Interstellar Cute Little Husband

Chapter 280: Candidates to go behind the Zerg

In the Sodaya galaxy, humans and Zerg have been fighting fiercely for nearly four months. Since Jiang Chenxi led the First Legion to rescue the L combat army halfway, the Zerg's attack has become more and more fierce, and the number is also increasing. , leaving the human fighters with no time to catch their breath.

However, the Zerg didn't take advantage of it. Because of the strong defense of humans, the Zerg didn't even break through the first layer of defense, so they became more irritable, and the attack was naturally more violent, even feeling desperate. A posture of "I would rather perish with the enemy than break through the line of defense" put a lot of pressure on military commanders.

The addition of the Second Legion and the Third Legion made the front line a little easier, but it was only a few days, because they soon discovered that the number of Zergs that came was several times more than before, as if they knew that humans It seems that the reinforcements have arrived, so many reinforcements have been added.

Such an intelligent command made human beings feel great pressure and fear.

"It seems that the Zerg is bound to win the territory of humans this time." The marshal of the Second Legion said with a serious face.


Because of the threat posed by the Zerg, the supreme commanders of the four major armies, which were rarely gathered together, gathered together to discuss how to deal with the attack of the Zerg and keep their federal homeland.

"This attack of the Zerg seems to be premeditated and very strategic. I think there must be a species with high intelligence inside the Zerg, commanding these ordinary low-level Zergs to fight. Strong, but as we all know, the most difficult thing about them is that there are too many of them, and the reproduction speed is still very fast. If the war cannot be ended as soon as possible, then there will be endless wars waiting for humans. By then, the Zerg will be able to afford it. But we humans can't afford it." The Marshal of the Third Army said worriedly.

Now he wished that he could go to the battlefield to fight against the Zerg himself. However, he was old and needed to take charge of the entire legion, and his subordinates would not allow their marshal to go on the field in person.

Therefore, he could only stay behind, listening to the continuous stream of information coming from the front, sulking alone.

"Old Qi is right. After so many years of keeping a low profile, the Zergs are planning to take over humans at once. I always thought that the Zergs' attack was tentative, and I didn't pay much attention to it, but I didn't expect the Zergs to be Those who made such a plan really underestimated these Zergs, if they had known this, they should have directly entered the Zerg nests and killed them first." The marshal of the Second Legion lamented, obviously very regretful.

Be prepared for danger in times of peace, this is the warning lesson left by the ancestors, unfortunately, after entering the interstellar era, how many people still know this sentence, now it seems that the ancestors are indeed great wisdom.

"The attack of the Zerg this time is very strange. Although there were often conflicts in the past, it is obviously not like this time. I don't know if something happened inside the Zerg. If we can know the situation inside the Zerg, it may be helpful to our current situation. It will help." The Marshal of the Fourth Army suddenly expressed his opinion.

When the others heard the words, they immediately fell into deep thought. They obviously thought the suggestion was good, but they also knew the danger behind this suggestion, so they hesitated for a while.

"Old Yang's proposal is indeed good, but it is very dangerous to go deep into the Zerg, and it is very likely that the group will be wiped out directly. There must be strict requirements for the candidate. This person must often deal with the Zerg and have rich experience. And the strength must also be strengthened, one is indispensable." The marshal of the second army said in a low voice.

And there are not many such candidates in their military department.

The Marshal of the Fourth Army cast a vague glance at the Marshal of the First Army who had been silent all this time, and then said with a smile: "Although this requirement is very strict, it's not like there are no candidates who meet this requirement in the military, right? ?Although the road ahead is indeed very dangerous, but for the sake of all human beings, this sacrifice is inevitable

The Marshal of the First Legion, that is, Mr. Jiang, naturally felt the gaze of the Marshal of the Fourth Legion, and his eyes suddenly became deeper, and the black light flourished.

In fact, when the Marshal of the Fourth Legion spoke, he had a vague premonition. After all, many people knew about the feud between him and the Marshal of the Fourth Legion.

As the meeting progressed, this bad premonition became stronger and stronger. Until just now, he was more certain that the marshal of the Fourth Army was targeting him, or targeting his Jiang family.

The Jiang family has always been the backbone of the Federal Army, and has never been afraid of any battlefield. In fact, even if the Marshal of the Fourth Army didn't say anything, he would make a proposal and let those who are capable go, even if this person is theirs Jiang's family, he will only be proud of the outstanding abilities of the family's children^:...

However, these things come from the mouth of the Marshal of the Fourth Army, which makes people feel very uncomfortable, especially seeing his malicious smile, which makes people angry.

"Lao Yang is right, but this candidate is not easy to choose." Someone said.

"This matter will be discussed later. Even if someone takes the team to the rear, the Zergs in the front will still not let it go. We still need to come up with a useful strategy to deal with these Zergs." Mr. Jiang said calmly.

He didn't want to evade responsibility, but the top priority now is to deal with these Zergs who are constantly attacking, otherwise, before anyone can go to the rear, the front will fall

Several people continued to discuss in the conference room, and the war on the front line was also in full swing.

All kinds of high-tech weapons are continuously launched towards those large bugs. One explosion can basically dismember many bugs on the spot. Various parts float in the universe, some are scorched black, and some are still alive. The blood was dripping, and the scene was very horrifying, and those with a little weak tolerance might spit it out on the spot.

But fortunately, most of the people who come here have often dealt with the Zerg, and they have strong experience and endurance. Even in the face of so many horrible scenes, they can still continue to fight the Zerg without changing their expressions.

"Damn bugs, go to **** with me!" A person yelled carefreely, and then drove the mecha, constantly shuttling among the Zergs, almost reaching a place where the Zergs in that place would be dismembered in the end.

"Haha, I'm happy, I'm so happy, I haven't fought so happily in a long time, if I don't wipe out the Zerg this time, I will take your surname!"

"Let's compete and see who kills the most Zergs. How about if the loser agrees to the other person's request?" Zhao Ziqi looked at Lin Wu who was constantly shuttling among the Zergs, opened the chat channel, and said to him.

"Okay!" Lin Wu agreed very readily. He is killing insects very well, and he will definitely win today.

The corners of Zhao Ziqi's mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly, and then he quickly manipulated the mech with both hands, entering the bug's interior.

The members of the First Legion are all fighting hard to kill the enemy, and at the same time can find some fun on their own, while the other legions don't have such leisure and fun. All their attention is on killing the enemy, and they dare not relax at all.

Because, once you relax, you may be exploited by bugs, and what awaits them may be an irreparable loss forever.

No matter what your mentality is, what kind of thoughts you hold, the purpose is the same, that is to kill all @虫子全杀 jjjj

I don't know if they were overwhelmed by the aura of the soldiers, or frightened by the desperate style of play. The attack of the Zerg was not as strong as before. Instead, they felt timid and had a tendency to retreat.

"Boss, the Zergs are about to retreat, do you want to take advantage of the victory and pursue them?" Zhao Ziqi connected to Jiang Chenxi's communication,


"No need." Jiang Chenxi answered concisely, looking at the direction in which the bugs retreated on the screen, frowning

Slightly wrinkled.

This time the battle lasted for nearly four days and four nights, and almost no one took a break.

I didn't feel anything when I fought desperately against the Zerg before, but now I suddenly relaxed, and the exhaustion submerged in an instant, and I could barely open my eyelids.

The marshals arranged for other people to continue patrolling the front line, and all the personnel involved in the battle were withdrawn to take a good rest. After all, these are the main forces on the battlefield. No matter how powerful they are, they are human bodies, not made of iron, and they must rest. .

Seeing that the front line had come to an end for the time being, the Marshal of the Fourth Army wanted to bring up the old story again, but Mr. Jiang didn't give him this opportunity, but brought it up himself.

"Do you have any suggestions for candidates to go to the backline of the Zerg?" Mr. Jiang asked.

In fact, he already has the answer in his heart, but he still wants to hear everyone's opinions.

The reason why he intercepted the topic of the Marshal of the Fourth Army was entirely because he knew that the Fourth Army would definitely guide candidates to their Jiang family. Although his candidate was also in his family, he just didn't want to hear about the Marshal of the Fourth Army. speak out.

He is the head of the Jiang family, but he is also the supreme commander of the federal military department. In front of the family and the country, he must put the country first.

After all, there is no home without a country!

"Does Old Marshal Jiang have any good suggestions?" The Marshal of the Second Army Corps was very smart, and asked Old Man Jiang instead of expressing his opinion first.

"I do have a candidate here." Mr. Jiang said with difficulty but firmly.

"Who is it?" the Marshal of the Third Army also asked.

Mr. Yang didn't speak, but he looked at Mr. Jiang leisurely, waiting for him to speak. No matter who he chose, he would choose the Jiang family in the end. This time, he would definitely let him speak. The Chiang family is desperate

"Jiang Chenxi." Mr. Jiang paused for a moment, and finally said it out.

Although Jiang Chenxi is still a junior in the Jiang family, his strength is the highest in the Jiang family. Even in the entire Federation, it is difficult to find someone who can match him.

Especially after the ability was injured and recovered this time, the ability has reached a higher level than before, and it has become more solid.

What's more, he is still very young, and his reaction ability and mentality are first-class and excellent. There is no more suitable candidate than him.

Even Mr. Jiang is reluctant, but from the overall situation, Jiang Chenxi is indeed the most suitable.

After hearing this, Mr. Yang's eyes widened in disbelief. He obviously didn't expect Mr. Jiang to select someone in their family at once, and he was the best among the juniors of their family. The one person who was looking at him suddenly became dim and unclear.

"Jiang Chenxi is still very young, isn't Mr. Jiang thinking about it?" the marshal of the second army said hesitantly,

He knew that it must be very difficult for Mr. Jiang to make this decision. After all, everyone knew that going to the rear this time would be a narrow escape, and no one would be willing to let the best junior in the family go to die.

However, it is obvious that Jiang Chenxi is the most outstanding person with the highest supernatural power level in the entire military department. If Mr. Jiang shields Jiang Chenxi at this moment, he will definitely leave something to talk about. He will choose Jiang Chenxi out of emotion and reason.

It was because he knew this that the Marshal of the Second Army would say that, intending to give Mr. Jiang a step down.

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