Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 584 Prayers of the beginning

584  Prayers of the beginning [Eon's POV: ]

We stayed like that for the rest of the night, slept for a few brief moments, talked for hours, and admired this amazing place.

"This is the best."


This was the best place.

The best place to make a house, the best place to make a base, the best place to spend our time together, and also the best place to observe the nature that we loved so dearly.

"It's about time," she mumbled and just when she said, we heard voices coming from the entrance to this space.


The adult flamingos walked in groups, and they weren't expecting us so they were a little startled.

It was time for the sunrise, something we loved seeing together. And since this place was almost at the edge of the sky island, seeing that special moment was going to be even more amazing.


They all shouted together and bowed their long heads before us in unison, which definitely was a cute sight.

[{ "You do not have to do that. Just relax and treat us as if we aren't here. Or even better than that…" }]


[{ Yes master~. }]

She erased us from that place and the flamingoes were suddenly surpassed so they all raised their heads at once, and started looking around in search of their master that had suddenly vanished.

However, the taller flamingos, the creatures of (Blue) and (Indigo) rank calmed the bunch and explained to them we were still there, just that they couldn't see us.

And it meant there were special people watching them, so, they couldn't mess this time around.

"They all are cuter when they are together like this," she looked happy. And I wanted nothing more than this pretty smiling face happily sitting beside me every morning.

"You are the cutest though. Always have been."

She was almost flustered and was also going to have a blush, but, she nodded and smirked instead.

"Of course I am. I'm cuter than Celes and Anna, right?"

There was a smirk on her pretty face as she looked at me… but her question was too obvious to answer, even with that forceful smirk that wanted me to say that same thing again.

"Of course. You are the cutest hopeless person, Celes is the cutest cheerful, and Anna, well, she is the best. There's nothing in this world cuter than her in the aspect of true cuteness."


She shook her head with a not-pleased look this time.

She already knew when I called her the cutest, I meant it in some weird way.

There was no way she could beat my lovely dear Anna in the matter of cuteness. And same was true with Celes.

My little partner was just too loveable.

"Shhh. They are about to start."

Queen Fio, Zoe, and Miss Moon were here as well now, on the other side from us, watching the group of flamingoes in the shallow lake, standing in the group and groups.

It was dawn, so the sun was going to start climbing now. And it was morning, so, the flamingoes were going to perform the 'prayers of the beginning'.

These prayers were something related to their unique cultures, and, since they were some of the few species with such unique characteristics, there were bound to be more than normal rituals related to their daily lives.

'The prayer of beginning.'

All prayers were like instinctive responses to the periodic natural events to them.

They were creatures that obtained their powers from nature directly, something even rare among the energy beasts.

They were special, and so were these dances that differed a little in all the flamingo communities throughout the world.


I grabbed her hand tightly and locked our fingers as we saw the night sky transitioning into a bluer one.


The group of flamingoes, mostly with their partner if they had one or in a group of three to nine if they were still young or had yet to find their partners, stood in the middle of the shallow lake, their legs submerged into the water.

In were standing still with a unique harmony between all of them.

It looked pretty just like that, and since they were all colorful beings that one couldn't help but get attracted towards, we couldn't possibly take our eyes away from them when they started with splashing the water in front of them…

-Chaaaap. Chap-chapak-chap!

In perfect unison, as if they all were connected by some kind of threads, they all splashed the water to their right side and took a quick half-step forward with that same leg, after a bent that seemed to greet the rising sun on the horizon, they finished the step while splashing with their other leg.


Rein was amazed at how they were all doing it perfectly in unison without even the slightest mistake, and yes she could see the little tension hidden under their casual faces, but they didn't let the tension get to themselves.

They wanted to do their best since they knew not only their queen, but also we all were also watching them, so, by the desire to do their best, today, in these outskirts, perfection was born.

-Chaaaaap. Chaaaaap.

They all took two side steps to different sides and expanded their area, creating more space between each flamingo.

They all were facing the direction of the sun and we were looking at them from the side. And since the blue of the horizon was slowly starting to get intense, and a golden hue was starting to mix in, it was time for them to begin the main steps.

"Watch closely."

She was liking this so much that she had even grabbed my other hand, and was looking at them without even blinking.

It was going to get colorful now. The dance of early morning, the beginning of the prayer that was only the lines and forms, was going to meet colors now.



One flamingo in the very front, one of the tall ones, shouted and, opened his wings wide exactly when the first rays of sun greater the land of this landscape.



And, just after him, one by one, with a shout of their own, the other flamingoes also opened up their colorful wings, greeting the gentle rays of our great father.


She was speechless now, her eyes were wide open and were still locked on them, unblinking, not wanting to miss a single moment of their divine greeting.

"It's just the start," I whispered in her ear, and when she still didn't look at me and just answered through the touch of our hands.

'Shut up.'

She wanted to enjoy this moment, and I wanted to enjoy her enjoyment.


-Swaaaash. Swaaaash.


The flamingoes had opened their wings, so, when the subtle moment of pause in this entire nature, the natural event before the early morning, passed, they all first waved both their wings when the winds started moving, then the right one when the clouds were given life and the right one when the earth was painted gold.

And then, they all started fluttering their wings in a harmonic rhythm when the faraway clouds were vanishing with the arrival of the greatest celestial body.


A tall one, different from the one that had initiated the previous wave, shouted this time, and, they all stopped waving their wings, and, took a step back.


And with the shout of yet another tall one, they bowed deeply with their heads almost touching the surface of the shallow water before them.



They stayed like that for a moment, wind passed through the plains, the surface of water moved in the direction of the winds, and, when the faraway surface of water first reflected the light of the rising sun, the shortest one in the group, one that seemed to be the youngest one of them, shouted in his tinder voice.



And at his single, after dipping their long curved beaks in the water, they all stood up and tapped their beaks with their partner or the group members.





Then the tall flamingo on the eastern end, the one that had initiated the prayer, shouted, announcing the end of their first offerings, and followed behind him the three that had led them afterward.

It was the first time the youngest one was offering his prayers so he should have been nervous at this moment however, he was driven by the perfect harmony of his peers and had joined their resonating symphony.

He was doing better than anyone his age would have been able to do. Which was ultimately a very positive outcome for him.

But still…


This was just the main part of their morning prayers which would go on until the sun had perfectly settled above the horizon. However, just witnessing this much was enough for both of us to decide one thing once again.

"Let's make our home, darling."

She was looking at me now, her pink eyes glimmering with the light of this good morning.

There was a warm smile on her face, a smile I could never say no to.

"Our home."

With the same warm smile, I touched my forehead with hers.


She closed her eyes, and a white light appeared on our intertwined hands.


I also closed my eyes, opened my third eye, and with a shared view with my dear fiancée, we watched the rest of the prayer with a unique higher perspective.

It was the morning of the last day of our weekend, tomorrow was the first big event of the academy, we had a mission to complete, and we had a home to start building. However, until this prayer was ongoing… we wanted to stay like this, connected to each other, and just, look at this beautiful scene that few in this entire world had ever been permitted to…

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