I’m In Charge of SCP

Chapter 128: Something Else

Chapter 128: Something Else

Zhang Jue stared into the old man's eyes. "Before I start, can I ask a question? How do you know that I can kill you."

"I don't know." The old man shook his head, "An intuition drives me."

The battle between the two was on the verge of breaking out. Just at that moment, Zhang Jue's phone suddenly rang. He glanced at the old man and pressed the button.

Du Jingtian's voice came through, "Advisor Zhang, I'm sorry. There's one thing that I may have to bother you with."

"Speak." Zhang Jue was brief and concise.

"According to the Foundation's information, SCP-1440 has appeared in the nearby area. The two MTF teams, Mole and Raccoon, have taken over the security measures on the arena's perimeter but have not found him. According to their speculation, that old man has probably entered within this arena."

"There's no need to speculate." Zhang Jue looked at the old man in front of him, "He's right in front of me now." There was a sudden pause on the other end of the phone, obviously surprised by the news.

"Advisor Zhang, you really-"



Zhang Jue hummed, "Du Jingtian, if you dare to put words in your mouth again. I'll have Lei Shan transfer you to Site-14, and the two of us will have a good conversation."

"Uh, sorry." Du Jingtian had long been aware of Zhang Jue's temper and knew that even Lei Shan would not be able to win against him, so he could only concede and say, "I was trying to say that you are really 'true to your name'."

Not bothering to dwell on the implications of Du Jingtian's words, Zhang Jue said unpleasantly, "So, you called me to tell me this?"

"No." Du Jingtian said, "I have already informed Mr. Lei about the situation, and he said that you are in full charge of the situation here. So, I am asking you what we should do now?"

Full responsibility? In other words, Zhang Jue will be the one who is to blame if anything happens. That Lei Shan must be holding a grudge against himself for taking advantage of him.

Zhang Jue said unpleasantly, "What should we do? Since it has been confirmed that SCP-1440 is here, what else can we do? No matter what method you use, evacuate all the people in the entire arena within half an hour, including the outer MTF team. Tell them to get lost if you don't want them to die! Also, deploy as many fire trucks and riot squads as possible. Whether or not this building can hold in a while is a different matter."

Zhang Jue laid out a long list of tasks, obviously quite scornful of the old man's strength. 'Whatever you use' seemed to have become Zhang Jue's mantra, as he really didn't care what tricks Du Jingtian used, as long as he could achieve his goal anyway.

Comprehending Zhang Jue's order, Du Jingtian asked, "What about you, Advisor Zhang?"

"Me?" Zhang Jue looked at the old man in front of him, "Naturally, the old man has more important things to do."


SCP-1440 The Old Man From Nowhere. Legend has it that he gambled with the three Brothers of Death and won immortality, but he was also cursed by them. He will not die, but the price is that wherever he goes, he will bring disaster to the nearby surrounding. Like Dr. Bright, they were granted immortality, but all they could think about was how to be freed. He once voluntarily approached the SCP Foundation and asked to be "killed", but it led to the destruction of the entire site. The Foundation tried to take him in or destroy him several times, but without exception, all ended in failure and at a hefty price.

Since then, the old man disappeared on his own and once again embarked on a wandering journey. No one knows where he has gone, and at that moment, he appears in front of Zhang Jue.

Zhang Jue hung up the phone. He summons the Dragon Crystal and the Reality Anchor out of the Pocket Dimension in his hands.

"Old man, It's not really impossible for me to kill you." He smiled heatedly and asked the most classic questions, "But what's in it for me?"


The boxing match had reached the final third round. Above the ring, the match between Hudson and Fang Tianlong had entered a white heat. Out of the crowd's expectations. Hudson, who was not prepared before, fought Fang Tianlong with ease. Although he is not as heavy as European champion Gibson, he is more flexible than his enemy, so he has an advantage against Fang Tianlong. His resistance to striking was also very strong, and in the first two rounds, Fang Tianlong's punch could not even break the defense.

At the beginning of the third round, Fang Tianlong unleashed his mastery, the Baji Fist and Hudson also obviously stepped up his aggressiveness. Both of them wanted to end the fight by KO.

A vicious fight was about to take place. Suddenly, an ear-splitting alarm sounded. Immediately afterward, the announcement also can be heard.

"To ensure everyone's safety due to a fire on the floor of this arena, the match is suspended. Please follow the staff's instructions and evacuate in an orderly manner."

Obviously, this was the solution Du Jingtian had come up with based on Zhang Jue's instructions of "no matter what method you use". By all means, such a brutal and straightforward approach was not a great choice. It could even be described as the worst choice because the announcement would be more likely to cause panic, which would lead to a stampede. But there's no time to lose. Du Jingtian can only take extreme measures to interrupt the game in this situation. If he chose the other solution, he could have buried the lives of thousands of people here.

It was a good thing that the worst scenario did not happen. Most people looked baffled and then cursed. Everyone was surprisingly unanimous in their thinking that a boxing match is no more important than a small life.

After confirming that this was not a prank, everyone started to evacuate under the pressure of Du Jingtian's ironclad management. Twenty-five minutes later, the entire arena was empty. He didn't even find out where Zhang Jue was. Several thousand spectators gathered together with anger outside the stadium because they hadn't seen the arena on fire at all.

"You guys are lying!"

"That's it! I want a refund!"

"I don't want a refund! I want to see the boxing match!" All of them were shouting everything. The owner of the organizer could not stand the pressure and found the person who was in charge of the announcer, Du Jingtian.

"Mr. Du, you told me that there were bombs planted by terrorists in the arena. I have evacuated all of the audience. Are you playing with me?"

Du Jingtian simply ignored him, looking at the brightly lit arena and saying something in a low voice. The organizer turned his ears slightly to hear what he was saying.

"1790, 1791, 1792..." He was counting. Just when the organizer was about to interrupt Du Jingtian, he just happened to count to 1800. Before Du Jingtian's voice stopped, there was an explosion. The arena exploded violently. Just like an earthquake, the whole building collapsed in an instant. The crowd was so frightened that they kept retreating backward, afraid of being affected by the explosion.

The organizers looked dumbfounded at Du Jingtian, not knowing what to say for a moment. Du Jingtian shook his head and said softly, "This Advisor Zhang is really something."

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