I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

C172 Awakening

C172 Awakening

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 14 chapters ahead! 



As Peter's meeting progressed, the atmosphere in the hangar was tense, filled with a mixture of disbelief, concern, and curiosity. Peter stood at the front, Bee towering behind him in his full robot form. The sight of the Cybertronian had been a shock to everyone, and Peter's explanation of the imminent arrival of the Autobots and Decepticons had only added to the tension.

“These two factions,” Peter explained, his tone serious, “are locked in a brutal, centuries-long war, and they’re coming here to Earth as we speak...”

Captain America, standing near the front, crossed his arms over his chest and asked, “Why are they coming here again? What’s so important that they’d bring their war to our doorstep?”

Before Peter could answer, Tony Stark, leaning casually against a support beam, chimed in with a smirk. “Hey, are we just going to gloss over the fact that Captain America is here, alive and well, attending this meeting? I mean, aren’t you supposed to be dead, old man?”

The attention in the room shifted, a few murmurs of agreement rippling through the crowd. Steve Rogers, or Captain America, had been a legend—a man thought lost to time.

Steve opened his mouth to respond, but Peggy Carter, who stood beside him, spoke up first. “Peter managed to locate the Hydra ship that Steve crash-landed back in 1942,” she explained, her voice calm and matter-of-fact. “He was able to recover Steve and bring him back here. We thawed him out, and, miraculously, he was still alive.”

The room went silent for a moment as everyone processed this revelation, their gazes shifting from Peter to Steve, the disbelief was evident in their eyes.

Steve, feeling the weight of their stares, raised his hand slightly. “Look, I know this is a shock to many of you,” he said, his voice steady but firm. “But right now, we’ve got bigger concerns—like two armies of giant killer robots heading this way. Let’s focus on that, okay?”

Peggy nodded in agreement, her expression serious. “Yes, I agree. We can discuss Steve’s return later. Right now, we need to understand why these Cybertronians are coming here and what we can do to prepare.”

She then turned to Peter, repeating Steve’s earlier question. “Why exactly are they headed here, Peter?”

Peter reached up and pulled the necklace from around his neck, revealing the AllSpark, which hung from the chain. It gleamed under the hangar lights, catching everyone’s attention. “They’re coming for this,” Peter said simply.

“!?” Peggy's eyes widened in surprise when she recognized the cube she had given him just a few days earlier.

Master Windu, who had been observing quietly, stepped forward, his brow furrowed as he sensed the object’s unique energy. “What is that?” he asked, his tone filled with a mix of curiosity and caution. He could feel an odd Force presence emanating from the small, cube-like pendant, something he couldn’t quite place but recognized as powerful.

Before Peter could answer, Bee stepped forward, “That is the AllSpark,” he explained, his tone carrying a reverence that wasn’t lost on those present. “It’s the source of all life on Cybertron. Every Cybertronian was created by it, and it holds the power to give life—and to take it away. It’s more than just a relic; it’s the heart of our entire civilization.”

The room fell silent again, the weight of Bee’s words settling over them like a heavy blanket. The significance of the AllSpark was clear—it wasn’t just a powerful artifact; it was something much more profound, something that had shaped an entire race of beings.

“So, they’re coming here to fight over that?” Logan asked, his tone skeptical. “Why don’t we just toss it back into space or something? Let them take their war somewhere else.”

“It’s not that simple,” Peter replied, shaking his head. “If the Decepticons get their hands on the AllSpark, they could use it to create an infinite number of soldiers. We’d be facing a threat unlike anything we’ve ever seen...”

Master Windu nodded, his expression thoughtful as he considered the implications. “Then we must ensure that it does not fall into the wrong hands,” he said firmly. “If this artifact is as powerful as you say, it must be protected at all costs.”

Peggy glanced around the room, her expression resolute. “Agreed. We need a plan—a way to defend this planet and keep the AllSpark safe.”

Peter nodded, glad to see everyone was on the same page. “That’s why I called this meeting,” he said, glancing around the crowd. "Now, is there anyone here who isn't willing to help out? If so, feel free to leave now…"

“…” As his words hung in the air, not a single person spoke up or turned to leave; everyone was determined to help protect their planet. 

"Good," Peter said with a smirk. "Here's what we're going to do..."



As the meeting concluded, the group slowly dispersed, each person or team heading off to make their preparations for the imminent arrival of the opposing Transformer armies.

Peter remained in the hangar, watching as the last few people trickled out. Beside him, Bee stood like a loyal sentinel, towering over Peter with an awkward mix of determination and eagerness. Despite his imposing size, Bee gave off the impression of a protective puppy, trying hard to stay serious and focused as he followed his orders to protect Peter. 

Peter couldn’t help but chuckle at Bee’s attempt to look professional. “Hey, Bee,” Peter began, glancing up at the giant robot. “You can relax a little, you know. You don’t have to—”

Just then, Peter’s cell phone started ringing, cutting him off mid-sentence. He reached into his pocket, a smirk forming on his face as he wondered if it was who he thought it was.

“Let’s see how she liked the surprise,” Peter muttered to himself, answering the call. “Hey—”

But before he could even say hello, Mikaela’s voice burst through the phone, a mixture of frustration and bewilderment. “Peter! Why did you do all of this? Buying my house and gifting it to me, sending people to fix everything up, giving me a ridiculous amount of money—and what’s with the car? A freaking Porsche? Why?”

Peter couldn’t help but grin as he listened to her rant. Through the phone, he could hear the background noise of construction work—the sound of hammers, saws, and the bustling activity of the crew he had hired to fix up her house. It was clear Mikaela was overwhelmed, caught between gratitude and disbelief. 

“Because I wanted to,” Peter replied simply, his tone casual and light, the smirk evident in his voice. He knew his answer would only annoy her more, and he found himself enjoying the reaction.

Mikaela let out an exasperated sigh on the other end. “That’s not a real answer, Peter! You can’t just—ugh!” She paused for a moment, clearly trying to calm herself down. “I don’t need anyone’s help, okay? I can get by on my own. I don’t need your handouts.”

Peter’s grin widened. “It’s already done, Mikaela. The house, the car, the money—it’s all yours. You might as well just accept it. Besides,” he added with a mischievous tone, “I do expect a little something in return~”

There was a moment of silence on the other end, followed by Mikaela’s hesitant voice. “What… What do you want?” She hoped he wasn't implying what she feared he was.

Peter leaned against a nearby crate, savoring the moment. “You have to take me on a date. Plan it all out, make it good. And hey, you can even use a little bit of that money I sent you to spoil me, like you’re my sugar mama or something.”

“You did all this just so you could get a second date?” She asked in disbelief, relieved that he wasn't suggesting anything perverted. 

“Uh-huh, yeah,” Peter replied, his tone almost dumbly enthusiastic.

Mikaela’s frustration boiled over. She was caught between a mix of emotions—annoyance, disbelief, and something else she couldn’t quite place. Her heart raced, her emotions a tangled mess. And then, without warning, something strange began to happen. 

A sudden surge of power coursed through her body, rushing down her arm and into the old mechanical home phone she was using. Her eyes widened in shock as a flood of information crashed into her mind. “!?” 

Somehow, she could see the phone’s internal structure as if she were looking through its casing—the wires, the mechanisms, the gears, every intricate detail of its construction. It was as if she suddenly understood everything there was to know about the phone, how it was made, how it worked, and even how to enhance it if she wanted to. 

“What… what’s happening…?” Mikaela muttered weakly, a piercing headache forming as the influx of information became too much to handle. 

Before she knew it, the overwhelming sensation caused her to collapse, the phone slipping from her grasp and clattering to the floor.

“Mikaela? Mikaela, are you okay?” Peter’s voice called out through the phone, but there was no response. He heard a faint thud on the other end, followed by silence. His heart rate quickened, concern flooding his mind. “Mikaela!”

But before he could say anything more, Peter’s phone began to glow, an eerie light emanating from the screen. “What the hell?” he muttered, watching in confusion as the device started smoking and sparking. 

Realizing what was about to happen, he quickly tossed the phone away. It landed a few feet away and, within seconds, burst into flames, a small explosion sending shards of plastic and metal flying.

“What the f*ck…” Peter muttered, staring at the smoking remnants of his phone. His mind raced with possibilities. But he didn’t have time to ponder. Mikaela could be in danger, and he needed to check on her immediately…


[While Peter is Rushing to Check on Mikaela...]

Far beyond the reach of human sight, on the outer fringes of Earth’s solar system, the cold expanse of space was suddenly disturbed by a massive, dark shape cutting through the stars. It was a colossal cruiser, forged from blackened metal and bristling with weaponry, moving with a silent, menacing grace as it glided through the void.

This was no ordinary spacecraft. This was a warship—a fortress and weapon all in one. The command ship of the Decepticons, and at its helm, seated in the cold, dark command center, was Megatron himself.

The interior of the ship was dark and foreboding, with walls lined with jagged metal and glowing crimson lights, casting an eerie red hue over everything.

Megatron sat on his throne, his massive frame dominating the space. He stared out at the stars through the reinforced viewport, his expression one of grim determination.

Suddenly, the silence was broken by the deep, rumbling voice of one of his lieutenants, Starscream, who stood at attention beside him. “Lord Megatron, we are nearing the Earth’s solar system,” Starscream reported, his tone a mix of deference and eagerness. “We should reach the planet soon.”

[Insert picture of Starscream here]

Megatron didn’t respond immediately. His gaze remained fixed on the distant blue orb that now loomed on the ship’s monitors, slowly growing larger as they approached. Earth—the current hiding place of the AllSpark, the artifact that could grant them ultimate power. He could almost feel it, even from this distance, calling to him with its promise of dominance.

“Good,” Megatron finally said, his voice a deep, gravelly growl that echoed through the chamber. “Prepare immediately. The Autobots are sure to defend it, but they are weak. This time, they will not stop us. This time, the AllSpark will be ours.”

Starscream bowed his head, a wicked smile crossing his face. “As you command, Lord Megatron.”

A/N: 2000 words :)🚨🚨

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