I'm the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

Chapter 913: Indigo and Purple

Chapter 913: Indigo and Purple

After entering the gate of the No. 3 Stone Fortress, Yuga's first notice was the partially completed Eternal Flower placed in the center of the laboratory.

Compared to the previous pure white partially completed Eternal Flower, the current one was undergoing a transformation due to absorbing a large amount of life energy. Each petal of the flower was now sparkling with colorful light, making it exceptionally beautiful.

In addition to the significant changes in the Eternal Flower, Yuga also noticed the presence of eighteen cylindrical sealed containers of various colors in the laboratory. Each container contained energy that resembled various colors of liquid flowing.

"What is this?"

Yuga walked up to one of the cylindrical containers, curiously examining them. He remembered that they weren't there the last time he visited.

"Meowstic, Meowstic."

The Meowstic quickly approached to explain.

The contents of these cylindrical containers were the attribute energies originally stored in the conical pillars.

These energies were forcibly extracted from various Pokémon and they haven't been able to utilized yet. They're being stored for future research.

Yuga suddenly realized, "I didn't expect the remaining energies to be separated by attributes like this, and there are so many. Well done."

The two Meowstic were just assistants and overseers in the laboratory, so they weren't responsible for the separation and storage of attribute energies.

However, Yuga had no intention of praising the Malamar trio, considering their past misdeeds. They would atone for their sins through their work.

Seeing how deeply the Malamar trio had delved into the research of attribute energies, Yuga suddenly had an idea. He took out the Supreme-grade Ice Stone he had obtained from Articuno from his system backpack.

Supreme-grade Evolution Stone could alter a Pokémon's potential when it used for evolution. But what was the principle behind it? If he could figure out this principle, could he replicate it?

Thinking about this, Yuga became excited. If he could truly unravel the secret of Supreme-grade Evolution Stones, it could be a game-changer for him.

However, Yuga knew that researching this secret wouldn't be easy. What he could think of, others in this vast Pokémon world might have considered as well.

Even though Supreme-grade Evolution Stones were rare in number and only held by a few individuals, they surely had conducted similar research, just without much success.

But the Malamar trio had a talent for research, and it would be a waste not to let them try. Besides, if they couldn't succeed, it would only mean a loss of a few Supreme-grade Evolution Stones. While these stones were precious, Yuga wasn't in a situation where he absolutely needed them.

So he shared his thoughts with the Malamar trio. Although they didn't like Yuga, they were genuinely interested in the experiment he proposed. They pledged to put in their best effort for the research.

Yuga assured them that if their research yielded satisfactory results, he would consider granting them leniency, perhaps even sparing them from physical torment.

The three Malamar's eyes lit up after hearing this: "You mean we won't have to endure beatings in the future? We must produce results!" They secretly resolved to succeed.

However, after receiving the Supreme-grade Ice Stone from Yuga, the Malamar trio realized that researching results with just one stone might be challenging.

So Yuga remembered that he also had obtained Supreme-grade Evolution Stones Before, the Supreme-grade Leaf Stone, Supreme-grade Sun Stone, and Supreme-grade Moon Stone - from the abandoned ship in the Lilycove City. He decided to give them all to the Malamar trio at once.

"After taking all of these precious Supreme-grade Evolution Stones, if you can't produce any results, don't blame me if I decide to cut off your tentacles!" Yuga exclaimed as he handed over the four Supreme-grade Evolution Stones. He was almost heartbroken, considering the significant value of each one of them.

The Malamar trio, clutching the four Supreme-grade Evolution Stones, nodded nervously.

After leaving the Haunted Mansion Sub-Ecopark, Yuga suddenly realized that he had been so busy today that he had forgotten about "big" things like refreshing the system store.

Yuga had developed a habit of checking the system store daily, year after year, even though he rarely found anything valuable.

However, he continued to do so out of fear of missing out on something as extraordinary as the Seed of Unknown, which was the only golden item he had ever obtained through the system store. He understood its tremendous power.

Yuga didn't want to miss out on another valuable item just because he skipped checking the store for one day.

So he opened his system store. When he looked inside, his eyes widened involuntarily. He wondered if he had stepped on a Growlithe's shit or a Houndour's shit today? How could his luck suddenly skyrocket?

In the nine perfectly rectangular frames of the system store, there were no golden items, but there were two bright indigo and purple boxes at the same time.

"Indigo and purple? Am I dreaming? System, pinch me!" Yuga couldn't help but mutter.

The system's voice replied somewhat resignedly.

[ I can't pinch you, host, and you're not dreaming. ]

Yuga mumbled, "So, am I finally turning my luck around today, after being unlucky for so long?"

Yuga, who usually couldn't find either indigo or purple items, had somehow stumbled upon both today. If this wasn't turning his luck around, then what it was?

With excitement, Yuga hurriedly checked what these two items were. He didn't even bother looking at the other white items in the store, as they were usually just berries or Poké Balls.

Of course, he first examined the more valuable purple item. Compared to purple, the relatively precious indigo item could wait.


[ Essence Liquid ]

[ Description: The essence of all things. Suitable for newly hatched Pokémon or Pokémon Eggs. The effect is significant. ]

[ Price: 660,000. ]


After reading the name and description of this purple item, Yuga was briefly stunned. Was that it? Such a simple name? Such a simple description? Couldn't they say a few more words?

The price wasn't high, especially compared to the Seed of Unknown he had obtained before. This item felt like a free gift.

However, when it mentioned "newly hatched Pokémon or Pokémon Eggs," Yuga could only think of the Pokémon Egg given to him by Melotic.

Since it was a gift from Melotic, it was likely something extraordinary. And now, it seemed that the system also hoped it would hatch soon, as it had sent him this valuable purple item.

As usual, the system seemed to provide rewards that Yuga could actually use, whether they were high or low level items. This was something he always found comforting.

The Pokémon Egg from Melotic felt special to Yuga. He could sense that there was a live Pokémon inside, but there were no signs of it hatching.

After spending 660,000 to purchase the Essence Liquid, Yuga turned his attention to the indigo item.

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