I Practice Farming While the Rest Cultivates

Chapter 297 - 295 Chaos Fish 1

Chapter 297: Chapter 295 Chaos Fish 1

Translator: 549690339

In the courtyard.

Lu Xuan sits cross-legged, the ancient sword sheath in his hand trembled continuously.

A slender, deep-black spirit seed slipped out smoothly from the crack of the sheath.

It was a sword grass spirit seed that had been nurtured in the sheath for a while. At this time, the spirit seed was surrounded by a faint black wind, barely visible arcs of electricity jumped on the surface of the seed, disappearing into the air in an instant.

“Got another three-class Wind Thunder Sword Grass spirit seed.”

Lu Xuan, holding the successfully transformed Wind Thunder Sword Grass spirit seed, felt satisfied.

He planted the spirit seed into the spirit field, strands of Spirit Rain seeped precisely into the spirit seed and surrounding spirit soil. Following that, hundreds of thin, deep black sword lights shot out from Lu Xuan’s dantian, entering one after another.

At this time, it has been more than two months since the sea beast attacked the Void Nether Spirit Fish Habitat, during this time, the island has been peaceful, with no abnormalities occurring.

Not long after the attack incident, Song Yu brought over a thousand spirit stones to Lu Xuan, more than he had imagined.

After returning, Lu Xuan felt at ease in the courtyard, cultivating spiritual plants. That sword grass spirit seed he just got was the third Wind and Thunder sword grass spirit seed he had recently got.

The stimulation of the Edge Sword of Wind and Thunder, coupled with the nourishment of the mysterious Yangxuan scabbard, gave the Two Class Sword Grass Spirit Seed a high success rate of transformation.

The only drawback is that a significant quantity of Edge Sword of Wind and Thunder is consumed, and the nurturing time is not short. However, compared with getting a transformed Wind Thunder Sword Grass Spirit Seed, this little flaw is negligible.

The scabbard can only withstand a limited amount of sword light, so only one Sword Grass Spirit Seed can be nurtured at a time.

There were already over ten Sword Grasses planted in the field forming a small forest of sword implements, each pointing straight to the sky, and various sword qis graced the entire Field of Spirits.

Ten second-grade ordinary Sword Grasses are mainly used for refining Sword Grass Spirit Seeds in the future. A Wind and Thunder Sword Grass, the first to transform successfully, is not far from becoming mature.

Then there’s the third-grade Starlight Sword Grass and fourth-grade Sword Thousand Owls obtained from the sword hall.

The attached “Starlight Swordsmanship” has been mastered early, but it’s still not yet proficient. When cultivating Starlight Sword Grass, one needs to be cautious thrice over, to avoid cutting the Starlight Sword Grass, which is still in its initial stage of growth, using an imperfect Starlight Sword Qi.

As for the fourth-grade “Thousand Owl Sword Classic”, after a few months of hard cultivation on Void Nether Island, it finally reached the entry-level stage, and Sword Thousand Owls can now be cultivated.

After planting the Wind Thunder Sword Grass Spirit Seed, Lu Xuan took out a new Sword Grass Spirit Seed from his storage bag.

Then, the deep black sword pill in his dantian slowly rotated, hundreds and thousands of Edge Swords of Wind and Thunder surged out, passed through the thm membrane of the crack of the scabbard, and entered the scabbard.

Invisible Sword Qi is preferred by the Mysterious Yangxuan Scabbard as compared to the Purple Lightning Sword, Red Flame Sword, and other flying swords. The Invisible Sword Qi satisfies its yearning for sword qi without enduring insertions, hence it is more appealing.

After launching countless Edge Swords of Wind and Thunder, Lu Xuan immediately shot the slender Sword Grass Spirit Seed into the sword sheath.

“Is that all?”

The slender Spirit Seed, like a chopstick stirring a large vat, made no reaction in the sword sheath. Lu Xuan, with his concentrated mind, could feel the provocative intent flowing from the spirit-sensed sword sheath.

Lu Xuan remained silent.

After nurturing a new Wind Thunder Sword Grass Spirit Seed, I’ll reward you with a giant flying sword.”

He gritted his teeth and spoke towards the ancient sword sheath.

Then, he strolled around the spirit field, looking around.

During these two months, the last Ghost Faced Stone Mushroom had ripened and another fourth grade Vitality Pill appeared from the White Light Group. Lu Xuan stored it carefully in his Storage Bag.

Among the remaining Spirit Plants, the third-grade Moon Rain Grass was about to mature fully. The fourth-grade Xuan Chong Vine, Earthfire Heart Lotus and the only Underworld Spiritual Plant, Hundred Pupils’ Bizarre Tree, were all gradually maturing in succession.

More than a hundred strains of Water Glow Grass were growing well, making Lu Xuan feel that the day to break through to the foundation establishment mid – term was getting closer.

One day, while Lu Xuan was diligently practicing the “Thousand Owl Sword Classic”, Song Yu, the master of Void Nether Island, suddenly paid a visit.

“Uncle Lu, have you been finding it easy to adapt here these days?

The environment of Void Nether Island isn’t as good as the Upper Sect. The spiritual energy is sparse, and there aren’t many treasures or opportunities to hone one’s Formula Methods or Sword Intent. I’m wondering if you’re adapting well.”                               5

Song Yu said with a smile, a trace of hidden anxiety on his refined face.

“No issue at all. I am laid-back in nature and seldom compete with others for opportunities or treasures. The difference between staying on Void Nether Island and being in the Sky Sword Sect isn’t significant.”

Lu Xuan replied with a light smile.

“That’s good, that’s good.”

Song Yu rubbed his hands, hesitated slightly, and a firm resolve flashed in his eyes.

“Uncle Lu, I’m botheringyou today because there’s something important I need help with.”

“What’s up?”

“It’s like this. Lately, the Void Nether Spirit Fish we’ve been breeding have been showing unusual reactions from time to time. These reactions are getting more frequent and severe. The Song Family doesn’t know what to do and we had no choice but to come and ask for your help.”

“What exactly is happening?” Lu Xuan’s expression turned serious. One of his primary tasks on taking up his post on Void Nether Island was to look after the Void Nether Spirit Fish. If anything went wrong, he couldn’t explain it to the Back to Heaven Sword Sect.

At first, some of the Song Family monks who specialized in breeding Spirit Fish noticed that Void Nether Spirit Fish were occasionally ramming into rocks. We initially thought we had fed them the wrong thing.”

“But we gradually realized that more and more Void Nether Spirit Fish were ramming into rocks. Besides, a large number of Void Nether Spirit Fish seemed reluctant to return to their habitat and only grudgingly returned when forced.”

Song Yu said anxiously. Even though there were monks available to stop or treat the ramming fish, some Spirit Fish had begun to repeatedly ram the rocks resulting in bleeding injuries.

The reluctance to return to their habitat could lead to an even worse situation After all, Void Nether Island’s ability to accommodate a large number of Void Nether Spirit Fish had a lot to do with that specific sea area. If the area lost its appeal, it might lead to a significant loss of Spirit Fish.

Having tried various methods to resolve the abnormal behavior of the Void Nether Spirit Fish and failed, he thought of Lu Xuan.

Lu Xuan was the only Foundation Establishment Cultivator on Void Nether Island, who was from a renowned family and had extensive knowledge. Moreover, in their interactions over time, Song Yu had learned that Lu Xuan was extremely proficient in dealing with Spirit Plants and Spirit Beasts. In desperation, he came to seek help.

While this might leave an impression of incompetence on Lu Xuan, Song Yu couldn t care less about that at the moment.

“Have the monks who breed Spirit Fish on the island noticed anything?”

There were several monks on Void Nether Island who specialized in raising Void Nether Spirit Fish. While they might not be adept at cultivating other Spirit Plants and Spirit Beasts, the monks of the Song Family had accumulated rich experience in breeding Void Nether Spirit Fish, so Lu Xuan immediately thought of them.

The monks of the Song Family have made some conjectures. They believe there might be some unusual creature hidden within the Void Nether Spirit Fish or their habitat. This creature has disrupted the growth environment and habits of the Spirit Fish, causing these abnormal reactions.”

“Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, we haven’t been able to pinpoint the cause.”

“Some monks went as far as catching two Void Nether Spirit Fish to dissect

them, but found nothing unusual.”

Song Yu said with a distressed expression.

“Take me there to have a look.”

These words from Lu Xuan immediately gave him a glimmer of hope.

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