I’m In Charge of SCP

Chapter 119: What Do You Mean By Reward

Chapter 119: What Do You Mean By Reward

Looking at the dozens of MTF members heavily armed behind Lei Shui, Zhang Jue laughed.

"Lei Shui, do your brother know that you're welcoming home your dad here to meet you?"

Provoking the enemy with words was the tactic that cost the least and gained the most, and it was also Zhang Jue's usual trick, from which it was a success more than once.

Yet Leshui was not one to be so easily angered, and he smiled, "Advisor Zhang, these are only necessary precautions. After all, the situation inside that cave is very complicated, and no one knows if anything will happen after going in."

"Oh, so that's how it is." Zhang Jue nodded, then pointed into the distance, "So, are they part of this too?"

Since obtaining the Dragon Crystal, Zhang Jue's perception had been greatly enhanced, although he couldn't access the exact location of the enemy. He knew that more than one sniper aimed a gun at his head from a few buildings away.

Lei Shui gave a slight pause, probably not expecting Zhang Jue to be able to aware of them.

He sighed in heartfelt admiration, "Advisor Zhang is really something."

Zhang Jue gave a heave, "You don't need to judge whether it's impressive or not. Say what you want from me."

Talking to a smart person, there is no need to beat around the bush.

Lei Shui said, "Advisor Zhang, I just want to know if you encountered anything special this time."

"No." Zhang Jue didn't even think about it, "Nothing. What do you think I should encounter?"

Lei Shui was hedging Zhang Jue's words, and Zhang Jue was no different. But Leshui had a heavy responsibility. He couldn't be as rogue as Zhang Jue.

He said, "Advisor Zhang, the Foundation has left a very important item inside the cave. If you find something, the Foundation will definitely not treat you badly."

Zhang Jue smiled heatedly, "Can I ask what that very important thing is? Maybe I found it, but I don't know."

"I have no comment on that." Lei Shui answered, "Advisor Zhang can also share his findings with me. As you said, maybe found something or a clue."

The two talked back and forth, neither one refusing to get to the point. Zhang Jue knew that it was impossible to expect someone like Lei Shui to have a flaw in his words. So, he wasn't going to waste time here either.

"Since you're not sincere, then we don't need to waste time here. Let's go our separate ways. I'm not going to lie. I recently bought a new game and haven't gotten through it yet." Zhang Jue said and then continued to walk out the gate.

Behind Lei Shui, dozens of MTF members simultaneously aimed their guns at Zhang Jue. On the other hand, Zhang Jue completely ignored them and continued walking forward.

He whistled, his pace steady and determined. No different from a grandfather who woke up early for a walk.

He frowned, probably not expecting Zhang Jue to be so assertive. Lei Shui said, "Advisor Zhang, both sides have been working very well together since you joined the foundation, and I hope this time will be the same."

Zhang Jue laughed, "Lei Shui, you think you have a good brain and put everyone into your calculations. What we say and do is all under your control. But you may not know that I, as a person, might have to do it the hard way. If the person was standing here today was your brother Lei Shan. I might have given him the stuff. But to you, no. "

Speaking of which, Zhang Jue had walked up to Lei Shui. He patted his shoulder, "If you don't believe in evil, you can order them to shoot me. Let's have a head-on, see which is faster. Your guns or my hands."

Zhang Jue's words were very arrogant. Because he had absolute confidence in his own strength. Lei Shui looked at him.

"Advisor Zhang, I have long been ready to sacrifice for the Foundation. It's useless to use my life as a threat. These team members have been given the order. As long as you leave without permission, even if you block me in front, they will not hesitate to shoot."

"I know." Zhang Jue nodded, "So what are you waiting for?"

With that, Zhang Jue took a step forward. His forehead instantly lit up with several red dots. That was the sniper rifle's aim.

Zhang Jue smiled, "Interesting."

Le Shui said, "Advisor Zhang, don't make me do it."

"Good." Zhang Jue finished and took another step.

At this moment, he was no more than two meters away from Lei Shui in a straight line. Across the street were dozens of submachine guns, and on the far side of the building, at least five sniper rifles were pointed right at his head.

The atmosphere was tense for a moment. The temperature seemed to drop to the freezing point. The MTF squad members' hands were steady, without the slightest tremor. As soon as Lei Shui gave the order, the guns in their hands would spew a bullet rain. The conflict was about to start.

At that moment, Lei Shui's phone suddenly rang. The ringing was so abrupt and untimely. But no one was affected by it. The reason why the phone was not turned off was for something important. It was left on and had a loud ringing tone was because he was afraid of missing any message.

The person on the other end of the phone was obviously very important.

Lei Shui glanced at Zhang Jue, "Can I take this call?"

Zhang Jue shrugged, "Be my guest."

Lei Shui picked up the phone, said a few words, and then handed the phone to Zhang Jue. Zhang Jue probably guessed who the other party was and picked up the phone.

"Good day, Zhang Jue-kun. This is O5-10 speaking." Hearing the accent, the other party seemed to be Japanese. It turned out that Lei Shan and Lei Shui were not serving the same O5. No wonder their style of action was so different.

Listening to the other party's greeting, Zhang Jue said, "I'm now having at least a few dozen guns pointed at my head if that can be called 'good'."

"Ah, I'm sorry. I'll have them to pull back down." O5-10 finished and said something Zhang Jue couldn't understand to the man beside him.

The MTF squad apparently also had an external reception device, and a few seconds later, they lowered the guns in their hands. The red dot on Zhang Jue's body also disappeared. Lei Shui took a few steps back to give them room to talk.

O5-10's voice came again, "Zhang Jue-kun, would this be better?"

Zhang Jue looked around, then nodded, "Uh-huh."

At least for now, the other side's attitude was impeccable. Zhang Jue wasn't a mad dog that bit anyone. In the end, everyone wanted to maximize their own interests.

O5-10 smiled, "Zhang Jue-kun, I know that what Le Shui-kun did upset you. I apologize on his behalf. In the end, he is working for the Foundation and for me. I hope you can understand."

"Ah, understandable." Zhang Jue said perfunctorily, "Then, O5-sama, you can say whatever you want, but I'm still waiting to go home and play Super Mario."

"Zhang Jue-kun is really as 'humorous' as the legend says, then I'll be polite." O5-10 pondered for a moment and said, "What's inside that hole is very important to the Foundation, Zhang Jue-kun. If you do find something, the Foundation will reward you accordingly based on your contribution."

"A corresponding reward?" Zhang Jue seemed to remember something and suddenly smiled, "Could you please explain to me what you mean by a corresponding reward, five hundred dollars plus a medal?"

Seemingly expecting Zhang Jue to ask this question, O5-10 said, "The corresponding reward is, within my authority, to grant you a request."

"That seems reasonable."

Zhang Jue said, taking out a camera from the other dimension. He raised his right hand high, "You can see what I'm holding, right? This is what I found inside the cave. It's from the future. It has some interesting things recorded in it. I believe the Foundation will be interested in it."

Zhang Jue did not tell the truth about having the remnants of the notebook because he did not trust anyone now.

"Yes." O5-10 agreed very readily, "Then what are your requirements, Zhang Jue-kun?"

Zhang Jue pondered for a moment and said softly, "I want to meet SCP-682."

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