I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 159: The Whole World Is Working Against Me

Chapter 159: The Whole World Is Working Against Me

Hahaha! Look, this is my strongest servant, Blue-Eyes White Dragon!

President Kaiba burst into a three-stage laugh, and Blue-Eyes White Dragon also called out to the side with great respect. After the president finished laughing, he turned around and began to decide on the target to attack.

The presidents eyes wandered back and forth.

At this time, Archfiend of Gilfer on Yugis field and Lava Golem on Yuei Vus field were sacrificed by the effect of the Kaibas Spell Card. All three fields were now empty.

In this turn, only President Kaiba had Blue-Eyes White Dragon and Vorse Raider on the field, with a combined attack power of 4900. In theory, he could defeat any one of the three in this turn.

This was the peculiarity of the Battle Royal under which individual strength was difficult to be fully exploited.

After all, after one player finished playing cards, he would have to wait for three consecutive turns of other players before it was his turn again. If the other three decided to kill him first, even the fairy couldnt turn the table.

Just like now

The first person to leave the stage has been decided! Kaiba shouted, Blue-Eyes White Dragon, attack Marik directly! Burst Stream of Destruction!

Mariks mouth twitched, and he couldnt help but curse in his heart

F*ck your mother!

Why does it seem like the whole world is working against me?

Thinking about it carefully, this was really not his imagination. In the last turn, Yugi, without thinking, ordered the Archfiend of Gilfer to attack Marik, and Kaibas Command Silencer was also given to Marik. Yuei Vu used his Seven Tools of the Bandit to counter Marik too.

He handed Yuei Vu a Level 8 monster that automatically damaged the controllers LP, but it was manually sacrificed by Kaiba before the effect could be activated

Is this what you call a Battle Royal? You all work together to drive me out!

The six-year-old suddenly felt angry that he seemed to be arranged by the three people in front of him

Although he didnt say it, Yuei Vu could probably guess what Marik was thinking.

But is it right to blame the three of us?

Marik, can you think about what you have done, and reflect on why the other people gathered and beat you as soon as you came up?

But Marik still has a set card: Activate Continuous Trap Nightmare Wheel!

The Trap Card was flipped, and it is also Mariks last trap. The stereoscopic projection system projected images of black metal wheels in mid-air, flanked by fang-like silver barbs. The huge metal wheel spun rapidly and shot straight toward the white dragon.

Nightmare Wheels effect target 1 monster the opponent controls; it cannot attack or change its battle position! Marik shouted, As long as Nightmare Wheel exists, the monsters controller will take 500 damage in each of their Standby Phases!

Another very Marik-style nether trap, and the artwork was a bit horror.

Originally, Nightmare Wheel was a trap that would bind the target monster in a discordant posture. However, the Blue-Eyes White Dragon was too large to be tied to the wheel, so the wheel with barbs plunged into Blue Eyes chest.

The white dragon let out a moan, but the light bullets that had been brewing in its mouth helplessly dissipated. Its head drooped, and it seemed to call out to its master apologetically.

Blue-Eyes! Kaiba gritted his teeth angrily.

At this time, Yuei Vu suddenly realized why Kaibas wife always seemed to be loaded with strange things

Damn, are you still struggling? Kaiba waved his hand, but I still have the Vorse Raider who hasnt attacked. Fight! Vorse Raider, attack Marik directly!

The Vorse Raider flew out and fell down with an axe. Mariks resources were finally exhausted this time, and he ate the axe firmly.

Marik, LP 4000 LP 2100

I end my turn! President Kaiba snorted.

My turn! Yuei Vu drew a card, Activate Spell Card E Emergency Call, and add Elemental HERO Avian from my deck to my hand.

Then I activate Spell Card Polymerization, fuse Elemental HERO Avian and Elemental HERO Burstinatrix!

Fusion Summon! Elemental HERO Flame Wingman!

The images of Avian and Burstinatrix emerged, turning into green and red light beams, which merged into the swirling vortex and gave birth to a new power.

[Elemental HERO Flame Wingman, ATK 2100]

Seeing this hero appearing, Marik seemed to have guessed the next card in Yuei Vus hand at this moment

Finally, the Spell Card Quick Attack is activated! Yuei Vu inserted the card into the Duel Disk and waved his hand, Give the Elemental HERO Flame Wingman the ability to attack in this turn!

Elemental HERO Flame Wingman, directly attack Marik!

Marik: @!#&

NMD, three to one, is this cheating?

What about everyone except myself is regarded as an opponent?

Its all a lie!

What about the organizer? Where is the organizer? Im going to complain that they discriminate against me. Three Japanese gangs up on one Egyptian! The contest has a shady scene!

Oh, the organizer is also one of them?

The green body of the hero was wrapped in flames and flew out, hitting Mariks body straight like a burning human cannonball.

The flames exploded violently, and at the same time, a large cloud of smoke exploded, engulfing Marik and the elevator below him.

Player Marik narrowly missed being disqualified from the competition for being aggressive, misusing words, and allegedly slandering the organizers.

[Marik, LP 2100 LP 0]

Marik gritted his teeth, snorted, and didnt speak, his elevator went up first because the LP was zeroed.

Marik Ishtar, as expected, was the first to go out.

But in fact, this duel was only to determine the opponent and the order of playing cards. So the loss didnt really matter.

So the six-year-old was unhappy just because the other three teamed up to smash him

Since this guy got out first, there was no suspense.

At this time, Yugi and Kaiba have already met, and the two seem to have made up their minds to fall in love, er, kill each other in the semi-finals, to put an end to their destiny or something.

Here, Yuei Vu used the Flame Wingman to take Marik away, and his back row was completely empty. Next, he had to go through the turns of Kaiba and Yugi. Even thinking with his feet, he would know the result.

As expected, Yuei Vu couldnt wait until his next turn. His lift platform soon flew up to the same height as Marik.

Marik rolled his eyes and stared at him as if he was saying: Haha, you beat me up so well just now, arent you coming up as obediently as me? You reap what you sow!

But Yuei Vu didnt care about it.

After all, I had a chance to beat you up, it was so cool!

Moreover, Yuei Vus performance could be regarded as picking the weakest player to be his opponent in the semi-finals. From the perspective of promotion, it may not be a loss

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