Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 537 Mantis, Bob Vs Turtle

[OP: ]

On one side was a creature that wanted to exterminate the unnatural element that was destroying nature, and on the other side was a mad being that wanted nothing more than to fill his hunger and survive in this world with no great meaning.

And then there was a creature reborn with new knowledge and insight about his own self.

There was a battle going on, but all three had a unique purpose in their minds, and so had the students that these creatures belonged to in this illusion room.

One wanted to prove to his fellow classmates and the world just how dangerous these creatures can be, the other wanted funds to survive in this new and unknown world.

The last one however, the one that newborn awakened creature belonged to in true meaning, only wanted to have fun with these amazing creatures and crush those bitches that ticked her off on this fine first day of their school.


[Mystic Slime] (Bob) ⭕️

Strength: 210

Dexterity: 204

Stamina: 180

Magic power: 213

Intelligence: 120

Holiness: 69

Domination: 108

Void: 12

[Origin skill: Creator's grace: Basic mastery.

  -Ending existence. ]

[Skills: Impersonation, World eyes, Wisdom barer, Draconic tongue, Weapon master, Aura integration, Geo mental defense, Scythe synchronization, Interpretation, True world, Domination domain, Assistance to master, Impenetrable, Natural element.]

[The enlightened one]

~~~> …


Awakening is basically referred to as the process in which humans awaken a Mana nucleolus and just like it, in the process called Origin awakening, all the beings with an origin skill awaken the true potentials of their origin skills.

The same process is also possible in the energy beasts and anything that exists in this world as everything has a certain origin to them… but it is so rare of a thing that even the history books have little information about this unique process.

And this one actually happens when the energy beasts, the creatures that aren't supposed to know about the world in that much detail like the other normal beings, gain excessive knowledge about the world and nature.

They know the meaning of their existence and also what the world is. 

They see the world in a different way from others and possess the power to cause great changes in the world.

But Bob was a special case even here. 

It wasn't a real creature and he still went through a process even some of the 'special' creatures don't. And he gained powers that even the one that helped him achieve that power didn't think was possible.

All of this was purely a coincidence but it was ultimately in her favour.

She was happy with what her little blob of slime had turned into, and after that awakening process where he gained the status of a [Mystic], a being whose existence itself cannot be explained with natural means or those who completely ignore the laws of nature, her preparations had finished.

The creature that looked like a blob of slime at the start now possessed a tall humanoid physique, a face that previously only had a mouth with long rows of sharp teeth, now possessed eyes while his face was covered with a mask-like feature, and there was also a unique crescent mark on his forehead from where the light was coming out.

A similar cross shape was also there on his chest and there was also light coming out of it.

His entire body was dark aside from these two marks on his chest and forehead with light.

And there was also a huge scythe with a unique shape in his hand as he looked in the direction the students were sitting with a look that expressed great reverence towards the girl sitting at the very front.

He was complete now, and it was all thanks to her.

And she was satisfied with what she had now, excited to use him against those two bastards that were now getting serious with their fight so… looking right at him just like he was doing, she nodded, and that much was enough for him to know what he had to do here.

He bowed at her respectfully after receiving that signal and put his hand inside the area with demonic energy and started analyzing it with closed eyes.


Another light like the previous one entered the others' vision but their attention was focused on the mantis that had removed the scale of the turtle so they didn't notice him.

It was better that way so he finished his analysis and opened his white eyes of light and walked right inside the demonic energy zone with a new white flame burning on his head.

He looked cool, and just after he entered the area, he tightened the grip on his weapon and vanished from the place he was standing.


And at the same time some distance away, the turtle-dragon-mountain stomped his foot and created an earthquake so great the earth in a large area around it shattered and a hole appeared in that place.

The shockwave created by it was also more than enough that it broke the sound barrier and as a result, the resulting shockwave hit the white mantis and was thrown away inside the deep void from before.


But he didn't fall and a white wind surrounded his body midway, and he flew up, anger burning in his dangerous eyes.

His scythes burned with a deep red after that and it vanished again, reappearing before the spot it had taken his scale from.

There was still that white spot there so he aimed at that spot and slashed his scythe-like front hands, shooting a red energy cross that perfectly collided at that spot, and another scream loud enough to destroy the sky echoed throughout the classroom, shattering the area even outside the demonic energy zone.

The person this turtle belonged to was suddenly tense to see this development but another shock came just after that as they saw the new Bob suddenly appear right above the same spot the mantis had attacked right now.

This was their first time seeing his new form that actually looked cool but the weapon, the scythe in his hand was somewhat absurd in their eyes as just like the mantis's red flame-covered hands, his scythe was also covered in a white flame so white it was the stark contrast of his pitch black body.

And he, too, slashed his scythe at that spot while the turtle was reacting to the previous pain, and a slash of white light collided with the same spot that the red cross had hit…!

And this time the reaction was even more intense than before…


A shockwave louder than ever before reverberated throughout the area and students that heard it were all almost blocking their ears, trying to cope with it.

But what they were hearing was already a concerned version completely under the safety guidelines. If they were to hear the real version of this noise, they might die on the spot by exploding like a balloon.

The result of this utterly agonizing scream was the destruction of the space itself and now, the area that at least was a place with ground and sky and atmosphere was now a completely blank space, dark and without any atmosphere.

Most of the creature would have died just from being in a place like that but, the turtle was fine, the mantis was also fine, and both of them now were aware of the presence of the third one, the creature they were seeing for the first time, and a creature that just like the mantis, was an attractive food for the turtle.

But for mantis this new creature that had a dark body and head burning with white flames was unique and different from an unnatural element of nature, this one was so close to nature that it possessed power great enough to defy the almighty nature.

It wasn't a bad thing like being someone harmful to nature, it was an admirable thing that there was a being powerful enough to have the understanding great enough to change the ultimate reality and manifest their wills to change the near omnipotent laws.

The mantis was captivated by this being instantly, but its first priority was the turtle, the heinous creature that was still destroying nature.

He had to finish him as soon as possible and Bob knew his thoughts too so he looked straight into the intermediating eyes of the mantis, and he understood the will of this unique being possessing that great level of strength.

It was a proposal and the mantis agreed. 

So now… they were going to do it. The famous thing that happened in a three-way fight.

They were going to team up. And they were going to destroy this fucking unnatural son of a bitch turtle!

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