I’m In Charge of SCP

Chapter 120: Unknown

Chapter 120: Unknown

"In the past few days since you disappeared, the Foundation has purged the town of all the infected, and when Lei Shui couldn't find you. He had to send someone to keep an eye on you every day."

Inside the lounge, Zhang Jue sat in a chair with his eyes closed as Yang Xue poured water into a cup while she talked about what had happened since he left.

"They found a little girl named Alice. She said she had seen you. I tested her blood. She was not infected. She was diagnosed with malnutrition, and I have arranged for her examination. She has natural antibodies to SCP-016-A in her body, which has very important research value, and the Foundation has added her to the protected list. So you don't have to worry about that."

Zhang Jue suddenly opened his eyes when Yang Xue said, "How did you know I would worry about her?"

Yang Xue looked at him, "You may seem to care about everything, but you never treat those who have helped you poorly."

Zhang Jue raised his eyebrows, "Was it that obvious?"

Yang Xue nodded. Thinking of Shirley and Kareena, Zhang Jue sighed. Nowadays, it is all the rage to kill people and families at every turn. He was afraid that his personality would not be popular. But it could not be helped. This is the third time he has encountered such a situation. He could only do what he should do.

Yang Xue handed the water cup to Zhang Jue, then set it aside, with the word 'mind' written all over his face. Not to mention that the two were now very familiar with each other. If Shirley been here, she could know that Yang Xue had something difficult to say.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Jue asked.

Yang Xue looked at him and stammered, "There's something... I've kept away from you, and I can't tell you right now..."

Zhang Jue pointed to the hospital that was about to be built not far from the window, "It's this thing, right?"

Yang Xue didn't shake her head, nor did she nod. In fact, she had already violated the Foundation's regulations with her last sentence.

Zhang Jue laughed, "It doesn't matter for me anyway. It's a pleasure in itself. Besides, I already knew about it. You were just silent about it."


Seeing SCP-682 was one of his must-do things. O5-10 was full of promises but did not give Zhang Jue a specific time. Zhang Jue knew that although the O5 Council belonged to the same top leadership of the Foundation. The 13 O5s each had their own small circle, and they needed time to decide something.

He was not worried that the O5-10 would lie, as there was no need to. With the ability he has shown, I believe that as long as the Foundation is not stupid, it will not tear up with him yet.

SCP-682 itself wasn't that special, and after being shipped away from Site-14 along with Shirley. It had remained at Site-19. Later, when Zhang Jue wanted to know about it. He was prompted that he didn't have the permission.

For some unknown reason, the Foundation had raised its guard for SCP-682. Even when Zhang Jue wanted to see it, he had to go through various levels of approval and was eventually denied access on the grounds that it was unnecessary.

Zhang Jue didn't know if someone was targeting him or if it was the same for everyone. But it didn't matter, and there was nothing substantial in the camcorder anyway. So it was nice to have a chance to get up close and personal with SCP-682 in exchange.

It would be even better if you could find a reason to touch SCP-682. It's a good idea to think about it. Most importantly, he wanted to ask SCP-682. They crossed over together, and it is unknown if they were somehow related.

Zhang Jue leaned back in his chair and looked at the sky through the window. Not surprisingly, the world was about to face a major disaster. So it was best to take advantage of this time to try to improve yourself.

There was still time, which was enough for him to prepare.


For security reasons, the town of Chlamydia has been completely burned down and forbids any person or creature to enter the confines of the town to prevent them from being infected with SCP-016-A.

The residents of several surrounding towns have also been vaccinated against the disease. The Mei Government has kept this matter a secret, and the area will be completely wiped off the map. The public will claim that the plague caused the deaths.

Governor Tebukao has done something unbelievable, not once or twice anyway, so he doesn't care to take the blame one more time. No one knows that a hospital is being secretly established on the outskirts of the townsite.

Of course, its sign reads XXXX Virus Institute, Military Management Zone. Do Not Enter. The Foundation has two MTF squads based here, and the security level is ridiculously high. Many security personnel has been on duty here for years, and they don't know exactly what it's for.

Yang Xue has a special identity and is one of the few people who know the secrets of this hospital. According to the instructions given by the headquarters, she will remain here to carry out her work until SCP-9999 has woken up, and the headquarters will assign Site-14 for another Deputy Director of Experiments.

Yang Xue may seem to be transferred to a shitty place, but everyone knows that if she can complete this task, her future is no doubt will be in safe hands.

However, Zhang Jue had no reason to remain here. His confrontation with Lei Shui had already spread through the Foundation. The matter was confidential, but the senior people working at the Foundation all had their own channels of information.

Zhang Jue faced dozens of guns by himself and was unafraid to face them head-on. In the end, an O5 Council intervened, and he did not do anything to Lei Shui.

When Harvey, the Deputy Site Director of Site-17 in Europe, heard about the news. He told about it to the Head Supervisor of Experiment Clement.

"Look at this old buddy of mine. He did what I always wanted to do but was afraid to do. I'm feeling as good as if I ate Grandma's ice cream and two of them at once!"

Clement looked at the brief in his hand and frowned, "I heard that Lord Lei Shui is very good at strategizing. I hope that Advisor Zhang will not be retaliated by him."

"What are you talking about." Harvey slapped the table, "If anyone dares to harm my old friend. I will poke his ass with a pencil, I promise to God!"

Meanwhile, Lei Shui received a call from his older brother, Lei Shan.

"How's it going?"

Lei Shui held the phone between his shoulders as he sorted through the information in his hands.

"Everything is going according to plan. As you said, Advisor Zhang is indeed a very interesting person."

Lei Shan said, "I heard that you and he almost had a conflict."

"Ah." Lei Shui laughed, seemingly not taking this matter to heart, "Just doing it for some people."

Lei Shan hummed. His brother is a thoughtful person and has never made a mistake in his work. Never.

But he still instructed, "Be careful and take care of your health."

Lei Shui just wanted to speak but suddenly coughed. His face was red, and he coughed very violently, obviously with some hidden disease. It took a dozen seconds before it gradually subsided.

He took a sip of water, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said to his elder brother on the other side of the phone.

"Don't worry. I won't die until it's done."

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