Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 670 Private personal talk

Chapter 670 Private personal talk

[Eon's POV: ]

After Miss Mia was finished with her creation and presented it before the judges, they were visibly impressed by her work.

They were so impressed that they told her about how amazed they felt as they watched her, and, the other participants, though filled with unique emotions, had no choice but to acknowledge her prowess.

She was amazing and her technique was one of a kind. They couldn't do what she had done even if they wanted to and were as proficient as her in the art of alchemy. 

They accepted that she was a genius, but, to the old and experienced masters and grandmasters present in this place, it mattered naught.

She was just a young one that was good in the art of alchemy but, that was it. Even though the world called her a prodigy, from their point of view, it would take her several more years to reach the level that they were on… they were going to be in for a great surprise by the end of tomorrow though.

'The woman they considered young wasn't the same person she had been in the past. She was a completely different person now, with new knowledge about herself and her powers, and, they were all going to know it by the end of tomorrow.'

Well, some of them would know it by the end of the second round of the competition as well, but, the first round had just ended, and a break had just begun so, everyone that had passed the first round, as well as those who had failed, must be all resting in their places, waiting for the further announcement.

'Well, they all must be doing pretty well considering they did better than we had expected in their first rounds.'

Everyone did pretty great. The ones from my house and Rein's house as well as everyone else from the academy. They all passed the first round of the competition considering they had been prepared for at least that much however, some of them won't be making it out of the second round of the first day. 

The competition started from the second round in true meaning anyway. They would all experience it in a few hours. 

But, well, it was break time for now, and, since it was break time for all of us, Rein and I were with Lord Maverick and the party in their private chambers. 

I had some important matters to talk with them already and the time for that was finally upon us, however…

"Here, your majesty. It was a little difficult to make from just the explanations in this short time, but, I did my best."

Before we got to the talk, Lady Carolina suggested we have a meal, and instead, I cooked for them.

"Ohohoho! This looks just like what I had seen in that eastern village!"

They all requested some unique kind of food, the twins as well, and Rein helped me prepare what they had asked for. Thankfully, the things they asked for weren't that complicated to prepare.

"Bruter Axion! Bruter Axion! Izh dish rally ice tream~?!"


"Baby! No speaking with food in your mouth! Where's your manners!"

The twins enjoyed their meals but the ice cream sandwiches attained their greatest love. 

They were loving every bite of it, and, Rein was loving watching the two with a loving gaze.

"Hahaha! To think I would enjoy something as simple as this! You are amazing, master Axion! Lady Madeleine's prices were an understatement of your abilities! Hahaha!"

Lord Maverick loved the highest quality meat I had specially prepared for him with some unique techniques as well. He loved it so much he had already finished three portions of the whole astronomically pricey thing.

But I was the one preparing it right now, and I had plenty of this rare meat. And, even if the portions I had finished, getting more wouldn't be that difficult of a thing in this bustling capital city that was a hotspot of stranding at the moment.

'One can find any kind of absurd thing if they just wished for it hard enough and looked at the right place. There were underground auctions going on as well and Rein and I along with the President and vice president intended to pay a visit to the biggest one of them tonight.'

It would be a masquerade-type auction but since we would be going there for the work for the most part, who knows we will have time to play around in the auction house.

"Axion and Reinelle should join us as well now. You are done with everything, right~? Join us~." Lady Charlotte invited us to join them, and the others, including the twins, insisted on it so, we had no choice but to join them all.

"Big bruther! Are you gonna try my ice cream~?"

"Mine as well! Suster! Suster! Please have some of mine!"

The cute twins offered us their own sweets, something no kid does willingly for just anyone. So, this was a big thing for both of us. And considering how much they loved those ice cream sandwiches, I didn't think they would offer them to us again if we rejected them this time.

"Thanks, Prince Nathan, Princess Nathalie~!"

Rein didn't even hesitate and accepted Princess Nathalie's spoonful of ice cream first before having some from Prince Nathan's plate.

She was delighted by their offer and she received it from them, so, she loved it even more. A little too much from what I felt from her.

][ "You love them." ]]

[[ "How can anyone not love them~?" ]]

[[ "But you love them a little too much. Do you want…" ]]

[[ "Hehe, perhaps. Who knows~?" ]]

We had thought about children but, it was a thing for a distant future. She wasn't sure about all the parenting and stuff and she knew she wasn't nowhere near ready to have that kind of responsibility.

She was aware of her flaws and the time it would take her to patch them to a safe enough degree. 

But, the fact that she was at least thinking of something like this… made me happy, strangely.

"Big bruther! Here~."

They offered me their plates directly after her, cute kids.


I took a spoon from both of their plates, small bites without the shocolate part that seemed to like a little more, and, the two were happy to see their chocolates were spared.

"Hehehe, yes~!"

"Net! Give me some~!"


"We have more if you want, Princess."

There was no need to fight for something as simple as this. They will be surprised to see Anna's secret chocolate room if they visit our house. They should visit our house soon, right?

"Really~?! Yeiiiiii~! Then I-"

"No Natli. That is enough."

"Hmmm? Noooooo! Mama! I want more!"

"No more ice cream dear. You will get a toothache."

"Noooooooo! Mamaaaaa! It's so gooooooood!"

Now Princess was fighting with Lady Charlotte, which was cute as well, hehe.

"Natli? You want some from Papa?"

"Hmmm? Yes~! Thanks, papa!"


"Haha, let her, Char. Today's fine."

"No, it's not!"

A normal family quarrel in a family such as theirs reminds me how there are families out there, the noble families of higher social status, who do not have such relationships like them in this world.

'They are special and quite adorable…'

Rein was looking at the four of them lovingly, especially the cute little duo. For some reason, her heart was fixated on the two of them since the time she saw them. It's a unique behavior from her, certainly.

"You are not getting any more of that ice cream, and that's it! And… why are you two just staring at us like that? Start eating already ~. The food's gonna get cold."

In society and the world outside of these complicated things, she was called a genius architect who was quite aggressive with her designs. Like, she had created a particular castle for one of the richest people on the planet at their personal request who wanted the place to be similar to some demon's castle, and she made it so well that the castle is now a must-visit sight of that otherwise small kingdom far in the north of the continent.

She was a very professional person when it came to her work, someone who had worked quite closely with Mom and other master architects during the construction of Hiranni. But, she was only a caring, protective mother in this private space.

And, she liked my cooking so, this was a plus point.

"Master Axion…" Lady Carolina was sitting on the other side of El and after finishing the dish she had specifically asked from me, she called me out and looked at me with a unique gaze.

"You wanted a personal private talk on some matters, right?"

There was a unique seriousness in her eyes now, something that we all had been anticipating for a while now.

She had not brought up this topic the whole time we had been around her however, now that she was finally talking about this… 

"Yes, Lady Carolina. We… wanted to have some of your precious time."

Rein grabbed my hand and we looked at her with determination in our eyes.

"Are you sure?"

"We are, yes."

She had a basic understanding of what we wanted to talk about and how difficult the things we wanted to talk about might turn out to be.

She knew how deep and dark the world of politics is, how the corrupted power misuses their authority, how the nature of one party triumphs over the thoughtfully nurtured powers, and, just how difficult and dangerous it was to enter a world like that at such a young age.

'She knew what we wanted to talk about was absurd in itself, however, if she was ready to talk about those topics as well, it meant she at least had confidence in our abilities now.'

And, just having them hear us out would be enough.

I have learned how to convince others in a negotiation from the best person, so, I knew by the end of the day, we would have a properly strong backing and a door to the darker side of this world.

A world, that we don't usually pay attention to even after it is present before our eyes all the time, in all the places, in countless unique forms… in various different skins.

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