Interstellar Cute Little Husband

Chapter 252: recruit contest

The recruiting competition is very lively, because all recruits who enlist this year can participate. Everyone is very enthusiastic about joining the army they have just dreamed of, so they are also very eager to show their strength to their legion and let them know, If you choose him, the Legion will not suffer.

The veterans have all participated in such competitions before, so when they see these new recruits, they always think of their previous appearance, so more people come.

The competition venue is a large training ground of the military department. When Jiang Chenxi brought Mu Yan here, it was already crowded with people, and there was almost no open space on the outside.

Mu Yan's stature is relatively short, and when the people in front block him, he can hardly see anything, even if he jumps up, he can't see what's going on inside.

Mu Yan was a little distressed, but he was ashamed to push forward as hard as the people around him, not to mention, he probably couldn't squeeze others with his small body. ):

However, with Jiang Chenxi around, even if Mu Yan wanted to squeeze with others, he would not allow it.

Holding Mu Yan's little hand, he walked around the surrounding crowd, and then walked in through another passageway where there were fewer people.

After coming out, the field of vision became wider, and the competition venue was unobstructed, even the onlookers below could see it clearly.

"Achen." Mu Yan hugged Jiang Chenxi's arm in surprise and called.

They were standing on a high platform at the moment, and there was a whole row of chairs in front of them, which were also full of people.

"Major General Jiang, are you here too?" Someone called out, causing other people's eyes to fall on Jiang Chenxi and Mu Yan.

"Hello, Major General Jiang." One of them immediately stood up and saluted, and walked out of his seat, obviously wanting to give up his seat to Jiang Chenxi.

In this kind of competition, there are relatively few general-level leaders, so Jiang Chenxi's military rank can be regarded as the highest here, and everyone admires Jiang Chenxi very much. Naturally, they are very excited to see him. With Jiang Chenxi sitting in his seat, he will be even more proud.

Jiang Chenxi nodded at them, then walked over with Mu Yan, and placed Mu Yan on the vacant chair.

Seeing this, the person on the left side of the chair immediately gave up his seat with a wink, and then stood behind with the person before him.

Everyone was surprised that Jiang Chenxi took care of a person so much, but when they thought about today's rumors, everyone seemed to think it was normal.

"Don't be cautious, everyone. I'll just bring Mu Mu over to have a look. You can feel free." Jiang Chenxi's deep voice sounded, signaling that everyone should do whatever they want, and don't need to worry about the two of them.

The military officers here are not just here to watch the battle, some of them also have missions, responsible for maintaining the order of the competition. one

Feeling that the people below are almost here, an officer stood up, walked to the front of the stage to announce the rules and rewards of this competition, and then sat back down again.

Although the scene is relatively large, for supernatural beings, the amplification and hearing are relatively strong, so even without the use of amplification, they can still hear clearly.

The recruit competition is only to test the training results of the recruits during this period, and to detect the strength of the recruits among the legions, as long as you click to the end.

The competition began soon, and two recruits walked out of the recruit group, wearing clothes of different colors and with different icons on them.

"This is the team uniform of the legion. Different uniforms mean that you are following a different legion." Jiang Chenxi explained to Mu Yan in a low voice.

When the recruits enlisted, they had already designated the legions they entered, so they were all wearing the uniforms of their respective legions today. This competition can be regarded as a battle of honor for the legions, so everyone is in very good condition. Full, they all hope to fight for their army.

"Which legion does Ah Chen belong to?" Mu Yan asked curiously.

"First Legion."

"Which one is the uniform of the First Legion?" Mu Yan looked at the recruits below who were obviously divided into four parts, looked left and right, and felt that the uniforms worn by those on the far right were the best.

"The one on the far right." Jiang Chenxi replied.

A sweet smile appeared on Mu Yan's face immediately, because he thought the team uniform on the far right was the prettiest

"Does Chen also have such a team uniform?" Mu Yan asked again, he didn't seem to have seen Chen wearing such a uniform.

"Yes, if you want to see it, I'll show it to you when I get home tonight." Jiang Chenxi curled his mouth slightly, and teased Mu Yan's ear.

Mu Yan's little face immediately turned red, and he wanted to deny it, but he really wanted to see Ah Chen's appearance in the team uniform. After hesitating for a while, his reason finally gave way. visible nod

Seeing Mu Yan's shy look, and other people who seemed to be watching the game, but actually drifted to this side from time to time, Jiang Chenxi stopped teasing him. ?:^

After the competition started, Mu Yan's attention was immediately attracted to the competition field, and the previous things were forgotten.

This is the first time he has seen the supernatural powers in this world. Although he has been hearing about supernatural beings and supernatural beings before, he has never had a specific concept. conversion between.

However, after seeing the recruit competition today, Mu Yan really understood the special features of supernatural beings

Those abilities that completely surpassed natural phenomena made him amazed.

In Mu Yan's previous world, if there was a thunderstorm, the gods would be furious, and if there was a heavy rain, the gods would also be furious. Even natural disasters such as mountain collapses would be blamed on the gods.

However, today, he saw someone on the playing field making a bolt of lightning out of thin air, or being able to make water and fire appear out of thin air without any other technology, which made him unable to accept it for a while.

"These are all their supernatural powers, which were destined when they were awakened. There are metal, wood, water, fire, earth, and five elements, as well as mutation powers. For example, the thunder and lightning power just now is a mutation power, and its attack power is higher than Ordinary five-element abilities are stronger, and there are other abilities similar to ice-type abilities..." Jiang Chenxi explained to Mu Yan in a low voice.

Because he hadn't encountered a situation where he used his abilities before, and he was seriously injured by his abilities, he didn't mention these things. Now it seems that he needs to popularize the knowledge about abilities for Mu Yan.

"Then... what type is Ah Chen?" Mu Yan took a long time to digest before accepting it, and then turned to ask Jiang Chenxi.

He remembered that Ah Chen was also a supernatural being, so could he be able to create fire and water out of thin air like this?

"I am a mutated lightning and ice-type ability." Jiang Chenxi replied.

Mu Yan nodded to show that he understood, but the expression on his face was not so surprised. If someone else heard the answer at this moment, they would definitely not be able to be as calm as Mu Yan.

You know, how rare and precious mutants are in the Federation. The lightning mutant just now, although the level of the ability is not high, but the four legions are already scrambling to get it. What's more, Jiang Chenxi is still a dual-line mutation ability, and it is a treasure among the treasures. It is the luck of the country to have one.

Therefore, when the Jiang family learned that Jiang Chenxi had lost his ability, they thought of concealing it instead of making it public. After all, if the Federation lost Jiang Chenxi, it would be a huge loss, and it would easily cause panic among the masses. News about the safety of the Federation.

Therefore, the Jiang family first told the military department, and worked together with the military department to find a way to cure Jiang Chenxi. Although there is no precedent that the supernatural nuclear fragmentation can be restored, everyone has not given up.

It's just that Jiang Chenxi's ability miraculously recovered later. Although it was very weak and needed to be recovered from scratch, but it didn't completely disappear, which is already great news.

In fact, Jiang Chenxi's supernatural ability suddenly recovered miraculously at the beginning, which also attracted the attention of the military department. Everyone wanted to find out the reason and method of his supernatural power recovery. After all, there has never been a supernatural power in history. In the case of recovery, if this method is really found, it will also be a good thing for the benefit of the supernatural beings.

However, in the end, this method was not found, and Jiang Chenxi's situation was regarded as a special case.

There have never been dual-line mutants in the Federation, so Jiang Chenxi's situation may only happen to mutants or dual-line mutants, and there is no further investigation after that. After all, Jiang Chenxi can recover. For the Federation Saying is very important.

"What type of ability is Qiuqiu? Is it the same as yours?" Mu Yan was also curious about the type of ability of Qiuqiu.

"When Qiuqiu is two years old, he can test his talent. Then we will know what type he is. However, the main type of ability in our family is thunder and lightning. Most of his awakening abilities are also like this. .” Jiang Chenxi said.

The types of abilities awakened by members of a family are basically the same, after all, they all have the same blood.

Hearing this, Mu Yan was full of anticipation for Qiuqiu's two-year-old supernatural talent test, imagining a chubby child who turned out to be a thunderbolt, no matter how you looked at it, it was cute.

Moreover, Mu Yan has been very interested in Jiang Chenxi's ability since he watched the new recruit's ability competition. During the competition, you can't use the ability casually, so you suppress your curiosity and decide to mention this matter to Jiang Chenxi after you go back.

"In the next match, Su Qing from the First Legion and Zhao Ming from the Fourth Legion landed following the referee's voice. They jumped out of the two furthest legions respectively and landed firmly on the competition stage. .

The appearance of the two is very different, one looks delicate and weak, while the other is muscular and extremely burly, forming a sharp contrast between the two.

"Where did this little weak chicken come from? The milk hasn't stopped yet. Hurry up and drink milk. Come over when you grow taller. This is not enough for me to slap you." Zhao Ming looked at Su Qing who was opposite him disdainfully, and said said sarcastically.

Many people below heard the words and burst into laughter.

However, Su Qing's expression was very calm, as if he didn't hear Zhao Ming's provocative words.

The First Legion and the Fourth Legion are at odds. It's no secret in the military. When people from the two legions meet in private, they can't help but sarcasm each other, and they may even fight. Of course, Inside the military, private fighting and cannibalism are not allowed. Once discovered, they will be expelled from the military immediately.

Logically speaking, the armies that belong to the same Federation and are in the same military headquarters should all love each other. Even if they can't love each other, they won't be like enemies. The main reason is that the two legions represent big family.

The marshal of the first army is the old man of the Jiang family, while the fourth army belongs to the army of the Yang family.

It is an open secret that the Jiang family and the Yang family are at odds. Especially after the Mu Yanran incident, the two families have gone from being at odds in private. The internal fighting of the Fourth Army in the military headquarters has also become more serious.

In the previous competition, the first legion and the fourth legion miraculously did not meet each other, but now that they have met, how can the two sides let it go.

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