Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 3760: Beyond the source

Chapter 3760: Beyond the source

If it is a person, Huang Xiaolong may dare to go over, but the eight emperors, that is not the same.

The eight ethnic groups of the Terran are united, and even the existence of the Lord of the Ghosts must be discolored.

A master of the 20 billion-dollar who had just been surpassed by Huang Xiaolong saw Huang Xiaolong stop and snorted: "That Huang Xiaolong seems to be paralyzed before the Terran Eighteen Emperor."

The masters smiled.

At this moment, Huang Xiaolong suddenly lifted his footsteps and continued to walk over to the Terran Eight Emperors.

Everyone is wrong.

The disciples of the Buddha's saints saw the situation and couldn't help but scream at Huang Xiaolong: "Huang Xiaolong, you dare to step forward, my master and the emperor will inevitably kill you!"

Huang Xiaolong looked at the disciple of the Buddha saint and saw that the disciple of the Buddha saint was suddenly struck by lightning and was without warning.

All the masters of the Golden Canyon stayed.

The Buddha Saint did not expect Huang Xiaolong to suddenly shoot. After the accident, his face sank. He looked at Huang Xiaolong coldly and then the other seven people of the Terran: "They are the younger brothers, the mirror temple is born soon, we are eight people." Joining hands and speeding up the killing of Huang Xiaolong, how?"

The third-ranked sage king nodded: "The meaning of the Buddha's brother is exactly what I mean."

See the Buddha and the Sage Lord nod, and the other six people nodded.

Immediately, the Buddha's saints and the sages of the Eight Emperors of the Supreme Court were soaring and fully released.


Influenced by the emperor's eight great emperors, the heavens and the earth are discolored, and the sky above the Golden Canyon is surging, and the winds and sands fly up automatically, covering the heavens and the earth.

Feel the horrible power of the eight kings of the Terran, the masters of the scene do not change color, shocked and then retreat, even the Lord of the Ghosts are also dignified.


When the power of the Eight Queens of the Terran was pushed to the extreme, suddenly, the Buddha of the Sacred Emperor had a mouth, and the Buddha's voice was like a thunder, and the world was shaking.

Just when everyone was shocked, the Eight Great Emperors shot at the same time.

At the same time, the Eight Great Emperors played their own treasures of the world.

The treasure of the Buddha of the Buddha is a Buddha!

The sacred prince is a huge non-golden non-wood corner, above the corner, the texture is dense.

The other six emperors have knives, some are swords, and some are giant axes.

The treasure of the world is strong and weak, and the treasure of the world of the Buddha and the Eight Emperors is naturally the most powerful and the best treasure of the world.

Under the infusion of the power of the eight great emperors, the eight kings Shishibao shines through the entire desert, and even the heavy space outside the desert is illuminated.

Some of the weak and powerful creation gods in the Golden Canyon were shocked and their eyes were stinging.

The world's treasures of the Eight Great Towns hit the face of Huang Xiaolong with the thunder.

Huang Xiaolong didn't change his face, and there was a golden boat in his hand. When the boat greeted the world's treasures in the eight major towns, it instantly rose a million feet.


I saw the golden giant ship bombarded with the world treasure of the Eight Great Towns of the Buddha.

The bang of the sky suddenly blew up.

The Void Laos and others suddenly saw that the treasures of the Eight Great Towns of the Buddha's Supreme People were all bombarded.

The Buddha saints looked at the golden giant ship and looked shocked: "The universe is treasure!"

When they just fell, they saw the golden giant ship rushing to the front of the eight people. The eight sages of the sages felt the power of destroying the earth and the earth in the boat of the universe. They were so scared that they dared not hide again and went all out to the universe. The boat is coming.


Almost at the same time, eight people attacked the boat in the universe at the same time.

The heavens and the earth sounded loudly.

This sound resounded through the universe.

Some family ancestors were shattered by the eardrum and the brain trembled.

The eight sages of the sages of the Buddha, each with a total of more than 2.7 billion fighting power, especially the Buddha sage is close to 29.9 billion, and the eight people can jointly attack, can think of how terrible.

Even the Lord of Ghosts has changed his face.

Under the combined attack of the Buddha and the Eight Emperors, I saw that the boat of the universe finally stopped and stopped in front of them.

However, the master of ghosts and the masters of the empty veteran are looking at Huang Xiaolong with their eyes wide open. Although the boat of the universe stopped under the attack of the eight sages of the sages, Huang Xiaolong stood tall and stood there. Silk does not move!

Huang Xiaolong has an arm that stands at the other end of the boat of the universe!

That is to say, Huang Xiaolong just had an arm, and he resisted the sage of the Buddha and the Eight Emperors, and did not back one point.

Even the source of the face just as usual was surprised.

The Eight Saints of the Buddha's Sage are also shocked to see Huang Xiaolong at the other end of the boat of the universe.

Just when everyone was shocked, suddenly, Huang Xiaolongs palms screamed, the universe evolved and ran, and the power of 2.9 billion fights from the world screamed out of the palm of his hand.

The boat of the universe bursts with amazing light.

A sultry force flocked from the end of the boat of the universe to the eight sages of the Buddha. The sage of the sage of the sage of the sage was shocked and wanted to dodge back, but it was still a slow step, hehe! When the boat of the universe was shaken, the eight sages of the Buddha were shaken back. Then, the boat of the universe was pushed by Huang Xiaolong.

If the eight sages of the sacred sages are hit hard, they are all hit by the boat of the universe.


Eight people slammed back, squirting gold and blood, and then they were slammed into the Golden Canyon.

The figure of the Eight Saints Emperor quickly fell and was covered by the golden mist of the Golden Canyon.

"What?!" The Lord of Ghosts also has a family ancestor, and the ancient patriarchs have changed color and lost their voices.

The source was also full of shock and shocked for the first time.

Huang Xiaolong is as usual, taking back the boat of the universe, and then moving on, going to the Lord of the Ghost.

The owner of the ghosts saw Huang Xiaolong coming, his eyes flashed in disappointment, his face was cloudy, hesitant to let it go, but in the end he moved to the side and let it go.

When Huang Xiaolong passed the front of the ghost, he did not look at the ghost of the Lord, and then continued to come to the source.

The main face of the ghost desert twitched.

The source sees Huang Xiaolong coming to himself. A look at Huang Xiaolong means not only wanting to surpass the Lord of Ghosts, but also wanting to surpass him and stand up to the front?

The source of the eyes is shot by the eye.

All the masters held their breath and stared at Huang Xiaolong and Yuan Fang.

Everyone has a faint expectation.

Huang Xiaolongs face was light and step by step to the source. Soon, Huang Xiaolong came to the source 10 meters away, then, nine meters, eight meters...

Four meters!

Three meters!

Just when Huang Xiaolong came to the source one meter away, suddenly, the source moved to the left and took a step. Everyone was wrong. Huang Xiaolong walked over the original place where the source stood, then surpassed the source and stood at the front of the Golden Canyon. .

Before the 100-meter source, Huang Xiaolong stood and then held his hand.

The source looked gloomy at Huang Xiaolong's back and figure.

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