I'm the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

Chapter 1003: Trio Prosecutor

Chapter 1003: Trio Prosecutor

Under the full-speed voyage of the ghost ship, Yuga quickly returned to Verdanturf Town. During this period, he didn't dare to open his communicator because he knew that many people would be calling him at this time.

However, once he returned home, he immediately called his master, Mr. Kuni'o, and briefed him on everything that needed to be said.

Mr. Kuni'o assured Yuga that he didn't need to worry about the situation in Rustboro City, as the follow-up matters would be taken care of on his behalf.

However, there was one point to consider. Yuga's battle with Rayquaza and Deoxys might come under scrutiny by the League.

In theory, when Rayquaza posed a threat to Rustboro City, all Yuga needed to do was drive it away. But from the videos circulating online, it was clear that Yuga had given Rayquaza quite a beating, and he even took Rayquaza away at the end.

Moreover, from the videos taken by the citizens showing Rayquaza's battle with Deoxys, it was evident that Yuga's attitude leaned toward Deoxys. The League would likely also investigate this.

In the League's eyes, Deoxys bore half the responsibility for the disaster in Rustboro City. Furthermore, Deoxys, as an outsider, didn't have a significant standing in the League's view.

Deoxys didn't belong to the category of Legendary Pokémon with which the League had agreements. Therefore, compared to Deoxys, who was a Neutral-type Legendary Pokémon, the League favored more on Rayquaza side, who had a pro-human disposition.

Rayquaza was one of the Legendary Pokémon with which the League had agreements. Yuga had beaten Rayquaza quite severely, and the League couldn't just ignore it; otherwise, it would be difficult to explain to the other Legendary Pokémon.

Although most Legendary Pokémon had quietly disappeared and distanced themselves from humans, Mr. Kuni'o disclosed that the League still maintained secret contact with some Legendary Pokémon, such as Mew.

After hearing Mr. Kuni'o's analysis, Yuga realized his mistake. He had forgotten all these details, and when the League sent Prosecutors, he couldn't possibly say that he had sided with Deoxys because it was Chimecho's master.

In the League's view, if Yuga were to take a side, it should be in favor of Rayquaza.

With no other option, Yuga had to humbly consult his master for a solution.

After a lengthy discussion, Mr. Kuni'o instructed Yuga to hand over the "Gifted" badge that had been passed down from his ancestors. Mr. Kuni'o promised to step in and help Yuga navigate the League's inquiries.

Mr. Kuni'o had a clear understanding about Yuga's assets. Aside from System and Sub-Ecopark, Yuga had never hidden anything from his master. Yuga also mentioned the origins of his ancestors when he visited his master, so the latter was aware of the circumstances.

Yuga was deeply moved by his master's willingness to handle such a major issue on his behalf. He knew that without Mr. Kuni'o's assistance, resolving this matter would be far from simple, even with the "Gifted" badge from his ancestor.

This matter was involved the agreement between the League and the Lawful Legendary Pokémon, and the badge had its limitations.

However, while Mr. Kuni'o agreed to help, he didn't hold back in chastising Yuga. He disapproved of Yuga involving himself in the dispute between Rayquaza and Deoxys. In Mr. Kuni'o's view, Rayquaza was not in the wrong side; it was fulfilling its duty to eliminate the invaders.

Yuga accepted his master's reprimand humbly and promised to stay away from such incidents in the future.

In addition, Mr. Kuni'o also inquired about the origin of Dusknoir, as Yuga had previously forgotten to mention it to his master. In the videos this time, Mr. Kuni'o saw Dusknoir pummeling Rayquaza, which prompted him to ask about it.

The apprentice suddenly has a Master level Pokémon, and it is impossible for the master not to care about it, and many people will definitely notice the existence of Dusknoir in the future.

Yuga didn't keep any secrets and provided Mr. Kuni'o with a clear account about Dusknoir's origins. His master was knew that he was sent to the past by Celebi, and he also know Shadowaong and Hubert, the orignal owner of Dusknoir.

Listening to Yuga's account of his reunion with Dusknoir, Mr. Kuni'o couldn't help but marvel at the wonders of fate. The fact that a person and a Pokémon could reunite across a thousand years was truly remarkable.

With his master's support, Yuga's mood improved significantly. He finally decided to turn on his communicator, and when he did, it was overwhelming. He had hundreds of unread messages and missed calls from various people, including Steven, Robert, Wallace, Cynthia, Flint, Reggie, Volkner... All called him.

Yuga chose to return calls from those with whom he had good relationships, while ignoring the less important ones.

Time passed quickly, and despite several days having gone by since the incident in Rustboro City, the public's interest and discussion surrounding it has not subsided. News reports continued to air on television, and people everywhere were talking about it. Yuga had been staying at home for several days, avoiding any public appearances, as many individuals sought to visit him during this time.

However, he turned them all away.

Some individuals even tried to challenge his Gym under the pretext of wanting to meet Yuga. Fortunately, the Verdanturf Gym had the prerequisite condition that challengers needed three other Gym Badges before they could attempt to challenge it, preventing a flood of visitors from breaking down the Gym's doors.

After roughly five days, Yuga received another call from his master. Mr. Kuni'o informed him that the situation had been resolved, and the League would no longer inquire about his relationship with Deoxys or the reasons for his support of Deoxys.

However, the League would be sending Prosecutors to inquire about Rayquaza's whereabouts, and Yuga would need to cooperate. After all, Yuga had taken Rayquaza in front of the public, so the League had to determine what had happened to Rayquaza.

On the fourth day after receiving his master's notice, three Prosecutors from the League arrived in Verdanturf Town. They consisted of two men and one woman, all from the Prosecutor Bureau.

The League's Prosecutor Bureau always handle the internal probelm within the League. Considering Yuga's role as a Gym Leader, it wasn't unusual for Prosecutor Bureau to sent someone to investigate this matter.

These three individuals entered the Verdanturf Gym directly. When Yuga saw them, he was surprised because he recognized one of them – Tokiwa, who is Touya's father.

Originally, he had been working in the Prosecutor Bureau in Unova region, so his sudden return to the Hoenn League was surprised Yuga.

However, Yuga later learned the reason behind Tokiwa's transfer. He had wanted to return to the Hoenn League for quite some time. During the conflict between his son, Touya, and Yuga, he realized that he had neglected his son's growth for many years. This realization prompted his request for a transfer back to the Hoenn League.

Several years had passed, and his brother Kiryu had been released from prison. His son Touya, was still quite young and he doesn't facing legal consequences.

Tokiwa had returned to Hoenn region for some time, and he had become strict in his guidance of his son. He knew that his son's future prospects were limited, but he didn't want him to continue to be a waste.

As a veteran member of the Prosecutor Bureau, Tokiwa had accumulated numerous achievements in the Unova region. Since his return to Hoenn, he had rarely undertaken missions and had actively requested to come to the town.

"Long time no see, Gym Leader Shimizu!"

Tokiwa greeted Yuga warmly. Despite previous conflicts between Yuga, his brother, and his son, they had reconciled during their time in the Unova region.

Yuga had a favorable impression of Tokiwa. As he was about to respond to the greeting, he heard an unpleasant tone from a young man standing next to Tokiwa. "It turns out that senior and Gym Leader Shimizu know each other. You really have a lot of friends!"

Yuga inquired, "Who is this...?"

The woman who had been standing in the front finally spoke, "Hello, Gym Leader Shimizu. I'm Nami, the Deputy Head of the Hoenn's Prosecutor Bureau, responsible for investigating Rayquaza. These two gentlemen here are accompanying me, Tokiwa and Kuro."

Yuga was well aware of the Deputy Head of the Prosecutor Bureau.

In each region, the Prosecutor Bureau had one Head and four Deputies, each serving as a check on the others. The former Head of the Hoenn League's Prosecutor Bureau was one of the Elite Four, Mr. Drake. When Steven come to power, he resign and left the position to Steven. However, the four Deputies had remained the same and Nami was one of them.

Furthermore, Nami held the second position in the Hoenn League's Elite rankings for the Elite Four posisition, right after the first-ranked Mr. Norman. She was the only woman among the top ten candidates. Even among the four Deputies of the Prosecutor Bureau, she was also the only woman.

Yuga simply wanted to get through the investigation quickly. He gave Kuro a cold glance and said to Nami, "Deputy Head Nami, let's discuss this in the Gym."

With that, Yuga led them into the Gym's lounge. Kuro hesitantly followed, while Tokiwa could only shake his head in resignation.

Once everyone was seated in the lounge, Yuga said, "Deputy Head Nami, go ahead and ask whatever you need to."

Nami nodded and inquired, "First and foremost, the most important question is, where is Rayquaza now?"

Yuga replied honestly, "It has left."

Nami asked further, "Left? Where did it go?"

Yuga shrugged, "I can't know that. I didn't install a camera on Rayquaza. It's free to go wherever it pleases."

Upon hearing Yuga's response, Kuro slammed his hand on the table, "What's with your attitude? Don't forget, you are a suspect! When Rayquaza was taken by you, it was severely injured. With such injuries, where could it have gone?"

Yuga's gaze hardened upon Kuro's words, "Deputy Head Nami, could you please explain what you mean by 'suspect'? I don't remember anyting for being a suspect!"

Yuga remembered the instructions from his master. He had already resolved this issue entirely by himself. Therefore, in the face of the League's Prosecutors, he could afford to be firm and didn't need to feel any guilt.

Nami played it off with an innocent tone, "Kuro just spoke too hastily, and he didn't mean anything else. Gym Leader Shimizu, please don't be angry."

After saying that, she gave Kuro a meaningful look, and he obediently sat down again.

Seeing Kuro's unfriendly attitude towards Yuga, Tokiwa felt responsible. In the Prosecutor Bureau, Kuro's rank was lower than his. This position had originally been intended for Kuro, but before the appointment, he was transferred from the Unova to Hoenn, and taking the position that originally for Kuro.

Kuro had used family connections to get a promotion, while Tokiwa had advanced through his own abilities. As a result, there had always been rivalry and competition between them, with Kuro trying to outdo Tokiwa in all aspects.

Tokiwa even believed that Kuro's eagerness to come to Verdanturf Town this time was to compete with him. He suspected that Kuro's unfavorable attitude towards Yuga might have been influenced by the fact that he had initially been too friendly with Yuga.

With these thoughts in mind, Tokiwa couldn't help but speak up, "Kuro, our purpose for this visit is to investigate Rayquaza, not to interrogate Gym Leader Shimizu. Be more careful with your words."

Kuro raised an eyebrow and said, "It seems like you and Gym Leader Shimizu have a good relationship. By all rights, considering your existing acquaintance, you should have avoided involvement in this investigation, Senior!"

After hearing his word, Tokiwa even though was a kind-hearted person, he still felt a bit annoyed. He, "You..."

As the two subordinates continued to argue, Nami seemed unfazed and proceeded to ask Yuga, "What Kuro said does make some sense. It's been reported that Rayquaza was severely injured at the time. How did it manage to leave?"

Kuro chimed in, "That's right! Gym Leader Shimizu, it's best to tell the truth!"

Yuga, observing Kuro's self-satisfied behavior, sarcastically remarked, "If I were you, I'd probably stay quiet. Don't you know there's something called Max Revives in this world?"

Kuro's smug smile froze on his face, his neck tensed up, and he couldn't utter a word.

Yuga then changed his tone, with innocent face his said: "That's right, I don't think you are someone who can afford a Max Revive."

After hearing this, Kuro's face instantly turned red, and his words stuck on neck for a long time without uttering a single word.

Yuga spoke the truth; he indeed couldn't afford the Joy Family's Max Revives.

Nami, with a calm smile, said, "I see."

Upon hearing Yuga's answer, she acted as if she hadn't noticed Kuro's discomfort.

Doesn't she, the deputy head, know what kind of temper Kuro is? of course he know.

But, she had chosen him for a reason. As one of Mr. Kuni'o's diciple, she knew that Yuga was not an easy person to handle. Therefore, she needed someone to play the role of the 'bad cop,' and Kuro was her choice.

Kuro, while not the brightest and quick-tempered, was chosen for a reason. His tendency to be impulsive made him suitable for this role.

Then, Nami changed the subject and asked, "Does Gym Leader Shimizu know where the Deoxys that fought against Rayquaza went?"

Even though she was told not to inquire about Deoxys, she couldn't resist asking. What if she could extract some information?

Yuga wore an innocent expression and replied, "Wasn't that Deoxys killed by Rayquaza?"

The incident where Deoxys's body was shattered by Rayquaza's Dragon Pulse had been witnessed by all of Rustboro City's citizens. As for Gengar that steal its Energy Core, Yuga doubted anyone had noticed.

"I see," Nami said with a measured tone.

She had carefully examined the videos of the battle between Rayquaza and Deoxys and had noticed the purple crystal that fell when Deoxys was killed. Although she didn't know what it was, she had sent someone to the scene to search for it but found nothing.

She suspected that Yuga might have taken that crystal.

However, Yuga wasn't admitting to anything, and she had no evidence to prove otherwise.

Kuro interjected, "Did Rayquaza leave anything behind when it departed? Like scales or nails?"

As soon as Kuro spoke, Nami cast a look of approval his way. Kuro felt pleased, thinking he had gained the trust of his superior.

Yuga, who has a keen sense of perception, immediately noticed the little movements of Nami and Kuro: Okay, these two people are playing trick with him!

Yuga, with a shift in tone, chuckled and said, "How could I dare to take scales or nails from Almighty Rayquaza? It's the Sky Guardian of our Hoenn region, after all! How can i dare to keep such a thing."

In fact, There were scales, and even some Dragon Blood.

Nami almost rolled her eyes in response to Yuga's comment. He had beaten Rayquaza without regarding it as the Sky Guardian, but now he was acting like a cult believer.

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