I Practice Farming While the Rest Cultivates

Chapter 268 - 266: Fallen Thunder Wood, Spring

Chapter 268: Chapter 266: Fallen Thunder Wood, Spring

Rain Sword Intent l

Translator: 549690339

After bidding farewell to Zhong Jing Shan, Lu Xuan returned to his cave dwelling.

Although it took a while to help raise the Strange Worm, the gains greatly pleased him.

Just the three hundred Sword Marks alone were worth three months of his hard work.

You should know, three hundred Sword Marks could at least be exchanged for a Fourth Grade Spirit Seed, not to mention, there was also a rare piece of Thunder Strike Wood.

The fact that it retained vitality under the overwhelming thunder made this Thunder Strike Wood extraordinary.

He was eager to come to the Spirit Field, looking for a blank area that was covered with Wu Spirit Soil.

With spiritual power surging, the Earth Pulling Technique quietly changed the structure of the Spirit Soil, a crack that was slightly larger than the root of the Thunder Strike Wood appeared in the Spirit Field.

Lu Xuan buried the dry wood in the crack, with his thoughts focused, an idea flashed through his mind.

[Fallen Thunder Wood, a fourth-grade Spirit Plant. A special Spirit Wood that retains life under overwhelming thunder, it has a certain attraction to thunder. When mature, it can be used to refine Wood Talisman, Flying swords, Dharma Seals, and other Magic Artifacts. Naturally accompanied by the aura of thunder, it has a restraining effect on demon envoys.]

[Under the nourishment and stimulation of natural thunder power, the Fallen Thunder Wood can grow at a very fast pace.]

[Strike me as much as you want! What can’t kill me, only makes me stronger!]

“Fallen Thunder Wood, a fourth-grade Spirit Plant… While being a mere Spirit Plant, it still holds quite a character.”

Lu Xuan remarked at how the Thunder Strike Wood was even more determined after enduring endless lightning, actively attracting thunder, and drawing his respect.

The gray vine of the Demonic Vine at his feet surreptitiously drilled into the Spirit Soil, intending to leave its unique mark.

As soon as it touched the roots of the Fallen Thunder Wood, a trace of mild thunder aura surged from its depth, making the vine instantly feel a strong numbing sensation and tremble involuntarily.

Lu Xuan ignored the proactive provocations from the Demonic Vine, the Sword of Wind and Thunder Tempering in his Dantian slowly rotated, and black Sword Qi, accompanied by power of thunder and lightning, shot out and struck the Fallen Thunder Wood.

“It has a bit of effect, but still a bit lacking.”

He muttered softly, feeling the immediate status conveyed from the Fallen Thunder Wood.

There are countless Sword Qi within the Sword of Wind and Thunder, the Sword Qi carries the Power of Wind and Thunder and he wanted to stimulate the Fallen Thunder Wood to see if it could be used to cultivate Spirit Wood.

The effect was mediocre, not as good as the power of natural thunder.

He then took off the Nurturing Xuan Sword Sheath hanging at his waist.

With the trembling of the Ancient Sword Sheath, he drew out the Purple Lightning Sword that had always been embedded in it.

The Purple Lightning Sword, shaped like a bolt of lightning, has a peculiar design, coupled with the power of thunder and lightning, making it a bit unbearable for the inside of the sword sheath.

Lu Xuan held the dark purple Flying sword, swirling it into a sword flower, suddenly, a dark purple lightning struck the center of the Fallen Thunder Wood.

“The thunder power carried by the Purple Lightning Sword seems to work better.”

Lu Xuan nodded in satisfaction. With the Purple Lightning Sword, at least he doesn’t need to worry about the early growth of the Fallen Thunder Wood.

After planting the Fallen Thunder Wood, he proceeded to inspect his Spirit Field, checking the growth status of each Spirit Plant in the Spirit Field.

Having stayed in Zhong Jing Shan’s Insect Valley for several months, each Spirit Plant in his Spirit Field has grown quite a bit.

The Fourth Grade Illusion Sound Bamboo has sprouted a piece of Glazed Jade Bamboo, the slender emerald green bamboo was densely filled with numerous slits. Each slit made different noises, forming a noisy weird sound that could irritate people.

Only at the moment when the Demonic Vine appeared did all the tiny slits shut simultaneously, quiet as a chicken.

The surroundings quieted down quite a lot at once.

The Primordial Essence Herb that Dan Palace had sent over for Lu Xuan to cultivate had taken root and sprouted. It looked sparse and ordinary on the outside, just like any wild grass. If it weren’t for his spiritual sense probing into the deep and thick spiritual energy nestled within the plant, he would have probably ignored it.

The “Five-Element Fruit” had given birth to a vague spiritual object. It had only a blurry form of leaves and branches, with a myriad of spiritual lights spinning around on it. It presented a dazzling and colorful sight, giving one a sense of overflowing spiritual power.

“At this time, the wood spirit is strongest. Since wood gives birth to fire, it should be nurtured with fire-element spiritual power,” Lu Xuan reasoned.

Attuned to the changes in spiritual power within the Five-Element Fruit sapling, Lu Xuan circulated “The Great Five Elements”; a robust fire-red spiritual power seeped into the blurry branches and leaves of the fruit.

The green light on the Five-Element Fruit elevated and then quickly melted away, its red spiritual power increasing considerably in a short time.

After using the power of the five elements to briefly cultivate the Five-Element Fruit, Lu Xuan moved to the nearby Spirit Gathering Pine.

From inside the four Spirit Gathering Pine plants came the most pure thought fluctuations, causing the lush green pine leaves to sway even without wind, creating the sound of waves crashing onto the beach.

Feeling the pines’ dependency on him, Lu Xuan smiled slightly and used his spiritual sense to carefully communicate and pacify the four spiritual plants.

In other spirit fields, on the four Xuan Insect Vines that were planted first, there seemed to be many strange insect bodies growing. Numerous demon insects of various forms crawled in and out, establishing a mutually beneficial relationship with the Xuan Insect Vine in perfect harmony.

In the Earth Fire Stream, on the petals of the blazing red Earthfire Heart Lotus, a small lotus bulb could vaguely be seen forming. Inside it, a pale pink lotus seed about the size of a fingertip was growing. It was eagerly absorbing the hot lava that fell into its petals.

In the sky, the red lotus flower rooted in the Phoenix Wood was smaller than it had been at the start, but it was denser inside. It happily danced in the petals.

“Just wait a few more days, and there will be another Red Lotus Flame,” Lu Xuan sighed, as he came to the edge of the lake.

“Huh? One of the Sword Grass plants has matured!”

Perhaps it was due to the Spring Rain Sword Qi from the “Four Seasons Sword Art”, which contained a stronger vitality; Lu Xuan found that the progress bar below one of the Sword Grass plants was full.

The ten sword grass spirit seeds given to him by Shen Ye: eight of them were nurtured with Four Seasons Sword Qi, one was nurtured with the sword qi from the Red Flame Sword inside the scabbard, and the last one – the third-grade Wind Thunder Sword Grass – was nurtured with the blade of the Sword of Wind and Thunder.

A Spring Rain Sword Qi hit the mature sword grass. Immediately, countless minute sword qi’s shot out from around the sword grass, like a dense drizzle, continuous and dreamlike.

His palm bones glowed with a glazed light as he tightly gripped the middle of the sword-like grass and gently extracted it.

“A natural sword,” Lu Xuan marvelled, as during the process of extraction, the dense sword qi rain quietly integrated into the Sword Grass. He looked at the straight plant in his hand, as upright as a sword, and couldn’t help but exclaim.

His mind focused, and a thought crossed.

[Sword Grass, second-degree spirit plant, shaped like a sword blade, nourished for a long time by Spring Rain Sword Qi, a natural sword.]

“The quality is superior, not bad.”, he commented

After all, the “Four Seasons Sword Art” was a Foundation Establishment Stage technique, much stronger than the first-level Golden Sword Technique. Coupled with the fact that the spiritual energy of the Inner Sect was richer and more pure, even though less effort was spent cultivating the Sword Grass, a superior quality plant could still be obtained.

Lu Xuan didn’t pay much attention and focused on the white light cluster that appeared in the spirit soil.

He gently touched the surface of the light cluster with his hand. Suddenly, the light cluster turned into countless minute sword qi’s, which instantly surged into Lu Xuan.

A thought emerged from his mind.

[Harvested one stalk of Second Grade Sword Grass, gained Spring Rain Sword Intent.]

As the thought passed, a formless sword intent surged into Lu Xuan’s sea of consciousness. It was like a spring rain falling, dense and continuous, gentle but hidden with deadly intent.

In an instant, his understanding of the Spring Rain Sword Law in the “Four Seasons Sword Art” reached an incredibly profound level. If he was only operating at the level of ‘technique’ before, after absorbing the sword intent within the light cluster, it could be said that he had grasped the formless existence of ‘intent’.

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