Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 559 Dinnertime abduction

Chapter 559  Dinnertime abduction 

[Eon's POV: ]


The sleeping boy woke up, and Rein smiled down at him.

"Did I… die?"

"Of course you didn't, you bastard."

Rein had a fun laugh so she wasn't angry at him for ruining our late evening peaceful time, but we were still late thanks to him, and it was already night so she wanted to go already.


The boy looked around and saw that we were just beside the road leading to the academy castle's outer entrance gate and the exit gates on the other side of it.

They were in the middle of it so he can choose to go into the academy and tell the teachers what happened or just accept his foolishness and go home.

"Thank you…"

And from the sudden look of relief he had, it seemed like he was fine and had accepted reality as well as his foolishness.

"Why were you picking flowers in the restricted area anyway."

Eon also wanted to just end things here and go back for today but, he had to see this boy off first.

In his current condition, he was weak, he was also just a common person from probably a common background so there really was nothing special about him, for now at least.


No, there was something special about him.

"I just wanted to give the best flowers to the captain for all her help in the entrance exam. I'm only here because of her so…"

He wasn't exactly smart but he was courageous. After going through that horrific experience, one wouldn't be in their right mind to even speak properly. But he was fine, and more than that, he was calm.

This showed just how strong of a mentality this normal lad had.

"Haaa boy… your intentions were good but you still ended up doing something absolutely foolish. We have complicated work to do now thanks to that but, it's fine."

Looking at him with a warm expression and helping him stand up, I shook my head with another sigh.

"Ball. Captain would definitely have appreciated even the most normal flowers. That's just how she is.

You missed an important meeting because of that but, it's alright now.

Things have passed and you seem to realize your mistake. So please, do not do that ever again.

And, you are banned from that part of the garden now so don't go there without a good enough reason to risk your life."

It was dark already, and the people that wanted to pick us up were already on the move.

And we had to move too, so, I looked at the boy with a calm smile and patted his shoulder.

"Look Ball… we have to go now so I'm ending this conversation here. Let's continue after tomorrow's classes.

And here. These are the basic points that we discussed today and some things that you will have to keep in mind. Read them, check your flower menu and follow my link, and read and watch the resources available there.

Ask me, the captain, or others if you don't understand anything or want to know about it, and I'm sure someone will help you if the two of us aren't available.

Take care…"

Tapping his shoulders two more times, I turned around after giving him a smile.

Rein also walked back with me after giving him a smile, and just when we were a few steps away, we heard his voice again for the last time today.

"Thank you for saving my life vice captain and captain Uriel!"

His words were sincere and he was crying rivers right now.

The shock must already have been great but he managed his best to stay calm. And for a relatively weak person like him, it was a great feat all in itself.

"Take care, Ball Marvin. And go rest after eating a good, healthy meal."

We walked towards the exit gate and I could see he was bowing to the two of us.

'Amusing kid, I must say…'

Training him to become the shield that blocks any harm to our house members would be fun, and when he is actually ready and realizes his talents, he's going to drastically change like Chry.

'I await that time.'

Even Rein was excited when she thought just what kind of shield he would become that even her magic cannot pierce through it. But she knew if I was the one to train him personally, just like the other house captains that had grown under my watch, he would become a splendid character too.

So, she was excited, but at this moment, nothing was more fun to her than the thought of how she would take out some useless crappy trash from this academy island.

She wanted to have fun so, we left the academy and as the shadows around us moved in a vicious manner, clouded by the gray clouds was this night sky, insects weren't singing their precious melodies today, but still, the streets of this floating island was bustling with people and magical activities.

The night shops were open and the voices of many kinds of people were ringing in the surroundings.

It was time for dinner, and our destination for this nightly dinner was a famous restaurant that served very fine quality food at a relatively cheap price.

The boss lady of this restaurant probably had magic in her hands that went beyond skills, but the food surely had a hint of uniqueness as if it was forged in a furnace and not merely cooked on a stove.

"Welcome, dear customers- Oh~! It's you two. Come in. Have a seat."

"Thanks, ma'am~." Rein cheerfully answered to the strong and healthy-looking lady and the lady gave us a happy smirk just like yesterday.

"Your friend isn't here today? She's a cute one."

And when we sat at the same table as yesterday and she brought us some water, she asked about Quin.

We were here with her yesterday and she paid for the food. And of course, she paid more than she was expecting because she didn't know about the grand appetite the two of us had.

'Especially Rein. She eats hopelessly a lot and still has a perfect figure and muscles that seem to be crafted by the divine mother Nature herself.'


"Hmmm? I asked a question and you sigh in response. Is everything alright?"

The boss lady was confused by my sudden sigh. But what could I do? Rein was hot and cute, difficult to handle, yes, but definitely worth all the trouble I have to go through.

"Nothing ma'am. I was just thinking… just how hot, and perfect… my lovely fiancée is."

I sighed again after saying that, and though this sudden admiration sent a blush of surprise on her cute face, the boss lady started laughing as soon as she heard that.

"Hahaha. You two definitely are a fun couple~! Hahaha! Nice young ones. I can't even imagine how you two might be in private if you say such amusing things in places full of people like this."

She sure had a point since we were sitting in a place with a good big crowd with some people looking at us with surprise, but still, there was nothing that could stop me from praising my own dear girl.

"We aren't much different in private ma'am. If anything, we are relatively 'normal' when there's just the two of us."

She knew exactly what I meant. She was an experienced lady that has been running this fine establishment for decades so she certainly knew what 'normal' meant.

"Kekekeke. You certainly know how to speak, young man. And this young girl is even more fun~. Hahaha!"

She was laughing, and I can tell she was thinking about other things from the past that made her laugh even more.

It was fun and all but…


Suddenly, the lights went out and, I felt the space we were in, shift to a totally new location.


And the new location we ended up in, was a dark place, to be more exact, a dark place inside a prison-like structure, with magic enchantments all around us.

"Hello, captains."

We were expecting this from a long time ago and the lunch that we had today was the trigger I set for them.

'The notorious group that resides on the island of magic's wealth and interferes with the perfectly neutral culture of the academy, Reformation instigators.'

They consist of an extensive group of people but there actually aren't that many higher powers supporting them. But still, they have good monetary backing and resources so they manipulate the houses and strive for keeping a clear animosity between all the houses.

house captains that do not know much about the island and the inner working of the system.

They manipulate the students, mainly the seemingly common house captains that do not know much about the island and the inner working of the system.

They use materialistic things to first entice them then slowly use them, to ultimately cause an imbalance in the academic circles.

These bastards call themselves Reformation instigators because their ultimate goal is to bring a total change in the seemingly perpetual neutral nature of the academy and the students, which in itself is a funny thought as not even higher powers have been able to do that in these long millennials.

Still, they have a leader that has been working relentlessly to realize the goal of their group, and in the little over a decade of his career, he sure has managed to cause a great lot of distress in the academy.

'Our previous batch was their peak time as they almost managed to bring down more than half of the house captains under them at the start of their first year and from what info I gathered, the vice president had a severe headache clearing this bunch out.'

But she failed to find the mastermind of this group, the leader that had enough genius to not only closely infiltrate the academy's initial defenses against people like them; but also convince the house captains, some of their house members, as well as people they had close connections with; that the other house captains were plotting against them and had some people backing them that could directly hurt their family.

'The interesting part is that some of those house captains were important high society figures. And 'he' managed to convince them too.'

The one that managed to cause the academy accident two years ago, the one that managed to cause the little-known accidents throughout the islands in the last few years that point to a very certain distress, the one that slipped away from even the 'amazing' vice president Cradle and president Zodiac, and the one that hides behind not one, but two masks…

"Pardon me for this unusual way of greeting, however, it is surely my pleasure to greet you."

Standing before us was a mere illusion of him that he was maintaining effortlessly from a corner of this very underground space we were in, the very establishment that would soon submerge in the screams of these secretive shitty people.

"Can I have a precious moment with you two?"

Few would die in this place today but there was surely going to be blood, and screams, and of course…

"Let us out first."

This bastard before us, this manipulative bastard that was using the very organization he was leading, the seed that had the potential to turn into a disaster… he was going to join me in the future as the [Bait] of the Lightshade, but, before that, he was going to get his plans, hopes and dreams crushed by our 'gentle' beating.

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