Infinite Evolution of My Territory

Chapter 36

C36 – Newbie Trials Announcement

Qiang Nantie stepped forward to collect the loot that burst forth from the Man-eating Flower Leader. Among the spoils were not only treasure chests but other items as well.

He gathered a One-star Wood Element Crystal Core.

He gathered two Bronze Treasure Chests.

He gathered five Man-eating Flower seeds.

He gathered a packet of Man-eating Flower poison powder.

“More seeds!” exclaimed Qiang Nantie, pleasantly surprised.

The Vine Demon seeds he had acquired earlier had yielded eight formidable minions. Now, with five more seeds in his possession, he effectively gained five additional minions.

This would save him a considerable amount of Soul Coins.

Item: Man-eating Flower Seed

Quality: D

Description: A rare seed that may form upon the death of a Man-eating Flower Leader. It can be planted within a territory for defense and is capable of growing up to level 20.

Qiang Nantie was indifferent to the quality of the Man-eating Flower; even the lowest quality seeds could be nurtured into high-quality Evilkinds under his care.

“It looks like I should start collecting more of these seeds. It’s like summoning soldiers for free—such a bargain,” Qiang Nantie mused contentedly.

With the area cleared of Man-eating Flowers, his Soul Coin balance had significantly increased.

The haul was impressive: 105 wooden chests, 275 Black Iron Treasure Chests, 2 Bronze Treasure Chests, and 380 packets of Man-eating Flower poison powder.

He now had nearly 10,000 Soul Coins. Subtracting the Soul Coins he had previously spent, he was left with about 6,000.

Just two days prior, reaching this point would have signaled it was time to head back.

But their newfound strength meant they had made it here with ease, and it wasn’t even noon yet.

Nevertheless, Qiang Nantie took out a variety of foods and announced, “Let’s take a break, everyone. Have something to eat and regain your strength before we press on.”


Several Vine Demons volunteered to stand guard against any monster ambushes, while the rest settled down to eat.

“Huamo’s culinary skills are improving by the day,” Qiang Nantie remarked as he savored a bite of the roasted meat she had prepared that morning. Though it had cooled, it was still delectable.

The addition of cumin, chili, and other seasonings made the flavors pop even more.

“Huamo is quite the cook, but I’m clueless in the kitchen,” Bi Yu responded.

“If you’re interested, I’d be happy to teach you,” Huamo offered.

“Once we return, the crops in the spiritual field should be ready to harvest. It’s unfortunate I didn’t bring rice seeds this time; we could have enjoyed fresh rice.”

Qiang Nantie had sown rice in his territory.

Once the rice was ready, there was no need to dry it. Harvesting it would automatically separate the grains from the straw.

The straw served as a valuable resource, not only as feed for livestock but also as fertilizer to enrich the soil.

But his spiritual field had no use for straw. With ample spiritual energy, he could cultivate higher-grade crops.

Such are the advantages of an Advanced Spiritual Field.

Beyond this point, the fog grew denser, like a boundary line signaling greater dangers ahead.

“Let’s stay alert. We’re likely to run into monsters above Level 10!” Qiang Nantie warned.

He sensed an increased risk and decided to boost Huamo and Bi Yu to Level 10.

Soul Coins decreased by 1000 as Huamo’s level jumped from 9 to 10.

Another 1000 Soul Coins gone, and Bi Yu also ascended from Level 9 to Level 10.

Bi Yu’s Mental Strength was unmatched. With her level up, her Mental Strength score soared to an astounding 80 points.

And that’s without any equipment.

Her Mental Strength progression was formidable. If only Qiang Nantie had a suitable skill for her, Bi Yu could become a veritable humanoid Defense Tower.

With 4000 Soul Coins remaining, Qiang Nantie felt it was time to enhance his own level.

600 Soul Coins spent, and he advanced from Level 5 to Level 6.

Another 700 Soul Coins deducted, and he progressed from Level 6 to Level 7.

Name: Qiang Nantie

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Race: Human

Nationality: Rikrovaria Dynasty

Level: 10

Upgrade Requirement: 600 Soul Coins

Charm: 11

Luck: 11

Strength: 21.7

Physique: 9.7

Agility: 11.2

Spirit: 14.2

Free Attribute Points: 50

Talent: Not yet unlocked

Skill: “S-Seven-star Sword Technique”

Qualification: Not yet unlocked

Cultivation Method: Not yet unlocked

Realm: Not yet unlocked

Equipment: See detailed list

After reaching Level 10, Qiang Nantie had just spent his last 4,000 Soul Coins.

His Soul Coins were now completely depleted.

A notification from his territory read, “Congratulations, you are the first Lord to reach Level 10 in the Newbie Trials. The Newbie Trials Leaderboard is now active, and you’ve earned a 100-point Fame bonus. Would you like to announce your territory name, real name, and nationality in the Newbie Trials announcement?”

Another notification stated, “Upon reaching Level 10, you are now able to construct new buildings.”

A further notification informed him, “With Level 10 achieved, you can now initiate talent and aptitude tests.”

Yet another message announced, “You’ve met the requirements for a Profession Change. Please visit the Profession Change Statue to select your new profession.”

Qiang Nantie was astounded; he hadn’t anticipated the multitude of new features that would become available upon reaching Level 10.

The school’s explanations had been vague, merely hinting at a significant change after reaching Level 10, leaving the true extent of the transformation for them to discover on their own.


The Newbie Trials Announcement echoed: “Territory XXX, Lord XXX, Nationality XXX. This individual is the first to achieve Level 10, earning a reward of 100 Fame points.”

This announcement was broadcast to all the newbies, igniting a wave of excitement among them.

The chatroom was abuzz with fervent discussion.

“Wow, it’s only day three of the newbie trial, and someone’s already hit Level 10? This person’s leveling speed is insane!”

“I have a strong suspicion they’ve dumped all their Soul Coins into leveling up. But how on earth did they manage to take down the territory monsters? There’s no way they did that solo!”

“Just who is this mystery player? If it were me, I’d want my name to be known across the globe.”

“They’re keeping a really low profile, not even a hint of their nationality. Could this be some enigmatic prodigy? Someone from a major power wouldn’t bother hiding like this.”

“Guess no more, it’s me.”

“Get over yourself, it’s obviously me.”

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