I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 209: Are You Capable?

Chapter 209: Are You Capable?

With the blessing of D Force, Plasma is invincible!

Light of Destruction sneered maliciously and glanced at the Dark Magician on Yuei Vus field.

I use the ability of Plasma to absorb the Dark Magician Although I really want to say that, because only one monster can be equipped on Plasma at a time, so it cant be done

He raised his voice and shouted: But it doesnt matter, this will be your end anyway! Plasma, attack the Dark Magician! Bloody Fears!

Plasma flew into the air, spreading his wings. The blood-colored liquid turned into torrential rain and poured down, densely covering Yuei Vus field.

The Dark Magician turned the wand to release the magic circle barrier to resist, but it didnt work at all. Blood-red dense raindrops hit the magic circle and exploded violently centered on the Dark Magician, turning into a cloud of blood mist to envelop him.

A bloody storm erupted from the materialized image, and Little Aster was blinded from being blown away from far away.

He cried out worriedly: B brother Yuei Vu!

The Light of Destruction sneered: Hmph, its really effortless.

However, when the storm dissipated and the situation on the field resumed, everyone immediately saw that the Dark Magician on Yuei Vus field was still safe and sound as if the attack just now was just an illusion.

Yuei Vu, LP 300

What? Light of Destruction was astonished, Why wasnt Dark Magician destroyed?

Because I just activated the Trap Card, Black Illusion. Yuei Vu said lightly, During this turn, all DARK Spellcaster-Type monsters with 2000 or more ATK on my field will not be destroyed by battle, nor be affected by any opponents card effects.

So thats it. Light of Destruction snorted, It doesnt matter, even if you save the Dark Magician, its useless. Plasma is invincible, and through the attack just now, your LP is like a candle in the wind. Anyway, the next turn is over!

Yuei Brother Yuei Vu Little Aster bit his lip as if he was about to cry.

Mr. Phoenix also fell into self-blame: Its all my fault for making this card. I created such a terrifying demon with my own hands

Dont blame yourself, Mr. Phoenix. Yuei Vu said calmly without turning his head, This is not your fault. Although the card of Plasma was designed by you, the evil power residing in it was not created by you.

Even if you didnt design this card, this force will find other carriers and poison someone else.

Mr. Phoenix:

But dont worry, it doesnt matter anymore. Yuei Vu smiled, Because right now, I will destroy him within this turn.

Light of Destruction laughed out loud.

Because you are the Duel King, I still had some expectations for you Now it seems that I was worrying too much. Light of Destruction sneered, Sure enough, does the duelist who represents the top level of this planet can only fight by his tongue?

Lets face it! There is an invincible Plasma on my field, all your monster effects are negated, and Spell Traps are useless to Plasma! And your LP is only 300, how do you make a comeback in this situation?

To put it simply

How the hell can you OTK me with 300 LP left?

If you can make a comeback with 300 LP today, I, the Light of Destruction, will immediately eat this Plasma!

Judging from this, as an alien, the Light of Destruction may not have been on Earth for a long time. He neither knew the dangerous environment on this little planet, nor the taboos of playing cards here.

What did having 300 LP left mean?

It meant that Yuei Vu could legally use cheat now!

Draw of fate, activated!

Its my turn, draw! Yuei Vu didnt even look at the card he drew, Open the set card Magician Navigation! Special Summon 1 Dark Magician from my hand, then Special Summon 1 Level 7 or lower DARK Spellcaster monster from my Deck!

Come, Dark Magician, Magicians Robe!

The trap flipped and the magic circle opened. The second red-robed magician and phantom images in magic robes appeared in the arena, standing side by side with the first Dark Magician.

[Dark Magician, ATK 2500]

[Magicians Robe, DEF 2000]

Is it the second Dark Magician added into your hand by Illusion Magic the last turn? Light of Destruction shouted, But its useless! The magician cant defeat my Plasma

Who said Im going to beat you with a magician? Yuei Vu smiled.

What what? The Light of Destruction frowned.

Look at it, the existence that stands above your so-called invincible hero, the apex of the duel monster. Yuei Vu held up a card in his hand. At the same moment, the blood-colored sky seemed to be torn apart, and after that, there were pitch-black clouds rolling with thunder.

I take the two Dark Magicians and the Magicians Robe as sacrifices! Through the underworld and reality, descend in the chaos of heaven and thunder!

The god of the underworld Osiris the Sky Dragon! ! !

The images of the three monsters disappeared from the field one after another, and the shining thunder thundered down from the sky!

Red wings floated in the sky, followed by shining golden light and blue thunder. The tossing body of the dragon loomed from the black clouds, slowly landed, opened its mouth, and let out a thunderous roar, as if to say

Who dares to pretend to be aggressive in front of my master?

Watch me blow your dogs head off!

This is Egyptian God

Light of Destruction swallowed. Even the invincible Plasma seemed a little timid and subconsciously stepped back.

But after stepping back, he realized that something was wrong

Wait a minute, my attack power is higher than it!

Why should I be afraid of it?

So Plasma held his head high and stared at the huge Osiris in the sky not to be outdone, as if he would explode its dragon head if he disagreed with him.


Activate Spell Card Card of Demise. Yuei Vu calmly revealed the card that was added to the hand through the skill, I can draw cards until I have 5 cards in my hand. During my 5th Standby Phase after activation, I must send all cards in my hand to the Graveyard.

He drew five cards in his hand, paused, and chuckled: Then the attack power of Osiris the Sky Dragon is determined by the number of cards in the players hand. So now the attack power of Osiris is

[Osiris the Sky Dragon, ATK 5000]

Attack Attack power of five thousand!? The Light of Destructions face was distorted, but then he suddenly remembered something, Yes yes! The effect of Plasma! While D Force is face-up at the top of my Deck, the effects of all monsters on the opponents field are negated!

Immediately afterward, he had a ferocious expression on his face and laughed out loud.

You just said that the attack power of this phantom god is determined by the number of cards in your hand. Then if the effect is invalidated, even if it is a god, the attack power is only 0!

Hahahaha, in the end, Plasma was even better! Plasma, negate its effect for me!

However, Plasma stood where he was, and didnt move.

[Osiris the Sky Dragon, ATK 5000]

Light of Destruction: Plasma?

Whats going on? Why didnt you obey my command? Are you scared shitless?

Plasma also felt a pain in the ass at this time.

Because in fact, even before his master ordered, he has already exerted all his strength, and it stood to reason that all the effects of any monsters on the field should be nullified.

However, the red dragon seemed to be fine, even with its tail dangling in the sky, looking at him with a hint of sarcasm, as if saying

Whats the matter with you, little brother? Are you capable?

This was not a BISS, because the Sky Dragon in Yuei Vus hand was strengthened in the Battle City.

Therefore, the effect of the sky dragon could not be negated by Plasma.

Osiris is not a monster, but a god. Yuei Vu took the opportunity to gain the fashion value, The ability of a god cannot be negated.

Oh crap! Light of Destructions face suddenly changed when he realized that something was wrong.

He could clearly feel the terrifying power contained in this divine dragon. He was very sure that if he was hit by this guy, he would undoubtedly be wiped out!



Its over! Yuei Vu raised his hand and shouted, Osiris the Sky Dragon, attack Destiny HERO Plasma! Superconducting Wave Thunder Cannon!

The Sky Dragon opened its lower mouth, and electric currents and boundless golden light converged towards its opened mouth, and the momentum seemed to destroy the world!

The invincible Plasma screamed, and his body was instantly shattered under the boundless divine light.

The white Light of Destruction was forcibly blasted out of the hosts body, twisted and screamed, and then disappeared under the divine power of the gods attack.

[Light of Destruction, LP 0]

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