I'm the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

Chapter 961: Ecopark Pokemon Data Compilation

Chapter 961: Ecopark Pokemon Data Compilation

Main Ecopark:

- Nana (Sasha): Gardevoir's

- Audino (pseudo-Elite)

- Great Flygon(pseudo-Elite)

- Wigglytuff

- Medidite, Medicham clan

- Buneary, Lopunny clan

- Natu, Xatu clan

- Mr. Mime couple

- Gardevoir (Female) and Gallade couple → Gallade (Blue potential)

- Gallade 2

- Gardevoir 2


Desert Sub-Ecopark:

1st Oasis:

- Snorlax

- Ursaring + Pangoro

- Pancham 2

- Kecleon couple → baby Kecleon

- Pikachu clan

2nd Oasis:

- Gligar, Gliscor clan

3rd Oasis: None


Shallow Seashore Sub-Ecopark:

In the Sea:

- Cradily + Lileep

- Cloyster 2

- Kabuto + Kabutops

- Sharpedo clan

- Omanyte

- Corsola 2

- Dewgong

- Sharpedo

- Lapras clan

- Clauncher, Clawitzer clan

- Clamperl, Huntail, Gorebyss clan

1st Lake Island:

- Greninja (Elite)

- Wartortle (Blue potential)

- Milotic (Blue potential), Gyarados (pseudo-Elute: Blue Potential)

- Feebas, Melotic clan

- Slowbro

- Slowking

- Poliwrath

2nd Lake Island:

- Hoppip, Skiploom, Jumpluff clan

- Oddish, Gloom, Bellossom, Vileplume clan

3rd Lake Island:

- Archen (Champion)

- Vullaby, Mandibuzz clan

- Rufflet, Braviary clan


Flower Sea Sub-Ecopark:

- Masquerain 2

- Sceptile (1 Blue + 5 Green)

- Serperior (1 Blue + 2 Green)

- Petilil, Lilligant clan (little)

- Bounsweet, Steenee, Tsareena (little)

- Bellossom 2

- Cacnea, Cacturne (little)

- Exeggcute, Exeggutor (little)

- Fomantis, Lurantis (little)

- Shroomish, Breloom (little)

- Skido, Gogoat (little)

- Amoonguss

- Whimsicott

- Diglet, Dugtrio clan

- Aromatisse

- Flabébé, Floette clan

- Tangela clan


Grassland Sub-Ecopark:

- Noctowl (Elite) + Chatot → Noctowl

- Honchkrow leader + Swellow leader → Murkrow

- Murkrow, Honchkrow clan

- Taillow, Swellow clan

- Zubat, Golbat, Crobat clan

- Starly, Staravia, Staraptor clan + Pidgeot

- Linoone and Mightyena couple

- Pachirisu clan

- Miltank clan

- Tauros clan

- Persian + Delcatty 3

- Ampharos 4

- Liepard and Zoroark couple (offspring: Liepard and Zoroark)

- Swampert (1 Blue + 4 Green)

- Lombre 4

- Chansey 6 (MeiMei, YuanYuan, QiuQiu, TuanTuan, AiAi, PangPang)


Volcano Sub-Ecopark:

- Volcarona (Elite)

- Vivillon

- Ninetales leader (Blue) and Houndoom leader (Blue) → Ninetales

- Vulpix, Ninetales clan

- Houndour, Houndoom clan

- Cyndaquil, Quilava, Typhlosion clan

- Darumaka, Darmanitan clan

- Ponyta, Rapidash clan

- Umbreon (Blue: Male), Espeon (Female)

- Jolteon (Blue: Male), Sylveon (Female)

- Vaporeon (Blue: Female), Vaporeon (Male)

- Leafeon: Female → Eevee

- Glaceon: Female → Eevee

- Flareon (Male), Flareon (Female)

- Litleo clan

- Arcanine (Elite: Blue) → Growlithe (Blue)


Haunted Mansion Sub-Ecopark:

in the Ghost Sea:

- Jellicent (Blue), Jellicent (Pink) → Frilish (Blue)

Stone Castle No.1:

- Litwick, Lampent, Chandelure clan

Stone Castle No. 2:

- Misdreavus, Mismagius clan

- Gastly, Haunter, Gengar, Dusclops, and more

Stone Castle No. 3:

- Malamar 3

- Meowstic (Male and Female) 2


Mine Sub-Ecopark:

- Giant Steelix (Elite)

- Aron, Lairon, Aggron clan

- Magnemite, Magneton, Magnezone


Insect Paradise Sub-Ecopark:

- Ariados (Shiny) + Galvantula

- Spinarak, Joltik clan

- Wurmple, Cascoon, Silcoon, Beautifly, and Dustox clan

- Vespiquen (Elite:Blue) → Combee (Restored)

- Vespiquen No. 2 → Combee (Restored) + Ribombee (Reserve)

- Scatterbug, Spewpa, Vivillon clan

- Scyther clan

- Kairos clan

- Beedril 2


Dragon's Den Sub-Ecopark:

- Dragonite's mother (Champion)

- Duddrigon (Elite)

- Salamence (Female), Hydreigon (Male)

- Noivern (Female), Aerodactyl (Male)

- Swablu, Altaria clan

- Horsea, Seadra, Kingdra clan

- Trapinch, Vibrava, Flygon clan


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