed with her, I don't know.

Chi Lu closed her eyes and took a deep breath, Believe it or not I can jump out of the car right now.

She said, You know my temper.

Bo Yu paused for a moment, as if sensing her about to get angry for real, he withdrew his hands.

But when he withdrew them, he couldn't help but sneer.

Why? He paused and breathed into her ear, his voice incredibly low. Youre becoming more and more sensitive?

Until getting out of the car, Chi Lu didnt say a word to him anymore. With a cold face, she looked extremely gorgeous.

Bo Yu directly parked the car at the gate of the community, but because he was drinking earlier, he did not drive into the underground parking lot, and the two entered through the gate.

After getting out of the car, Bo Yu took Chi Lus hand, but she shook it off.

He lowered his eyes and stared at her.

Im hungry.

Chi Lu said willfully, Mr. Bo, what about you go over there and buy me something to eat?

Bo Yu stared straight at her, but didn't speak.

He knew that Chi Lu did it on purpose.

Chi Lu wasnt afraid of him either, she just looked at him straightforwardly and openly.

She was deliberately making things difficult for him.

Bo Yu smiled, and asked in a low voice, What do you want to eat?

You go have a look and buy some.

Not coming with me?

Chi Lu paused, then she glanced over, feeling a bit moved.

Chi Lu lived right in the center of the city, surrounded by towering tall buildings, and urban planning is also very good.

Except for the office buildings and malls, theres also a street that is lively at night time.

There are many people eating supper every night, and it also has many barbecue stalls.

Chi Lu has always been fond of places with a crowded atmosphere. Although she is arrogant and capricious, she also likes roadside stalls like these.

In the past, Bo Yu was so obsessed with cleanliness that he didn't like to go, but as long as Chi Lu wanted to, he would accompany her.

He invited her because he knew that Chi Lu would want to go, and would be eager to go.

Bo Yu glanced at her expression and knew that she had made a decision.

He paused for a while, There is a barbecue over there, and the taste is a bit similar to the one in front of your high school.

Chi Lu was stunned, then reluctantly, Then lets go and have a look, Ill try it to see if its the same.

Bo Yu smiled silently, Okay.

The two of them walked towards that street.

It was late at night, so Chi Lu wasnt afraid of being photographed.

She turned to look at Bo Yu, Ill take off my mask now, it should be safe, right?

Bo Yu nodded, Yes, I already told Cheng Zhan, there wont be a problem.

Chi Lu was surprised, What did you say to him? Dont let the news about me go on hot search?

Bo Yu answered, The good ones can go up, and he can just delete the bad ones if they see it.

Chi Lu was speechless, then she laughed before asking curiously, Did Cheng Zhan run an entertainment company just for the friends like you?

Bo Yu thought for a while, Maybe?

He laughed for a bit then said in response, The entertainment company is not his main business.

Cheng Zhan's main business is being the young master of the Cheng family, there are companies, along with the hotels and other brands under his name. The entertainment company can only be regarded as a game between him and Chen Lunan.

When the two organized and started this company, they never expected that it would develop into the top entertainment company.

For this reason, if there are any problems in the general entertainment industry, whether its about Bo Yu, Chen Lunan or the others, they always let Cheng Zhan handle it.

Chi Lu raised her eyebrows, and said in a shallow voice, Your temperament is a bit similar to Cheng Zhan.

Bo Yu looked at her, Are you sure?

But its a bit different. Chi Lu said, I dont know how to describe it.

If it must be said, it is likely that Cheng Zhan is a bit more domineering as the CEO, although they all looked like polite scumbags, but Cheng Zhan had a stronger aura, which might be related to his being the boss.

On the other hand, Bo Yu basically didnt care about the company matters, and preferred to write a book and script. Although he is also gentle and dignified, overall, his scholarly aura is stronger.

One is romantic, and the other is calm.

The former is Bo Yu, and the latter is Cheng Zhan.

Bo Yu looked her in the eyes and said lightly, You seem to like Cheng Zhan quite a lot.

Chi Lu was speechless.

She rolled her eyes, Not that I like him.

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