I'm the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

Chapter 218: Visiting the Blue Sky Day Care

Chapter 218: Visiting the Blue Sky Day Care

The train Yuga and his friends were on arrived at the station in Hearthone City amidst the clear calls of Starly in the early morning mist.

Stepping out into the golden radiance of the sunrise, Flint and Volkner disembarked from the train.

"Yuga, let's not miss each other on Lily of the Valley Island," Flint and Volkner stood side by side, facing the window where Yuga was sitting.

Waving their hands, Yuga replied, "Lily of the Valley Island, see you there."

After Flint and Volkner left, the train remained at the Hearthone City station for a while before departing once again.

Once out of the Mount Coronet's range, the train's speed noticeably increased. After passing through the Solaceon Town, it took less than half a day for Yuga and his friends to successfully arrive at Veilstone City.

Thanks to the robust constitution unique to Pokémon, the Unfezant that had just given birth was already able to move normally. Yuga carried the Pokémon egg and Chatot in his arms as he disembarked.

"Yuga! Over here!"

Just as he stepped off the train, Yuga heard the familiar voice of Reggie.

Following the sound, Yuga saw Reggie waving at him while standing beside a young boy with light purple hair.

Carrying Chatot and Unfezant, Yuga hurried over.

Yuga had informed Reggie about Unfezant giving birth on the train through a phone call the previous day, so Reggie wasn't surprised when he saw Yuga holding a Pokémon egg.

"Is this your younger brother, Paul?" Yuga looked at the young boy with light purple hair standing beside Reggie and asked.

"Yeah," Reggie smiled and said, "Paul, this is the little brother I told you about, Yuga. Say hello."

"Hello, Big Brother Yuga."

Paul obediently greeted Yuga, looking nothing like the Paul from the original story that Yuga remembered.

Suddenly, Yuga thought that when meeting a close friend's younger brother for the first time, he should bring a little gift or something, right? But he seemed to have forgotten to prepare anything. What should he do?

After pondering for a moment, Yuga took out a Old Amber from the fossils that Steven had given him and handed it to Paul.

Since Steven had given him quite a lot of them, he didn't mind giving one away. Besides, he couldn't determine the potential of these Pokémon, so he didn't know what they would become in the future. It wouldn't hurt to give them away.

The Old Amber was transparent with a touch of red in the middle, making it look beautiful. It was the perfect gift.

"This is a Old Amber that my friend gave me. It's a fossil of ancient Pokémon. I'm giving it to you," Yuga handed the Old Amber over to Paul and said.

Paul looked at Reggie, unsure whether he should accept it or not.

Reggie chuckled and said, "Since Little Brother Yuga is giving it to you, go ahead and accept it."

At this time, the technology for reviving fossils hadn't been released yet. Fossils of ancient Pokémon didn't hold much value except for their archaeological significance. They weren't worth much, and only enthusiasts like Steven, along with archaeologists and researchers, would collect them with enthusiasm.

"Thank you, Big Brother Yuga."

With his brother's permission, Paul accepted the Old Amber from Yuga's hands and held it affectionately, showing that he really liked it.

"Alright, it's crowded here. It's not convenient to talk. Let's head back together," Reggie said to Yuga and Paul.

Just like how Yuga's Yoyo Day Care was located on the outskirts of Verdanturf Town, Reggie's grandfather's Blue Sky Day Care was also situated on the outskirts of Veilstone City. Moreover, it appeared to be much larger than Yoyo Day Care in terms of area.

Thundering footsteps signaled that Reggie's grandfather was already waiting for Yuga and the others at the door.

"Grandpa, long time no see," Yuga greeted Reggie's grandfather warmly upon spotting him.

Reggie's grandfather laughed heartily, "Long time no see indeed, little Yuga. Come in, come in." He ushered Yuga and his friends inside.

After chatting with Yuga for a while, Reggie's grandfather excused himself due to some matters, leaving the task of entertaining the guests to Reggie.

"By the way, let me show you my grandfather's Day Care," Reggie suddenly said to Yuga, "Since we don't have much else to do."

"Sure, I haven't seen someone else's Day Care before!" Yuga's eyes lit up upon hearing Reggie's suggestion.

Reggie first took Yuga on a tour of the backyard.

The backyard of the Blue Sky Day Care was quite spacious, even larger than Yuga's home backyard. Half of it was designed as an Ecopark, while the other half remained an open yard.

The lawn was neatly trimmed, and on the lush green grass, Pokémon like Shinx, Bidoof, Budew, Buneary, and many others were frolicking happily.

In the center of the yard was a small pond, where Marill, Poliwag, Staryu, and Shellder, among various other Water-type Pokémon, were playing in the water.

"These Pokémon have all been cultivated by my grandfather over the years," Reggie explained.

Yuga nodded; it was clear that these Pokémon had been meticulously nurtured, as each one seemed to be in excellent health.

After touring the backyard, Reggie said to Yuga, "Let me take you to see my grandfather's Ecopark."

Yuga nodded in agreement.

Reggie's grandfather's Ecopark was slightly smaller than Yuga's main Ecopark. It was filled with various types of trees, most notably groups of Starly and Staravia, interspersed with a few Staraptors.

Starly was the specialty of the Blue Sky Day Care and the pride of Reggie's grandfather's life's work.

Of course, apart from Starly, there were many other rare Pokémon in the Ecopark. There were fleeting glimpses of Luxray, Roserade tending to flowers, and several playful Pokémon.

While Yuga and his friends were touring the Ecopark, a majestic Staraptor descended from the sky and landed in front of Yuga and Reggie.

The Staraptor let out a cry, and Yuga recognized it as Reggie's Staraptor.

Just as Yuga was about to greet the Staraptor, Chatot on Yuga's shoulder hopped out.

"Ah, ah, ah! What a handsome little brother!" It called out while taking flight from Yuga's shoulder, then fluttered around the Staraptor, flapping its wings.

Comparing its slightly petite figure to the towering and powerful Staraptor was somewhat comical.

Yuga was speechless. Chatot had just separated from the Unfezant, and now it was causing a ruckus here. Was it not afraid of being disciplined by Unfezant after it found out?

Although Unfezant had recovered quite a bit, Yuga had left it resting in the room after they arrived here. He also placed its child by its side, allowing them to get along well.

Reggie had only just met Chatot and was taken aback by its peculiar personality. He knew that Chatot was the father of the Pokémon egg.

Moreover, wasn't his Staraptor male? Why did Chatot appear to have such a lascivious expression?

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