Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 565 A Father And A Daughter

[OP: ]

A golden flower shining with bright light, so warm it seemed like the gentle rays of the sun: the golden sunflower; a simple-looking rock that seemed to be cold from its icy blue color, but from close, it gave off an opposing, ghastly feeling: a spirit stone; a container with simple looking water inside it, but from a closer look, one could feel the strange holiness and spiritual energy contained within it: processed spiritual holy water.

Coupled with these ingredients were countless hand-drawn talismans floating in a circle around Eon, and he was still, with his eyes closed as he focused inside of him.

He walked through a dark path, passed through a bright light, ended up in a place with two strange trees that seemed to create a gate, and walked straight in.

Then, he ended up before a place that resembled a tower that towered through the sky and without actually going inside, he directly teleported to a special place, a giant library that was filled with countless books, and started walking toward a special door on one side of it.

He opened the door, and the place before him, the unique place he ended up in, was filled with unique displays with very attractive-looking books. 

Some were singular, some of them seemed normal but had something very special about them, and some of them were so unique that they were one of a kind in this vast place.

But Eon walked toward the right side and stood before a shelf that contained four books with a celestial blue cover with many tiny stars and nine bigger stars that were arranged in a special arrangement. 

He sighed as he looked at these four books, and shifted his gaze slightly to the left as the image of a book with a yellow-orange color, chained by red chains with a magical spell ring circling around it fell on his eyes but… he immediately shook his head.

Picking up one of the four books before him, taking a deep breath, he opened it… and at the same time he did that, in the outer world, a bright light erupted and engulfed the entire room, stealing even the attention of the broken lady that had been drowning in the darkness of her life.

It was a bright light, however, it lasted only for a moment, and that moment was enough for the headmaster that had seen countless unbelievable things throughout his long life, to be surprised once again at the specialness of this one boy that didn't seem to get tired of surprising him.


The bright light subsided and the new scene unfolded.

Eon stood before that empty wall with the talismans circling around him.

There seemed to be strange lights resembling stars around his body too, and they were further illuminated by the white threads of Solnova circling around him, so this mystical scene made their hearts flatter.

The golden sunflower, the spirit stone, and the water that was also floating before him shined with the aura of the blue light that they all had just witnessed.

They were the key ingredients and the preparations were complete so, he called forth the sunflower with one hand and directed the talismans circling around him toward the wall before him, and started creating a new structure with them.

The golden sunflower, glowing with the blue light, came before him, and its petals, the steam as well as the seeds separated from each other under the instructions of his hand movements.

His blue eyes were glowing with a spatial blue light, and what he was doing, the strange preparation of his, seemed to be as if he was dedicating a prayer dance to a deity. 

The way the sunflower was separated, the way the spirit stone shattered into fine dust, the way the water that was used to cure fatally injured mixed with these two other elements and created a strange fluid that resembled the celestial light around him, the way he created a complex, grand array of eastern magical spell formation structure, with the 'language' used in its creation being something the headmaster recognized as the ancient Quinxue texts, and lastly how he used the end materials to illuminate the spell… everything about this casting process was a dance in itself.

Rein was warmly watching him, happy to see a rare sight like this one, and the headmaster was observing the process and how he actually created something of this scale this quickly. While the person in the room for whom this process was being done was… strangely captivated by this scenery before her.

However, the results of this would shock her the most.

"Ohm nam Sam Tanjore tram…"

Eon started reciting a strange chant and the array resembling a circular gate that he had created started glowing with the light that had been around him and the materials a moment before.

"Tatak karim hoon… wizard of Ernest winds, father of reformation instigator's leader, the merchant of golden jewels."

He opened his eyes again at the end of his chant and recited the titles that this lady's father was usually called by, and looked back at the one that was still on the ground behind him.

"We request a meeting with the noble soul of Sir Notus Extengia. 

Your daughter has something to say, so we hope you answer our calling."

The light around him as well as the light in his eyes vanished and only the light of gate like magic array remained after that.

He had cast the array and his part was done, so now, it all depended on the soul in question if it wanted to materialize here or not.

It was always up to them and this spell only worked as a gateway, but most of the time, if the intentions of calling upon them were just and pure, they gladly accepts this moment's chance to see the mortal world again. 

However, it was also true that if they did not like this calling, they might even punish the one calling them, and if the creator of the gate isn't strong enough to handle their wreaths, they might be put into very serious trouble.

This was an array with its own good and bad sides and the people of the past knew about the degrading powers of mankind so for their safety, they themselves erased the method and process to create this grand array, only leaving behind hints for the future generations.

But they did not have to worry about something like that happening here…


He knew that person would accept this calling. After all, just like how a daughter desperately wanted to see her father, in the last moments of that dying father, the first thing coming to his mind must have been the image of his young daughter.

He must also have many things to say to her… and the opportunity to do so would be nothing less than a blessing he receives in his afterlife.

"Cheer up miss Monnem."

The gate was glowing, and particles of light were starting to gather before it, joining together and taking a new form of their own.

The soul had answered and the soul fragments that were scatted all around the world where his existence was known were gathering, giving him a form at this moment.

And as she saw these particles move, as she saw them gather and form a familiar outline, her heart started beating faster with anticipation.

She didn't know what he did or she didn't know if all of this was even real and not just some illusion, but she knew what she had longed for all this time was happening right now, she could feel it… and as soon as the particles of light finished taking a humanoid form, her tears gave up and glistened down from her eyes.

[ "Look at you, little Moonie. You are tall like this incompetent pappy." ]

And when she heard those words, those words with that voice with those emotions behind them that no divine illusion magic in this world could create, she completely broke down into tears, her face red, and her heart that had almost forgotten the necessary emotions needed to be a human was washed away with the new rain of forgotten good memories.

[ "How are you, little one?" ]

He had a pitiful, bitter expression as he looked at her current state, looked at this place he was in and the people that were the reason he was able to meet her like this, and the scattered energies in this room that he can experience naturally.

He could figure out a little bit of what was going on and guess a few things that must have happened after his departure, however, he was before the little love of his life right now.


And the now adult lady, who was seeing her father after so long, instinctively stood up and ran toward him, crying like a little girl that was seeing her father after her first day of school. However, the poor father…


Even if he wanted to catch her with open arms, even if he wanted to hug her once again, even if he wished with all his remaining being that he could wipe those tears off her frail cheeks, he couldn't do it.


He was just an animation of energy. He had no mass of his own, no body that could touch her like it so desperately wanted.


Thus, she just passed right through him like one passing through an illusion and realized again that, he was here right now, but he had truly passed away years ago.


And this fact, only made her cry louder…

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