I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 182: Explosion

Chapter 182: Explosion

Anticipation continued to grow, as the crowd of which the hero was witnessing, had itching urges to charge forward and shred the intruder. But fear was being inflicted through them, because this little stingray had attained control of their leader!

One of them was apparently the bravest, and had swam just a bit forward for the sake of facing the intruder.

Her tone was feminine and had synced into a shout, "Lies! You could never control our speaker!"

His focus towards the crowd had steered away, as he mumbled through a sentence. "Speaker... hmmm, why does that name sound familiar."

Within a few seconds, he felt a rumble through the ground underneath them. It helped attain focus, so he glared towards the tar and noticed something rather weird. The unholy substance had somehow started causing bubbles, and it even began splashing up and down: tremendously odd at best.

The situation became a tad weirder once a gaze towards the 5-foot long fish was lended, the same one whom the hero had rendered immobile just a moment ago. Its eyes were glowing harshly, this time flickering even; as if the source of its illumination was losing power.

A few seconds later, the same fish began shivering. And that's when the same lady, who had spoken out earlier, shouted. "Our speaker is sacrificing himself. Everyone get out of here!"

Such a sentence came in as a tremendous shock towards all of the tribe members. Some have it difficult to believe for a quick second, while most began dashing away in all directions like spooked deer.

It didn't take much intelligence to figure out that the situation was going for the worse. The 5-foot fish had begun to violently shake, rather odd coming from someone who was previously paralyzed.

Playing brave wouldn't be the best idea right now, so the hero began dashing along with the rest of the enemies. Considering that his speed was better than half of these fish, he managed to get at the top of the cavern in a matter of seconds.

The exit was clogged with other fleeing marine animals, so he couldn't exactly get the hell out of here. It began to feel hazardous: because after giving a peek at the scene below, he noticed that the paralyzed fish was literally melting!

And the holy-tar underneath that bastard, had begun whirling in a clockwise manner. But the frightening part was that the tar had broken out of the pool's boundaries, and was smashing against the cavern's walls upon every spin around the clock.

It gave a portrait equal to raging waves, bits of it were splashing around upon every spin. One would think that the tar had thinned down, to attain such speed. But whatever the hell was happening, Tim wasn't willing to explore for any sake of knowledge.

The prime goal became to get the hell out of here. But once looking at the exit, it had been clogged even more now because the rest of this tribe had gotten up here for the sake of escaping.

Neither of them were paying attention to the little intruder who had caused all of this. It was a tad funny that even though these fish had forfeited their souls to the holy-tar, neither of them were willing to be completely wiped out of existence.

Escaping this place wasn't an option for the little stingray. And this time he wasn't given the opportunity to peek down once more, as a soul trembling boom had erupted.

[Health, -20 bars]

[Total health = 79/110 bars]

Whatever had happened below, it had lunged the boy against this cavern's ceiling. That was the situation for a few seconds, at least until the same structure began crumbling from all directions. He did not want to think about how much the damage could have been, if his body durability wasn't at 20 points.

It was evident that everything in today's dire fate, was working to send this little boy to a watery grave. A clear hint was that the collapse showed no sign of slowing down, so he had to get out of here!

But even after he could successfully open his eyes, it wasn't possible to see anything. It became difficult to understand such a situation, but that was when a bit of illumination began breaking in from underneath.

As rays of green light shone it's way through the disaster, large chunks of sand, dirt and rock were falling down from the ceiling and causing splash-after-splash in the pool of holy-tar.

That was when the boy had realised, that the explosion was strong enough to push him through the ceiling itself. Such a fact was agitating and at the same rate annoying. Because what seemed like 10 feet of dirt, had fallen in the pool once the green light began breaking in.

Meaning that he had been pushed through the ceiling equally deep. However the hell that was possible, it wasn't nearly the time to think about it. So after trying to push away the burning sensation of pain, that was crawling up and down his back; the young one began looking for a way out of here.

Out of a sudden, the structure began collapsing a tad more violently from his left side. It rolled down and fell towards the bottom of the cavern. But something good had finally come out of this bizarre situation.

Because what looked like a small opening, had broken up from the same spot. He was seeing illumination breaking through it, and it wasn't because of the holy tar. But from the moon's gentle rays instead.

It wasn't tremendously noticeable. But in such a situation where one would desperately look for a way out, it was far easier to spot an opportunity.

So he began charging towards the same opening, but danger poked its ugly head once more, right after he got closer towards the hole that was poking through the ceiling. Chunks of coral were rolling down the hole, but some were small enough to fall straight down.

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