I Will Kill The Author

Chapter 291 Departure

After I was done discussing some matters with Quinn and Grace, I decided that it was finally time.

I was about to leave the Global City.

It felt kind of strange. It's been… What, six or seven months since I transmigrated? It already felt like I'd been in this city for a lifetime.

Out of nowhere, I was thrown into this world and I slowly began to call this city my home. Now, it felt strange leaving it.

Well, it's like I was leaving for the first time. I left the city before, for our trip to Silveserine City.

But that and this were two different things. This time, I was leaving for a long time – roughly around two months.

The first time I witnessed this city out of the pages of the novel in reality was the day I was struck with a feeling very similar to deja vu.

And now, when I was about to leave, I was feeling that very same sense of deja vu again. 

"Haa! Wait, what am I getting emotional for?!"

Right, if I was like this for leaving the city for only a few months, then what the hell would I do when it'd be time to leave for the army?!

"Get it together," I slapped my cheeks and let out a hard breath. "You're a grown-up, damnit."

Yes, I shouldn't forget that despite the fact that I was in a teenager's body, and my two personalities were starting to blue, I was still a grown-up.

In fact, that's the reason why I didn't try to hook up with any of the girls I checked out with Kent during several of our bar trips.

And speaking of Kent…

"Yo! Bro, you're here!"

As soon as I stepped out of the cab being driven by a robot driver, Kent was the very first person I saw waiting for me at the entrance of the building on which the Teleportation Gate was situated.

As soon as he saw me, Kent joyously waved his hand with an infectious smile on his handsome elven face.

Upon seeing him, I flashed him a warm smile and waved back.

"Hey, Kent. You're all better now, I see."

Kent walked up to me wrapped an arm around my shoulder and led me to the lift before smiling even more brightly.

"Yes," he said. "I never felt better actually."

"That's good," I nodded. "So, where are you going now?"

The last time I met Kent was the day I checked up on him and Amelia. We talked for a long time, catching up.

Amidst all the madness of Kai's real identity and NWO and preparation for the vampire attack, I had very little time to spend with Kent.

So, that day, in his hospital room, we talked for hours. And… that's the day I realized how much I liked talking to this elven boy.

Maybe… I had made a real friend.

Anyway, I told him that I was going to visit Wolfshire but I forgot to ask him where he was going to go.

"Oh, I'm going to the Southern Continent. I heard the gals there are wild! The food is also good and I thought about training in the Southern Edge sect for a while."

I nodded. "Yeah, the food there is good. I went there with my Master and– Wait for a damn second… Did you say training?! Who the hell are you and what have you done to my friend!"

I let out a dramatic gasp and Kent shot me a deadpan glare in return. "You're acting like I never train."

"You do?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I do!" Kent exclaimed. "I'm just not a gym maniac like you! I train modestly… Like an hour or two a day, that's it."

"I'm not a gym maniac!" I frowned. 

"Right," Kent sarcastically scoffed. "Every time I ask you to accompany me, you are either training or recovering from your training!"

…Well, damn. Maybe I really am a gym maniac. Well, it's not my fault! I lose the flow of time when I'm training!

Clearing my throat, I was about to retort but before I could do that, the door of the lift opened and we saw a couple of cadets standing in front of the Teleportation Gate.

"Oh, I didn't know Nero and Anastasia were still here," Kent mused curiously.

Right, in front of us were Nero, Amelia, Anastasia, Chase, Aster, and William.

I knew the reason why Aster and William were still here. They were elves and they received the most damage from Bloodpolis so they recovered very recently just like Kent.

Nero might have been waiting for Anastasia and Chase was the same. Bunch of simps I say, bunch of simps!

As for why Amelia was still here, I actually had no idea. In fact, the last time I met her was during the medal presentation ceremony.

After that, I was busy enough going through my punishment that I had no time or energy to keep track of others.

Amelia was the first to notice us. She waved at us and we both walked over to the group.

Nero gave us both a short nod. Aster and William also greeted us and shot furtive glances at me for whatever reason.

Chase… merely averted his gaze in an attempt to ignore my presence. 

"Lucas, you were also in the city?" Anastasia was the one who asked that question with a curious smile.

"Ah, yes," I nodded. "I had to participate in training drills conducted by Instructor Matterhorn. Don't worry, I survived as you can see."

Anastasia let out a soft giggle and I looked around and asked, "So, where are you guys headed?"

Nero was quick to answer.

"I asked Anastasia to come with me to Shaolin. Chase is also coming along with us," he said.

"Actually, my home is in the Eastern Continent so I was already headed there. After Nero told me he was going to Shaolin, I decided to accompany him," Anastasia chipped in.

"I'll be going home," William sighed. "To the Southern Continent."

"Oh, maybe we can travel together," Kent turned to William with a pleasantly surprised look.

"Huh, sure thing," William nodded. "Aster, what about you? Where are you going?"

Amelia also shifted her focus on the blue-haired elven girl and asked, "Are you coming home?"

Scratching my chin, I nodded inwardly. Right, Aster's home should also be in the Western Continent. 

Aster, however, shook her head and spoke in a meek tone. "No, I think I'll go to the Southern Edge to train. These past six months have made me realize how lacking my offensive prowess is. So I want to get stronger."

I couldn't help but arch an eyebrow after hearing Aster's words. For some reason, I felt happy.

The second volume of the novel was about to start. Compared to the first volume, the second one wasn't that long.

In fact, it wasn't even that perilous. But that's only because it was all a set-up for the third volume.

A shiver ran down my spine as I thought about it.

The third volume… It's where things start to get dark and hopeless. The third volume was the beginning of an end.

Aster was not a major character until the second volume. She was weak and meek during most of the first volume.

However, she played a major role in the third volume. It was the same with William and Elijah.

All three of these characters got some major development in the third volume and it won't be wrong to say that a few major plot points were related to them.

So naturally, I was happy to know that they were going to strive for strength. 

Because the more strong they get, the easier it would be for us— or specifically, me— to resolve the chaos in the third volume.

Yeah, get strong, you all… Get as strong as you can because god knows— or rather, I know— how dreadful the future ahead is.

As I was lost in my thoughts, I soon heard a soft, almost soothing voice reach my ears. 

"Lucas, you are smiling creepily again."

I turned to look at Amelia, who was standing beside me and arched my eyebrows.

"I think you meant to say, charmingly."

"No, I'm pretty sure I meant creepily."


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