Imperial CEO's Overbearing Love

Chapter 1027

What is love like? With this in mind, Muqi is waiting for the arrival of Mu Chen. Today is the day to go home for the first week.

What Mu Qi saw and heard in school for more than a week can't wait to share with Mu Chen.

She stood waiting at the place agreed with Mu Chen, and her long skirt and black hair were flying in the wind. Mu Qi was so beautiful that she did not have any human fireworks, just like an elf.

Is chatting with Yang Mei, a racing car carrying hot red rose appeared in front of Muqi.

A man came out of the cab. It was Qin Xin, the famous childe in the school. He changed his girlfriend more often than he changed his clothes. Generally, the girls he liked didn't run away.

Because of his extravagance, every girl he associates with gets material satisfaction, even if he knows that he will dump him or just like a swarm.

All the girls in the Department were proud to be his girlfriend. When he appeared, the first reaction was not to spit on him, but to admire the girl he looked at.

Qin Xin is not only handsome but also rich. Driving down in such a sports car, the girls around him gave out a cry of alarm.

Mu Qi's skirt swayed, she plucked her hair which was disordered by the wind, and Yang Mei pushed her by the side.

"This man is a typical playboy. Don't be fooled by him."

Before Muqi talks, the man has approached, holding a famous brand of diamond bracelet, worth hundreds of thousands.

"Hello, Mr. mu. Let me introduce myself. My name is..."

His words have not finished, Muqi looked at the time, "sorry, can you let me, standing here is too inconvenient."

The time appointed by Mu Chen and himself is coming. This person exaggerates so much that many students gather around him. Mu Chen will not see her at that time.

As soon as he said this, a large number of people around him took a breath. Muqi actually did this to the eldest son of Qin. This is the first person in history.

"What do you say?" The eldest son of Qin was confused and was described as an obstacle for the first time in his life.

He heard it wrong. He must have heard it wrong!

"Mu Qi, please repeat what you just said."

Mu Qi looked at him suspiciously, "why, your young ears are not very good? Then go to the hospital in time. "

If this sentence is said from other people's mouth, it must be ironic. However, Mu Qi has a pair of big eyes, and his eyes are innocent, so people can't find any irony at all.

She seems to really suspect that Qin Xin has something wrong with her ears.

"You say I have something wrong with my ears?" Master Qin's heart was stabbed again. Muqi was brave enough to talk to him like this.

"If there is no problem, how can I repeat it again and again?

Well, I'm waiting for you. It's too harsh for you to stand here. Would you like to leave for a while

"This..." Muqi didn't play cards according to common sense, which made him feel useless.

It was like being hit in the head, and he realized what he was doing.

Regain self-confidence, "Mu Qi, meet for the first time, this bracelet is for you."

Mu Qi said seriously, "why do you want to send me something for no reason?"

"Can't Mu Qi see that I'm chasing you? I've already ordered the restaurant. I don't know if Mu Qi would like to go for a ride with me

The implication is that she has gone. The bracelet is Mu Qi's. If it is her girl, who is not willing to accept such a good thing.

Even if Muqi's family is in good condition, it should not refuse.

Qin Xin is very confident, but Mu Qi has a calm expression, "I just said I was waiting for someone?"

In her eyes, Qin Xin seemed to be a fool. He couldn't hear a word of his own words.


"Why do I want your bracelet and why do I want to have dinner with you? I have them in my own house

There is no one but Muqi in this way of refusing.

But what she said is serious, you have no room to refute, so that the pursuit of her caught by surprise, do not know how to pick up.

Muqi then took Yang Mei to one side. There were so many people here that Mu Chen couldn't see her.

Yang Mei is stupid. Rao has seen Mu Qi refuse people many times. Today, this is the first time. It's almost speechless.

"That That's how you refused? "

"Yes, Meimei didn't say that love requires two people to love each other sincerely. I don't like him. Why should I have dinner with him? Linda also said that there must be a plot for a man to be nice to a woman."

"Well You're right. "

This is the truth, but I always feel that Muqi is really different from the NPC.

Mu Chen has been in a black luxury car in the distance for a while, and just about to go there, he sees the red sports car.

This week, Muqi was very popular at school. He knew it clearly. He saw the live version as soon as he arrived.Muqi has no concept of material, and she doesn't pay attention to the general pursuit. This rich second generation doesn't have to worry. He didn't come here just to see Muqi's reaction.

Sure enough, she didn't agree, and even her face didn't fluctuate.

Around the people have a lot of discussion, Zhou Yao is disdainful way: "conceited."

"I don't think you can eat grapes to say sour grapes. How many people in Muqi's school are pursuing, and I don't see who she looks up to."

"It's not about fishing for fame."

Zhou Yao disdains on the face, but in the eye some envy that bracelet, that car, that flower.

Women are vanity, Rao is her family is not bad, but also did not reach the casual hundreds of thousands of bracelets money.

What he asked for but could not be ignored in Mu Qi's eyes. Zhou Yao was jealous to death.

She insisted that if there was no Mu Qi, then all of this would belong to her own, and her professional achievements were so good. Since childhood, her teacher said that she was very talented in painting.

If she didn't doubt that Muqi would not be disqualified, then the quota would have its own. Now Muqi's professional level is recognized by all, and there are so many rich second generation's pursuit of variety.

Zhou Yao clenched his fists and regarded Muqi as a thorn in his eye and a thorn in his flesh.

Just thinking about this, Qin Xin, who was hit by the blow, felt that he could not hold his face. He was the first woman in history to refuse him, and embarrassed him in front of so many people.

"Mu Qi, do you really want to eat with me?" He shook his bracelet.

Muqi politely shook his head, "if you have a bad ear, you should go to the hospital as soon as possible, and you can't delay."

Qin Xin was so angry that he almost didn't vomit blood. He glanced at the crowd, "this bracelet is for you."

Zhou Yao is still envious of Mu Qi for one second, but he has never thought that he will become the lucky one in the next second.


"It's you. Do you want it?"

Although not comparable to Muqi, Zhou Yao is still small and beautiful, otherwise he would not regard Muqi as an eyesore.

At this time, she also disregarded her reserve. Everyone wanted to get on with Qin Xin, and she could not get it.

"It's my pleasure."

Qin Xin handed her the bracelet and opened the door of the co pilot for her. Zhou Yao was as proud as a peacock that was about to open the screen.

Even if she is just a substitute, it doesn't matter. She is very proud.

Qin Xin glanced at Mu Qi and thought that she would see the lost expression on her face. However, Muqi didn't look at him at all. He had been looking at his mobile phone and sending messages to Mu Chen.


Qin Xin threw the co pilot's door, stepped on the gas pedal and left in a high profile. Zhou Yao was so excited that she looked like a queen married to the emperor.

When the crowd dispersed, Yang Mei looked at Mu Qi carefully, "that Is it all right with you? "

"Should I have anything to do with it?" Muqi didn't understand that others were playing for her, and women's vanity would be uncomfortable.

She's good. She doesn't care about her face at all.

"No, nothing."

She only anxiously waited for mu Chen, a week did not see, really miss dust brother.


Familiar voice sounded, Mu Qiyi saw that it was him, the expression on his face immediately changed, like a lively rabbit running toward Mu's arms.

"Brother dust."

No matter where he is most trusted.

Mu Chen hugged the little woman running towards him, "I've kept you waiting for a long time."

Muqi is to put his head in his arms, breathing belongs to his unique breath, "soon, is miss you, want to very much."

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