In the Harry Potter Without Harry Potter

Chapter 465: Ridiculous but Correct Prophecy (2 in 1)

Chapter 465: Ridiculous but Correct Prophecy (2 in 1)

"Quickly, report this news to Head Karkaroff!"

The entire British Ministry of Magic's Auror Office had been in chaos. Originally, at the beginning of the public trial, those Aurors were still discussing that such a move by Witching Horizon was purely self-deception and self-congratulation, using the lives of these already captured purebloods to solidify the rule of the newborn French Ministry of Magic.

While the public trial was in progress, those purebloods or half-bloods who had been hanged on the gallows cried out miserable wails, which made the hearts of the Aurors who were listening to the public trial inevitably feel a sense of empathy.

But all the sins described to be committed by those convicts, which could be said to be evil acts that no human being could listen to, the Aurors couldn't help but feel a strange feeling of intolerance in their hearts but also felt that they were not qualified to raise such emotions.

So when this public trial went on until noon, there were already many Aurors who were originally still very interested in squatting in front of the radio just found their own excuses to leave, leaving only the two people who were appointed and asked to record the content of the public trial still standing in front.

But when Dumbledore began to speak, the two Aurors in charge of recording gathered everyone in the entire office together.

And after they finished listening to Dumbledore's speech, each of them was dry-eyed, not knowing what to say.

By this time there were already people who had reacted and rushed out of Auror's headquarters to find Karkaroff, who was supposed to be in a meeting in the Minister's office right now.

"They're declaring war on us! This is a declaration of war!"

Some of the chiefs in Auror office who were just below Karkaroff's rank had a hard look on their faces, whether it was Witching Horizon or France, many of them had not yet turned their mentality upside down, and it was the same on the British side as well.

None of them thought that Dumbledore and his entourage, who had previously been in exile in Britain for nine whole years, would be able to organise such a force only after arriving in France for two years, not only completely destroying Voldemort's plan to rule over Britain and France, but now they had even declared war first, wanting to attack directly into Britain's soil.

The first Aurors who heard the whole news, the first thought that rose in their mind was that Dumbledore was out of his mind.

But soon they recalled the compromise Voldemort made to Dumbledore this year after the failure of the Triwizard Tournament.

Some of the English wizards had already learnt that before the results of the Triwizard Tournament were known, there was a duel between their lord and Dumbledore inside the French Ministry of Magic, but no news of the results of that duel had come out.

But even if there was no news, Voldemort's compromise later on was actually the most straightforward certification.

It was only when the Aurors thought about this that they suddenly became somewhat aware of the situation.

The wind direction in the magical world seems to have changed. Three years ago when the Hogwarts wagon remained in exile on British soil, the Order of the Phoenix was like a bunch of rats in their eyes and could only carry out some small-scale operations around, and they belonged to the stage of the overall victorious strategic attack.

Then, after Dumbledore came to France and conducted that battle to attack the re-correctional centre, the situation between the two sides shifted to a strategic equilibrium.

And now, Dumbledore's speech in front of nearly all the wizards in Europe after the public trial proclaimed the strategic attack belonging to the Witching Horizon, and the beginning of the defence of the British Ministry of Magic!

Two huge turning points are clearly visible in all three phases.

The first turning point was the loss of the re-correctional centre, and the second turning point was the defeat in the Triwizard Tournament.

So who exactly was at fault for both of these failures?

Did Voldemort take too much of a chance, or did something happen on Dumbledore's end?

Few people know the inside story of this, and it's common knowledge that it was Jon who fought for victory in the Triwizard Tournament.

But the key role he played during the Battle of the re-correctional centre is still unknown.

So very few people would think of Jon as the key to the whole situation in Britain and France, and to this day, many people still think that even if Jon is talented, he is only the heir who is being trained by Dumbledore to be the next generation successor.

Although his current performance is very dazzling, is amazing, it is still far from being able to be so vital to influence the magical world in such a significant situation.

And now, Dumbledore had declared war on the British Ministry of Magic on behalf of the entire Witching Horizon, which of course made the entire Aurors of the Auror Office become disturbed beyond measure.

Soon Karkaroff, who was still in a meeting in the Minister's office, returned back to the Auror headquarters.

The speech on the radio concerning Dumbledore had already ended, but that part had also long since been recorded by the Auror in charge of recording the entire speech, so Karkaroff heard the entirety of it as soon as he returned.

"Give me the recording."

He practically squeezed these words out of his mouth, and then Auror hurriedly handed this recording over to him, and Karkaroff didn't stop for half a second as he turned around and used Apparition to leave the Auror's headquarters.

Everyone present knew what he was about to go and do, such a big matter must be the first to be reported back to the lord of Britain.

This news also spread throughout the entire British Ministry of Magic in a very short period of time.

Most of the half-bloods were on edge about this, while the pure-bloods could all be described as extremely pale.

They do not hate the war, if they really hated it, they would not have worked so hard in the war to conquer France, What they hate is that the flames of the war about to burn on British soil.

External war is to cut the cake more or less, have stable access to the interests of the pureblood family and a stable position to bring greater wealth.

But the nature of the internal war is completely different, no one knows how big the fire will burn, which also means that any pureblood family that depends on Britain to survive will be in danger of being physically annihilated.

And in the end, even if the war would be won, their losses would surely be very heavy.

So after hearing that Dumbledore had declared war on the British Ministry of Magic, none of the purebloods would be happy about it, which meant that not to mention getting a bigger share of the cake; soon the cake table that originally belonged to them was going to be lifted right off the ground.

Among them, there is a part of the people even if they do not dare to express the words straight out, in their hearts they have already attributed all this to their present lord, and at the same time also more clearly know, following this lord of their right now to play have no future at all, and they even may have to pay for this with their own bodies and lives.

Just when Britain heard the news, and was already in disarray.

The other magical governments in Europe of course also paid attention to this public trial today, and they all heard Dumbledore's final declaration.

Even though some people had already predicted that this day would come sooner or later, no one could have imagined that this day would actually come so soon.

Even this year's Christmas hadn't arrived yet, and Dumbledore was about to start a new round of war.

This time the situation is completely reversed. Before the Witching Horizon was like standing on the edge of a cliff, whenever they were knocked back a step, chances of total collapse were high. Now this situation has turned to Voldemort's side.

As long as this war is fought on British soil, once Voldemort loses, all of his previous operations over the past ten years or so will all be wiped out, and he will once again return to a situation where he has nothing to lose.

Grindelwald, who was far away in the northernmost part of Europe, of course also heard today's broadcast.

Only he rarely stayed in Durmstrang recently, but always stayed in the broken down Abbey of Hans.

After hearing that final declaration of war from Dumbledore, Grindelwald silently switched off the radio and turned to Hans, who stood behind him with his head bowed, as well as to Eric.

"The war we expected is about to begin, so the second phase of our plan can be prepared."

Hans and Erik dropped to one knee together.

"We are willing to follow all your instructions!"

"Make a portion of the Arctic experiments and plans public to the very core of the Alliance. Meanwhile, in Finland, you pick out the first suitable site for the start of phase two. and seal the site off and isolate it completely. Remember, make sure to handle relations with the Muggle government in between. Our greatest advantage is that they don't know much about our existence, that's the only benefit the Statute of Secrecy gives us."

How much unseen turmoil and change had taken place in the outside world as a result of Dumbledore's declaration of war today, none of which the Witching Horizons headquarter in France had been informed of for the time being.

Their own focus, however, was not on that either, for a declaration of war was never the beginning of a war, but the lifting of the curtain on a dispute that had long been hidden in the shadows.

"Activate all the safe houses we left behind in Britain earlier, excluding some of them that are no longer usable, and use the parts that are still usable to act as temporary strongholds."

"Contact all of our connections within Diagon Alley, Knockturn Alley, and Hogsmeade and have them centralise all of the supplies they could possibly gather in Britain, soon all of these channels are going to be cut off."

"Inform all the higher-ups to finalise the locations we will be pulling out and occupying as quickly as possible after the mass entry into Britain, the operation is set at sunrise tomorrow."

"Have the vanguard wizard squads determine where their Apparition will land, and after they land use the fastest time possible to disrupt the Department of Magical Transportation's Apparition supervision of the entire Britain."

"Regarding the cracking of Britain's local Floo network, we also need to keep that task on track. Even if we can't make it available to our people, we still need to destroy their Floo network and cut off their transport of people and supplies."


The entire Witching Horizon headquarters was busy, and Jon followed Dumbledore through office after office where people were constantly coming in and out, and finally entered the room that belonged to Dumbledore alone.

After returning to this room, Dumbledore closed the door, isolating all the noises from the outside world, and at the same time, with a solemn expression, asked Jon to sit down opposite him.

"Although the current Hogwarts has been turned into a five-year system by me, you are still just a student when the school year begins. You have not yet graduated from the school, but everyone, including me, knows clearly that we can't treat you as an ordinary fifth-year student, and in this next war, you also have a task which no one can replace you. "

Dumbledore's voice was heavy, and he didn't blink his eyes while he spoke, always holding Jon's gaze.

Jon didn't avoid his eyes, as he knew very well that Dumbledore would surely have something else in mind for him.

"Don't worry Professor, I'm more prepared than anyone else."

Dumbledore nodded, and he was certainly always at ease with Jon.

"Horace, at my instruction, has secured a job in the Department of Mysteries from Voldemort. After stepping down from his position as Head of the Department of International Magical Co-operation, Voldemort had always restricted him as an advisor in the Minister's office, but then because of Snape, who as you know had previously been working on a potion for another Voldemort, Horace re-entered the picture of this present day Voldemort, as he did not forget that this mentor of his was one of the best professors of Potions in Hogwarts. And so the task of deciphering Snape's potion was placed in his hands."

"And this potion is extremely deeply connected to something in the Department of Mysteries at the Ministry of Magic, the vial of golden sand that Snape sent to you back when he was on his deathbed. It is something very important, Jon, so important that Voldemort had to hide it from even his other self, at first I thought it was just something he discovered later on, a means to use for immortality, but after delving deeper into that vial of sand, I learnt there was more to it than that."

"So I signalled for Horace to be transferred into the Department of Mysteries as a Deputy Head, the highest position he could get, on the grounds that he had been researching the vial of potion left behind by Snape for Voldemort. The war that is going to begin next will also provide cover in disguise. You are going to infiltrate the Ministry of Magic in Britain and take up your post in the Department of Mysteries along with Horace, and find out all the details about the halls and the information about the hall that used to hold this vial of sand."

Dumbledore held the vial of golden sand in his hand, his gaze was more serious than it had ever been before.

Jon also felt Dumbledore's attitude, even back when he was infiltrating Hogwarts Castle in disguise, Dumbledore had never been as serious as he is today.

He didn't reject the mission, and it was unlikely that he could with the current situation, Jon just gazed at Dumbledore's treasure-blue eyes.

"Professor, did you discover something?"

Dumbledore was silent for a moment, he didn't look like he was trying to hide anything from Jon.

"I have a conjecture, Jon, a conjecture that is somewhat less than good for us, for everyone else, for the world. And what I'm asking you to do now is to confirm whether that conjecture is true or not."

"If it's wrong, then we'll be heading all the way to victory in this war, no surprise about that. But if I am right."

He paused, then continued.

"Maybe that Saviour prophecy that was once known as a ridiculous joke after the death of Lily's child was actually true all along."


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