Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 538 Mantis, Bob Vs. Turtle (2)

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The turtle couldn't use his skills and he also couldn't use much of his powers because of the restrictions. The same was true for the mantis but he could use his basic innate energy and simple techniques it naturally knew.

But things were different for Bob.


He was a slime before with a lot of restricted skills but then he learned new things and gained new powers while staying within the laws of the core system of the ancient tree.

He can use the skills he had and he can also use the stats he had gained to their fullest.

Technically seeing, his restrictions were far lower than the two of them but still, it wasn't he was overpowered compared to the two of them.

Nope, that wasn't the case.

As a matter of fact, the form he had right now was his complete form, something he couldn't go beyond even if he wanted to. Maybe he can increase his stats a little but after a point, as everyone knows, stats are nothing but mere numbers.

Bob was Bob. But the other two who didn't have their full power and the main thing, the complete access to their skills, were far superior to him when they were in their complete forms.

They were calamities after all, and Bob was only a being that had the potential to become a calamity like them if things went wrong.

There certainly were many ways for the others to get stronger if they wanted and the same was true for Bob.

He can get stronger with a positive approach or join the dark forces and become a demon king like the sixth demon king. It was up to him or would have been if he was in fact real. But he wasn't, and it was saddening to her.

-Clank! Clank! Clank!

Still, she just focalized her eyes on the scene that was playing out before her without blinking, just seeing her new admirer and having fun with what good stuff was going on in that empty space.


Her Bob was fighting with the white mantis, the creature she wanted to use previously but couldn't thanks to that bastard. 

The two of them had a great synergy as both were scythe users and as they fought and their Red-White Auras clashed with the turtle, the sounds they produced, the harmony of those beautiful battle screams of the turtle, were all just aesthetic to her.

But it was certainly something else to the other spectators that were present at the scene.

What they were seeing was only a bloodbath where two creatures with scythes were destroying the certain scales of a giant turtle and then attacking those scale-less areas to produce a space-shattering noise from their opponent.

There were many things happening here, the first was two of their relentless attacks while the main thing now happening in this demonic zone without any atmosphere was the turtle's fight back.

And he was fighting back with the only resources he possessed at the moment. Which were naturally his unique giant body and the demonic energy at his disposal.

Those were the only powers he could use and he knew how to use them very well.


His size was a problem for him in this 'small' area but he used the space to attack the two bastards that were giving him stings of pain that he wasn't used to.

And this pain was severe, but not something threatening to his humongous size.

It was his weakness and strength at the same time but he was nerfed too much at this moment. He didn't even have his most basic of regeneration abilities so he had to use alternatives.

So, first of all, he created a protective barrier using demonic energy and then used his body mass to cause ripples in this space. 

They were formidable attacks that could certainly cause many great threats to the creatures all around the world but the two of them, the two with crescent scythes that were no less than reapers were strangely immune to the corrosive demonic energy and at the same time possessed power great enough to mostly avoid the space ripples.

But they also weren't almighty here. They also received many attacks and were certainly injured but… the two bastards also possessed healing and regeneration powers so even after their limbs were separated from their bodies, they were still going on with their bad attacks.

It was bad from the point of view of the turtle, as it naturally wasn't just fighting against two formidable foes but he also didn't have the great arsenal of powers he truthfully possessed.

He knew the two of them were dangerous but there was nothing for him to do aside from just endure their tiny attacks, and wait till their regeneration powers reached their limits and they didn't have any stamina left to dodge the space ripples.

The demonic energy was also there and if stayed in contact with it long enough, even the holy creatures could be affected.

So, he just had to stall for the time from his side and he was damn good at it.

Not all creatures could block demons for as much time as he had. 

Not many could hold, and endure the offensive of the demonic army for hours every day with that strange narcolepsy he possessed. 

He was in a constant struggle to survive and he had survived in that hellish environment for hundreds or thousands of years so he, even as a mere illusion art projection, knew just how to endure.

And the two attackers also knew this fact as they thought of their next course of action.

They could resist the demonic energy but they had their limits. And they were nearing that limit with each moment they endured the shockwaves caused by that giant creature.

There was no way they can go for too long against this creature and there was also a limit to their class that was nearing its end so they also had to finish these things quickly.

But there was no way to actually get too close to his weak points and just continue as they were till now. This bastard was too sturdy that the normal attacks were never going to be enough to defeat him.

The masters of these creatures, the three students that these creatures belonged to, also knew all these facts.

But, there was a certain unique scenario happening between the three students, the three masters of these creatures that only their teacher was aware of...

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