Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 622 A Unique Bloodline

[Eon's POV: ]

"Vice President Cradle, please come here."

The editing was done and this was more fucked than I thought.

'Haaaah! Why does it have so much pressure?! How does the headmaster handle the original when the one-time recreation's putting this fucked up pressure?!'

This was difficult! 

It was fun until I was recreating the existing summoning circle but after one point where I had to put it up, things started to get difficult.

The strength of even the edited spell was so great that it was crushing my body. 

The pressure on my insides is so great right now that if things go south and I have to maintain this whole thing for more than three minutes then I would be half dead.

'Not that the headmaster should let that happen. He was here, and that was a very good safety precaution.'

This was going smoothly, I could maintain this, though with difficulty, I could do this. This was not as bad as the Aura training sessions Master and I used to have back in the days. 

"Please hurry if you can. I can't maintain this for too long."

"Ah, yes!"

Everyone was shocked, even Carla, Alf, and Chry who had seen me do a lot of crazy things.

What I was doing right was neither something they had expected to see nor was it something they had thought was possible not just for me, but for anyone in this world.

We were talking about the lone summoning circle of the great academy after all, there was none aside from the headmaster who could recreate this creation magic circle.

Not even the vice headmaster could do it, and that was the reason she would have been the most surprised one if she had been here. Sadly for her though, she was the only person that could help me the way I needed right now.

'She was an expert when it came to aerial combat so her aerial Aura control was better than anyone else in this world. And, I needed that for this whole thing that I was doing right now.

She wasn't here with us but somewhere in the center of the academy, concentrating her Aura to prevent the 'restrictions' of the academy from affecting this process we were doing.'

Not just anyone was authorised to do the summoning even if they wanted to. The academy grounds had preventions and security measures in place that not even the headmaster could turn off.

The only way to bypass that system and for me to successfully do this, someone had to concentrate a large amount of energy at certain points at certain intervals to confuse the system, and, only she could do it among the people here.

The headmaster had to be with us in case something happened and she also understood the uniqueness of the situation so she accepted it and moved away from us after I secretly told us the things she needed to do, things that not even the headmaster knew were possible.

My knowledge came from my master and the lost books of the older past, knowledge that was dangerous and extremely helpful for not just the academy, but for the entire world and beyond.

So, anyway, she was not here or else there would certainly be a very rare face of surprise and shock present from what I can see right now.

"I just have to do the same thing that I did previously, right?"


There wasn't much time on our hands, she understood that as well, and she knew the whole of the situation that was going on so, she nodded at me, looked over the people below the stage, and closed her eyes before taking a deep breath.

'Alright then.'

She started reselling her Mana in the summoning circle like we had done previously and, as soon as she started that, the pressure on my body started increasing exponentially.



"Keep going without opening your eyes!"

I fell to my knees but I had Asta so I had the support. 

I held her tightly and endured the exponentially increasing pressure on my body.

Cradle knew everything that was happening even with her eyes closed but, she kept them close until the very end. 

Her Mana filled the magic circle and it started glowing in a unique mix of green and black.

The magic circle was active now so that much was a good sign, and the process had started.

The summoning circle would now search for the being that matched the summoner the most without the restraints of the limited races, it would go through the second process, search the world data for the match, and select only the one that matched her Soul frequency as closely as it can.

The accuracy would increase a tad bit with just this much but after that, it would filter the selections even more, and only the best one that was the closest possible match for her, the one that would undoubtedly be her familiar, would be summoned. If there existed one out there, that is.

'Hopefully, there will be one.'

[[ *I have faith you will summon something master.* ]]

'Thanks for that Lucy. I needed someone to have faith since I myself don't.'

[[ *It will be fine… oh. Looks like we didn't need to wait for long.* ]]


Yes, something was coming.

I could feel it.

Something was coming out!



A unique voice filled the surroundings as all the pressure on my body completely vanished. 


It was strange. 

The earlier-than-expected summoning, this loud yet melodious voice, this strange relief I felt right after hearing that voice, all of this… this was strange.

"Just what…?"

I opened my eyes to see the creature that was being summoned and stood back up since the pressure was suddenly gone, however, what I saw… was yet again something very, very unexpected.


We all saw a creature with the head of a horned beast's skull, a body completely covered with strange blue things that were neither hair nor something like skin or bones, legs that resembled a bird but the upper body of a humanoid, and a cape like external organ that was covering its back appeared before us.

"…?! Is this another failure or something?!"

"What is that thing?!"

"Wowwwwww! How cool! That's a cute one~! We are keeping this one even if this is a failure darling!"

"No, everyone. The summoning was a success."

There was a warm, deep, proud smile on the headmaster's face as he said that and looked at the unique humanoid creature that was summoned on the stage, how Cradle was looking right into the red glowing lights inside that skull, and lastly at me… the one who made the impossible possible.

'Haaaa. Thanks for having faith, Lucy.'

[[ *Haha master. Don't thank me. I did nothing. And besides, isn't this our first time seeing a creature of 'unique bloodline'? Shouldn't you be fascinated by this instead?* ]]

'Haha, I am fascinated dear. Too much if I say so myself.'

Nature was the most supreme entity, however, it was the most mysterious as well. 

She created many beautiful things, things that one couldn't help but stare at for hours or days or eternity. There certainly existed a unique beauty in all that was present in this nature. However, there were also things that were… unique.

Like this creature before us.

It was a creature born directly without any parents. 

It was born naturally, not like the origin beasts, they were born in and from nature, and this creature wasn't like them.

'A [Self-born] is what I know this creature as, however, it is just one of the many beings of a 'unique bloodline' that existed in this nature. A bloodline that was unique from every single race. Independent from others, unique, and special.'

They were very rare creatures even on a larger scale or when considering the greater areas of nature and this or other realities. They were very rare. Perhaps the one before us was the only one on this entire planet. Which certainly explained the quicker summon.


"What? Shouldn't I be the one asking you to be my familiar?"


"Hahaha, I am honored. I don't even know how to express this emotion.'


She didn't have a face but we could tell she was smiling warmly. 

They had talked through some unique connection and, I can tell just from their eyes just how perfect they were for each other.

It didn't even take them long to accept each other and, right after that, the creature walked forward and kneeled down before her, not to show respect but to be on the same height as her since she was much taller than Cradle.

Then, they proceeded with the bonding process, and since they were already in the middle of that, I released my magic and took off Asta from the ground.

"Mirror… how do you like this name?"

"Muuuuuaaaao! Muuuu~!"

"Yes. Please take care of me as well."

A unique light of green, black, and blue covered the two of them and a unique mark covered her entire left hand that she had put on her familiar, Mirror's head.

'Mirror… hmmmm… welp, not too bad I guess.'

It was a unique name and I can understand why she gave her that name, which had nothing to do with how she looked, but more like what she was,

But, they were together now, and, the vice president knew better than anyone else that it was all because of me.

So… as soon as they were done with the bonding… she came up to me, and hugged me.

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