I Own a Brothel in Another World

Chapter 60 – The Queen’s New Throne

Chapter 60 – The Queen’s New Throne

Both of the girls explain their respective parts in the creation of their joint invention. Our menu cards became even more intuitive now, which is good. The easier they are to understand, the fewer issues the customers will have. I always aimed for them to be as clear as possible. This also helps teach them to the girls so they can help operate those inside the rooms or even explain the services while our guests stay at other, less lewd facilities, like baths or the recreational zone.

Afterwards, we talk a bit about what Neira managed to gather while observing me and the tieflings in action before she ran out of white paint. The mention of this little play brings a slight blush to her cheeks and Cornelia certainly doesn’t miss it with her inquisitive gaze.

Fortunately, Neira was able to focus for long enough to capture some decent—in her eyes—ideas and create a few quick sketches, or even test-paint a feature or two. I won’t be of much help here this time so I will be leaving the project completely to her and her artistic sense.

I stay with them for a moment longer before going out and leaving them alone to not disturb the cooperating duo in their work with the menu cards and their amazing creation. It’s slowly getting late. A lot of things happened today. I should check how the new maids are doing before moving to practice a bit until it’s sleep time.

Following my senses, I arrive in the dining hall and find every one of the new batch of employees there, accompanied by Elea, Roseni and Cinra. They look much better already after getting a proper bath and having their hair and bodies taken care of. The elves provided them with white shirts and short skirts, for now, already making them look quite professional.

When I arrive, they are in the middle of listening to Elea’s lecture so I lean on the closest wall and wait while paying attention to her words too. The new girls have their backs to me so they don’t notice my presence, but my elves surely didn’t miss my entrance. Elea even flashes me a soft smile when our eyes meet for a moment.

The part I walked into is about the bathing service. Elea explains it in detail and her former attendants share their thoughts and experiences too. I’m pretty sure they already covered the basic responsibilities linked to taking care of the mansion outside of business hours.

I remember the very beginning when it was only Elea and her troupe. No matter how much I tried to convince them, they didn’t want to let me do any work that is supposed to be in the hands of maids, servants or slaves. I offered my help countless times but always ended up being turned down. Only the things I was the sole person being able to do were left in my hands.

At that time, I still felt a little guilty leaving everything to just a few elf girls, but I slowly got accustomed to being tended to like that. Now, I feel a little better knowing that our maid corps expanded much more and they can rotate their responsibilities after covering each area easily.

As for the things they have to do during open hours besides the bathing or entertainment services, like checking the state of the rooms a moment before guests will be led to them, none of the new girls has any problems with. Cleaning after the deed is done is usually left to those who can operate Livelihood Magic or a similar kind of spell family as it lets them deal with the aftereffects more comfortably. 

Before, all the elves were able to do that, even the girls with less magic-oriented Classes. I didn't let Safi or Emi take care of those responsibilities, though, as it just doesn’t feel okay to have them clean anything in their own, unique way, which obviously happens by consuming everything and dissolving it inside their bodies as they did back in the inn where I found them. Even if it’s normal for them, I still chose to force my own views onto them in that aspect.

In the new group, everyone except Rene the Dogkin can do that. She seems to be barely compatible with magic, or specifically spells and rituals. She lets everyone know that without the collar and the mark she can use some strengthening-type techniques and such, but that’s the extent of her talent. You shouldn’t expect much more from a Brawler either. She would need to train a lot to grasp simple magics, like everyone who isn’t gifted in that area.

When Elea and her friends finally finish their lecture, they let others know about my presence and everyone quickly turns around to give me a slight bow. I glance at Elea with a soft sigh and she winks at me. Figured she would start with hammering a bit too much respect into their heads.

I ask them to lift their faces and explain that it’s not necessary to act like this on a daily basis. It will be great if they keep the polite act during work hours or in front of other people, but I want them to feel comfortable here and not see me as some unreachable lord of the mansion. 

We then move onto the slave seals part and I explain everything connected to them. After a few reassuring words from the elves, everyone agrees on receiving my ‘fake’ marks too. I take their restraints down one by one. The satyr sisters seem the most anxious about my touch so I leave them for the last and use the other girls to show them that there’s nothing to be worried about.

Afterwards, they are free to go for now. I encourage them to explore the mansion and get to know other residents. Talking with them will ease their minds more. Tomorrow we’ll be open again so they will have a chance to observe their seniors in action or take part in their new responsibilities already if they will be willing. They should relax a little today.

I answer some questions from them before going to the underground to train and practice a little. Getting incredibly strong overnight won’t really help if I don’t learn how to properly control my skills and abilities after they are now strengthened much more with my higher stats. I also need to get accustomed to this supposedly new and changed body.

The difference is clearly visible to me and already was discernible during the duel with Garrena. I tire much slower than before. Outside, my physique didn’t change that much, but it’s obvious I’m not the usual Human anymore. 

Spells and magical abilities come to me much easier than before. The same thing goes for physical techniques and such. I test the hilt for a bit too since it looked like I could control it much better now. 

If the soul in there is aware of my thoughts or growth, it still doesn’t show any signs of willingness to communicate with me. In various novels and stories, especially those with martial arts themes, people often create those mental or spiritual spaces inside their bodies or minds which can be also accessed by others and I’m pretty sure the Soul Realm works in a similar way. 

I might one day be able to figure out how to invite the soul into mine after I learn how to get inside there myself. That’s a topic for my next meeting with the Goddess, alongside the whole world crisis. There’s still so much I don’t know about either this world or my own abilities, even though I studied both of these aspects thoroughly.

One thing that comes to my mind during my amateur self-training with various shapes of weapons the draconic hilt can now recreate is getting some actual guidance. I’m in the possession of Arms Mastery: Novice thanks to all the teaching I went through back then, but due to me being quite weak at that point in time, I couldn’t go any higher with any form of fighting. This could have changed now. 

If I start receiving tutoring again, will I perhaps reach the level of intermediate or advanced or something? Unfortunately, it’s not like I have a spare year to focus completely on training a countless number of weapon types. I can ask Teffith for guidance in spear, Garrena in two-handed axes and the elves in their respective types for now whenever I have some free time. 

More experts might join our ranks slowly. I just need to get ready as much as I can before I decide to start going out of the capital so that I won’t stay a burden to whoever comes with me. Having strength is great, but as the Goddess said, I’m not invincible. Experience is crucial. I would have died if our duel with Garrena was a serious fight for sure.

Until it gets really late, I try to exhaust the current options the draconic hilt can reproduce, but after half an hour of imagining different weapons, I run out of ideas while it doesn’t fail once. I stop on the scythe and have some fun with it. I always loved scythes and polearms and Cornelia’s past show left quite a mark in my memory too. I bet she would love to train together. I’ll ask her later.

I turn in for the night. It’s actually Cornelia who joins me this time. Talk about coincidence. She is delighted to hear my request for some guidance with scythes and promises me to find some time to share her knowledge and experience with them.

Before falling asleep, we cuddle affectionately together and have a pleasant chat while embracing each other. She got a bit more active after hearing my question and I can’t say I don’t enjoy her showering me in soft and loving kisses.

In the morning, I wake up with Cornelia peacefully napping on top of my chest with a pleasant smile. Her hair somehow ended up unpinned and flows down on the sides of her face, completely dishevelled. Her warm breasts rest on me, reminding me about their existence each time I take a breath. She started sleeping in just panties like Sirgia sometime ago. I sense some rivalry between the two.

I brush my fingers through her messy hair and scratch her head a bit. Cornelia soon sloppily raises her eyelids and takes a lazy glance at me. She slowly realizes our situation and smiles even wider, pulling herself up to peck my lips, effectively rubbing her warm body over my chest too.

“Morning, Al,” she whispers after nuzzling her face to the side of my neck.

“A great one,” I reply and rub her back gently.

She grabs my hands and guides them behind her, one towards her back and another to her waist, placing them there and urging me to hug her tightly.

“Mhhhmmm… Let’s stay like this for a bit… It’s so pleasant…”

“I can’t disagree with that.”

She chuckles softly. “Enjoying yourself with these?” Cornelia asks and squishes her chest over mine a bit more.

I raise my hand a little and delicately slap her ass, evoking a cute yelp from my charming magician, soon followed by a giggle.

“You are getting cheekier recently. You sure the painting is no longer affecting you?” I ask.

“I’m just getting more and more comfortable with… what I want… around you…” she says, slowing down near the end and hiding her face in my neck a bit more. “But it’s still not easy…”

I turn my head and peck her lips. “I’m always there to support you so don’t push yourself too hard.”

“I know. Thank you.”

As she requested, we lie down like this for a while longer, just enjoying each other’s warmth. We start to slowly drift away into the dreamland again when someone knocks on the door to my room and sobers us up.

“Master, are you asleep?” Sirgia’s voice makes it through the wooden barricade.

I glance at Cornelia and she raises herself, stretches and nods at me. I also sit up and hug her while we stay in a lotus position.

“I’m not. You may enter if there’s something you need.”

Sirgia follows my words and gets inside, wearing a casual t-shirt and shorts. She notices me and Cornelia sitting pretty much embracing each other and her cheeks grow a little rosy. When my lovely magician leans herself even more onto my chest and flashes her a playful grin, she squints her eyes at the woman a little. I clear my throat to get their attention and Sirgia quickly makes a light bow.

“Sorry for bothering you. There’s a message from the King’s man and I thought I should deliver it immediately.”

“Good. I don’t mind. Let’s hear or see it.”

She walks closer to the bed and hands me a letter. After I take it, Sirgia looks like she doesn’t know what to do with herself. I can feel her being a little jealous through our connection, so I lean forward and kiss her on the lips.

“Thank you. You can sit with us if you want.”

She smiles and climbs onto the bed to sit on our side. I pat her head a few times while Cornelia opens the letter with a small ice blade she creates on the tip of her finger. I then take it from her and hold it so that all of us can see the contents. The handwriting seems different than Ross’s though. Much more delicate.

Dear Alastair,

How are you doing recently? Not that much time has passed since our last meeting, but I’m sure you were as busy with your little business as you usually are. I’m quite aware of how intensively you are developing it, thanks to my dear friend Cornelia.

I’ve realized we haven’t actually held a meeting together yet, excluding the visit you paid me with Cornelia to help with my issue, and I thought inviting you for a short tea party could be a great form of showing my gratitude for your amazing gifts. I’m also looking forward to having a pleasant chat with your interesting person. 

I have some time to spare today. I’m aware you are opening tonight again, so I’m only thinking about inviting you for a short moment to not inconvenience you too much. Please, let our informant know if you’d be willing to accept this invitation as soon as you decide.

Yours truly, Queen Lianne.

“Shit… She blabbered out our connection… Haaaaah…” Cornelia sighs after finishing reading, earning herself a chuckle from me.

“Do you really believe I still wasn’t aware of that up until now?”

“No, but… She just went and said it like that. I’m sure she found it fun trying to expose me.”

“Hahaha, I see. But well. An invitation from the Queen. Looks like your work is being truly appreciated, Sirgia.” I brush through my cute dwarf’s hair while she averts her gaze and blushes.

“I only follow your instructions… These aren’t my own ideas…”

“Coming up with how to actually make the things I describe work is quite a big part of the whole thing, don’t you think? Don’t lower your contribution in this. You are very talented to create so many amazing things.”

“So many amazing fake dicks you mean,” Cornelia snickers. “Ah!” She yelps a little after I slap her bottom again.

“Hey, Sirgia. I think we should show our friend the true greatness of your creations. What do you think?” I say to Cornelia with a wide grin, releasing a little bit of the purple mist which usually accompanies my Void Chains.

Sirgia quickly catches on the gig and giggles, reaching towards her spatial storage inside the collared gem and bringing out three dildos of different shapes, a bunch of butt plugs, some bean-shaped rotors and two sets of fluffy handcuffs.

“I’m with you on that, Master,” she answers my question and unlocks one set of restraints.

“Wait! Wait! Wait! They are great! I completely understand that! There’s no need to convince me!”

Cornelia starts wriggling in my arms while I use my newfound strength to hold her down. Sirgia slowly moves closer to her hands with a mischievous smile while the taller woman’s face starts getting pale as she imagines what the two of us could put her through with all this equipment.

Sirgia and I chuckle and she stops shortly before locking her hands, backing away casually. Cornelia exhales in relief and drops her head onto my shoulder.

“Seriously… Don’t scare me like that…”

I move closer to her ear and whisper. “You can’t convince me you weren’t looking forward to it.”


I kiss her cheek and back away. I’m more than sure she wants to explore more possibilities with various types of restraints and teasing, but we should go at it with small steps. And definitely alone. She would die out of embarrassment if someone was watching or helping me. I can leave group fun to a few other individuals.

“Anyway, it looks like you finished quite some of my ideas already,” I change the topic by asking Sirgia about the plethora of toys she brought out.

“These were easy and not time-consuming, Master. I have some other ones completed down in my workshop. I’m currently working on that round looking box you are supposed to… sit on top of if I’m not mistaken? I’m still at the beginning. I flipped through some of the new additions in the notebook and they looked extremely interesting. I’ll try my hand at these mechanical poles when I have some spare time too. I need to work on Teffith’s naginata right now.”

I smile to myself after her explanation, knowing exactly about which toys and appendages she is talking about. Seems like she has moved onto ones more complex than just a simple dildo now.

“Don’t overdo it, as usual. I’ll come to you a bit later to see what you already finished. I shouldn’t show up without a gift, even if this meeting is meant as thanks for them.”

“Uhn, I won’t. I have more fun with these than I actually thought I would. At first, I… viewed all of your ideas as shameless and… inappropriate, but… they are so smart. I even had more fun with a few ones than with most artifacts I made in the past.”

“I’m glad to hear that you aren’t forcing yourself to work on these.” I pat Sirgia’s head some more. “With how many things you brought to life already, you should take a break and focus on something you like more. I’ll take care of the materials.”

She hugs my arm and pulls herself up to leave a peck on my cheek. “Thank you. I’m fine with my current work. I’ll be making sure Teffith’s weapon ends up as a product of amazing quality.”

We finish our short meeting and Sirgia leaves to prepare breakfast with the other chefs and assistants. Cornelia coats herself in beautiful clothes made out of her ice magic and we go our ways too. I first pass my response to the guy on the other side of the road before joining everyone for breakfast.

I inform others of my plan for today and that I should return before we open. Elea and Cornelia will take the lead when I’m out since I’m going alone due to the invite being a personal one. Our new residents look quite shocked after hearing me casually mention going to meet the Human Queen just like that. I’ll leave the explanation to my beautiful partners.

After finishing eating, I follow Sirgia to her workshop and she presents me with a bunch of gadgets she already finished. There’s not much besides the ones I’ve already seen. A weird-looking contraption standing near one of the walls captures my attention and she brings it forth.

Confirming that it’s finished and fully operational, I sweep it and a few exchangeable parts into my ring. It takes a lot of space, barely fitting inside, but I’m sure it’s unique enough to be considered a new gift. We then spend some time together to prepare an extensive guide on how to operate the rig.

Thanking Sirgia for help with some cuddles, I move up to take a quick bath and dress properly. Neira joins me in both and makes sure I look the best I can. I’m really grateful for some guidance and opinion from someone of the opposite gender. And for not acting playful while at it.

I take the usual way to the castle and walk out of the wardrobe. The room behind it got cleaned now. I just hope no one gets to live here and it was just a regular dusting. Would be awkward if I walked into someone sitting here. Or doing something else.

Just after a few steps through the corridor outside of the chamber, a maid catches up to me and asks me to follow her. I let her guide me to the royal part of the castle and she leads us into a beautiful room with a big balcony, where a table is set and prepared. She instructs me to sit and wait for the other party, which definitely is the Queen.

Ten minutes later, Queen Lianne walks through the same door as I did previously, wearing a beautiful dress in dark blue colours, perfectly matching her slim figure and porcelain complexion. A calm smile paints her pretty and calm face. I stand up instantly and bow politely.

“There’s no need for such pleasantries. It’s a private party with two friends involved and not an official audience. I would be happy if we could speak casually, Alastair, if I may call you so,” she speaks softly while walking closer.

I raise myself and nod. “It would be rude of me to reject such a request. I might need some time to get used to calling the Queen by name, but I’ll do my best.”

She also nods and we both sit down by the table on the balcony. The view outside is just glorious. I’m pretty sure this is the best spot to see all that’s best about the castle’s inner premises.

There is no servant with us and Lianne reaches out, most likely aiming for the teapot. Due to all the lessons I’ve undergone in the past about statuses, I subconsciously try to grab it first as someone of a lower position. She slaps my hand away and squints her eyes at me while starting to pour me a cup of tea.

“I said friends, didn’t I? I’m the host so I should be one to serve today, isn’t that right?”

“My apologies. It’s hard to fight against habits.”

She chuckles softly and smiles again. We both take a sip of the floral tea with a charming scent.

“How is Cornelia doing?”

“Great, as usual. And I’m making sure she doesn’t lack anything. I’m not sure if you two already talked about it, but she recently managed to revive a long lost branch of magic by herself. I think that shows she is doing quite fine.”

Lianne laughs a little again. “That’s just like her. But, it’s not what I’m asking about. Perhaps I should rephrase my question as I might have gotten a bit ahead of myself while considering your daily environment. How are the two of you doing?”


I completely didn’t expect her to start off with questions about such topics, but on the other hand, I didn’t really know what to expect from a casual talk with the Queen. I guess Cornelia’s and my sex life is something she would like to tease her a bit later.

“Uhhh… Well… It’s also quite good, I would say. We are getting more comfortable with each other day by day, although we haven’t done that a lot of times,” I answer in a somewhat roundabout way.

“I see. Thank you. I was worried no one would be able to break through that adamantite shield of hers she erected around her heart. I was afraid she would end up never experiencing the pleasure of embracing a man, but now I feel relieved knowing she was able to touch on that happiness too,” Lianne shares her past worries with me.

Certainly, I can imagine how much trouble she must have had with the cold and completely uninterested in love Cornelia. I’m pretty sure Lianne tried her best to find a proper man for her friend, especially since she is quite a passionate lover herself, from what we all know.

I lower my head a little. “Please, there’s no need to thank me. I haven’t done anything special. I was just lucky to earn the affection of such a lovely woman. But, if I were to say anything, it truly wasn’t easy to bring her true feelings forth, hahaha.”

“Oh, I’m sure of it.” Lianne laughs softly too. “Then, would you be so kind to share with me what she is into?” The Queen brings a beautiful smile on her lips and flutters her eyebrows charmingly.

I chuckle and show a wry smile. “I’m afraid I wouldn’t want to disclose such secrets without my lover’s permission, even if it was an order rather than a request. You should consult that with the person in question.”

She sighs playfully. “Shoot. This is the first day in my life I might have considered men with strong principles anything but attractive.”

We both laugh at her remark and follow it with a bit of a casual back and forth about our lives. I get to know some funny and interesting facts about living in a castle as a person of high standing while Lianne eagerly listens to some of my daily struggles in my mansion, and also enjoys hearing about my homeworld a bit. Around two hours pass in a flash before we stop and she brings us back onto the less-public topics.

“How is business? Maybe there’s something I could help with besides spreading the word?”

“I appreciate the offer, but we are doing fine. Just yesterday I picked up a few more maids. While the method of employment leaves a lot to wish for in my eyes, it’s currently the most efficient one. Just letting more people know is of great help.”

“Well then, let me just verbally thank you again for your thoughtful gifts. They truly helped with my… condition.” She flashes me a faint smile with slightly rosy cheeks. “Thanks to you, I’ve pretty much returned to my everyday life from the past, without all this tension and worry. To a certain extent of course. I’m sure you’d agree with me that no substitution can compare to… the real thing...”

I clear my throat and try my best to not stare at her beautiful and gentle appearance too much. “I’m not that experienced in these areas, but… I’m pretty sure I would. I’m glad mine and my artificer’s work is being so highly valued.”

We smile at each other and silence falls onto us for a moment. It’s just a little awkward. I think neither of us knows how to continue now that we stepped onto these slightly embarrassing topics.

I cough again. “Saying that, I didn’t come empty-handed today either. Although, it’s something a bit bigger and more complex than my previous gifts, so I’m not sure if I should just bring it out casually.”

Lianne’s eyes widen for a moment and I swear I can notice a faint shiver pass through her body before she manages to regain control of it. Her light face does redden by a notch though.

She suddenly stands up, walks to my side, grabs my wrist and pulls me up too, starting to walk somewhere. We go through a different door and enter a room looking to be a big bedroom. I’m sure these aren’t the Queen’s Chambers, but it’s still hella fancy. She closes the door behind us and glances at me with her hands joined behind her back.

“Here… should be fine… right?” She can’t hide the curiosity and anticipation in her eyes and voice.

I nod with a wry smile. I should tread carefully from now on. We don’t want to accidentally flip Lianne’s nympho switch. I think. Thus, we move to the centre of the room and I bring the item out, placing it on a grand and soft rug.

“What’s… this? I thought I would be able to at least grasp the purpose after your previous two gifts, but I can’t wrap my head around this thing. It’s like… a short rocking stool?” She curiously examines the structure.

I chuckle. “You are not that far off, Lianne. People from my world sometimes call it a Love Glider or just Rocking Chair.”

The thing I took out is a knee-high wooden contraption set on two curved beams. They are connected together with horizontal ones and two legs rise up from each of the sides separately, ending with a rectangular cushion per pair of poles. The seat is not in the form of one, square pillow, but two separate rectangles on each side, with empty space in the middle.

In that free space, a little bit lower, a mechanism with its form closely resembling the shape of an anchor with flattened ends is located, connected to the two sides of the construct by some wooden, moving parts. It looks like it definitely is able to follow some motion.

I let Lianne walk around it and think for a little longer, waiting to see if she will figure out anything related to this fun contraption, but she quickly admits defeat and moves her eyes onto me with a confused yet curious expression. I smile at her and kneel by the rocking chair, pushing it back and forth a little.

When I do so, the mechanism in the middle does a motion similar to that of a swing or seesaw, raising one side of the flattened anchor's arm while lowering the other one as I tilt the chair forwards, and then completely opposite when I press on the back of it.

“And? Any ideas?”

“Honestly… none. It’s just a small rocking chair, no? But… I guess the empty section in the middle… does allow to sneak a hand there or something else…” She shows a soft smile while blushing even more. “But what is that mechanism in the middle? A counterweight for balance?” 

She tries to come up with the purpose of the toy but fails in the end. She was close though. I shake my head while smiling at her. Lianne makes a cute pout and crosses her arms over her chest. It’s quite petite, so it doesn’t bring out much of an effect over that area. I still bet her breasts are beautiful and soft.

“Then what is this weird thing? Stop teasing me and tell me already. I know you know I’m extremely curious…” She averts her gaze for a moment before returning it onto me. “Oh. You definitely have the instruction with you, right? Give it to me then. Ah. Or better. Since you are with me this time, why don’t you demonstrate how to use it personally?”


“What? You can give such improper tools to a lady but are too embarrassed to present them yourself, hm?” she asks and I can clearly tell she is being a little playful.

I chuckle. “No, of course not, my lady. I was just surprised by your suggestion. Well then, perhaps this will be enough to let you realize the actual function of this improper tool.”

I turn the structure so that its side faces Lianne and sit on the cushions. I can imagine how comical it must look with a man in a full suit sitting on a short stool with his knees on the floor by its sides. Nevertheless, I glance at the Queen’s face and start rocking the chair back and forth.

She stares at it intently but doesn’t seem to realize its true purpose. I chuckle again.

“Pay close attention to the flat ends of the mechanism’s arms.”

I slow down the rocking to let Lianne watch the motion carefully. It takes a few repeats for her eyes to finally widen in realization as one empty platform on the top of the anchor's arms gets lifted almost to my very crotch when I lean forward, and the other one reaches almost my butt when I move to the back.

“Ah…” She blushes even more and keeps sending me glances as her thighs clash together. “Am I right to assume that… these platforms… are not complete?”

I chuckle again, stop the motions and nod, getting off the rocking chair. “Congratulations. I honestly didn’t expect you to figure that part out. I thought you’d suggest these are for massage or something. But, yeah, you are correct.”

From my ring, I bring out a dildo. This time out of the slightly elastic material Sirgia created for her personal training tool. This one is also designed to resemble an actual male part.

I bring it to the mechanism in the middle and set it on the forward end of the swing, securing its place with specially prepared clamps at the ends of the flat platforms. When you look at them from above, they actually reveal a shallow hole to insert something into them.

Afterwards, I sit on my knees on the side of it and start rocking the little chair again, giving Lianne a good view of it. We can now clearly see how it’s supposed to work as the replica of a penis rises up when the rocking stool reaches its most front angle, making it peek over the surface of the cushions surrounding the mechanism, lowering it when the chair reaches the middle or most back angle.

Lianne gets into a trance. I don’t think she realizes she is grinding her thighs together while biting on her lower lip. And I didn’t expect to experience such a sight either. If anyone were to find out I had, my head would fly for sure.

“Lianne,” I call to the Queen, making her jump in surprise. “Pretty simple, right?” I ask with a smile. “You can set it on the front or back platform either to try different angles. The mechanism itself is also adjustable and you can control how far up it can peek. I’ll also throw the replica in.”

She nods her head a few times, still gazing at the rubber dick going up and down. I stop rocking the tool and she moves her eyes onto me. She drops them down onto my crotch and quickly raises her gaze back onto my face, getting even redder.

“Ummm… Is it perhaps…”

I glance down at my crotch in confusion and then suddenly realize.

“Ah, no, of course not, hahaha. How could I? It’s a completely fictional design.”

She smiles awkwardly and her shoulders slump a little. I really hope I didn’t offend her. I should have spoken about it from the start.

“Erm, well, anyway, cough, I hope I’m not taking it too far by asking this, but… Did you… ummm… take it… up the butt too?”

“Up the butt?” She tilts her head and asks, puzzled.

I scratch my head. “You know… The other hole…”

“Ah! Hahahaha… Ummm… Once or twice… in the past… When my husband was in the mood for it… But why the question?” She laughs softly and glances at me a bit timidly.

“I see. Am I right to assume that it didn’t feel too comfortable for you?” I continue.

“Well… Yes,” she stops for a moment but answers honestly, slowly getting more relaxed again. 

“You didn’t use any lube or something to help with that, right?”


“Yeah, I get it now. Thanks for confirming my theory. As to why I asked, look here.”

I bring out one more rubber cock of a different colour and set it on the other side of the swing mechanism. Rocking it a few times again shows each of the dildos rising and lowering themselves respectively when the chair leans forwards and backwards, visibly aiming at different spots above the cushions. Lianne instantly realizes the implication.

“I see. So… you can play with… both holes at once. What a clever idea.”

“It is. Although, you don’t have to. You can just use one on the front or back platform to try for a different feeling in your… vagina. Not everyone has to enjoy anal the same way. Especially without a proper preparation, which I’m sure was lacking in your case,” I add, slightly uncomfortable to mention the Queen’s private parts like this.

She moves closer and sits on her knees in front of me. “What do you mean by preparation? Does it feel… different if done in a specific way?”

“Yes. It’s the same as with normal sex. It will feel uncomfortable if you just stick something inside your vagina right off the bat, without any foreplay. At least I assume it should as I’m not really familiar with how the body of someone with your… condition... works exactly.”

“It’s the same. I get into it much quicker, but it would still hurt if done too quickly. I know a thing or two about that, hahaha…” She chuckles awkwardly, most likely remembering an event or two. “So, you can also prepare the other side in a similar way to make it feel good?”

I nod. “First of all, it’s best to have your partner play with that hole a bit and loosen it up. Ummm… It might be impossible for you now, but it’s doable alone too of course. The other important part is to make it a little bit easier to slide something inside. We have many mixtures to help with that back in my world, but using love juices works in the end too. Although, you need quite a lot in that case.”

She ponders while stroking her chin. “I see… Well… Thank you for the tip. No wonder I didn’t really enjoy it when we tried it. I’ll make sure to do it properly… next time.” 

She smiles at me softly with completely rosy cheeks. I can feel her hot breath reaching me even though there’s enough of a casual distance between us. I nod and stand up quickly.

“I’m glad to help. I’ll leave you with my new gift alone then. I’m sure you are eager to test it out, right?” I chuckle and prepare to escape before I’m dragged into something more serious.

Lianne also stands up and pats her dress. “Thank you. You know me well, hahaha. But it’s not like I can hide it anymore. Honestly, it feels good not having to be careful at all times around more people. I’ll let you know my thoughts about this one. The previous gifts were incredible. Especially these vibrating beans.”

She takes all the toys into her own storage ring and smiles at me brilliantly.

“Ah. I also heard you are thinking about selling your toys in the future. I can tell you that it’s a great idea. I had some of my friends or even maids try them out, I hope you don’t mind. It could definitely take the capital by storm! If you need help, I can help you open up stores in various districts! Just say a word!”

I chuckle seeing her suddenly turn joyful and grabbing my hands.

“Thank you. I appreciate it. But, while at first I thought only about selling these items, I actually came up with another idea. I still plan on allowing people to buy the smaller toys, but I also figured out I could perhaps turn a few chambers into ‘pleasure rooms’ with sets of many bigger contraptions and structures, and perhaps try to appeal to the female audience too,” I explain my ideas. “They could have fun with whatever they like.”

Lianne’s eyes sparkle in awe. “That’s an even more amazing and brilliant idea! I’m completely sure there are hundreds if not thousands of lone housewives and girls out there who don't really like to go for services of male prostitutes, but with this, they could fully enjoy themselves without feeling like they are cheating on their partners! Everything you suggest is just so groundbreaking! Tell me instantly whenever you implement this! I’ll do whatever I can to promote it!”

I take a step back under her sudden outburst of excitement. “Hahaha, I’m glad you think so. It will take a bit of time, but now I’m sure it’s something I want to complete.”

“Definitely! Oh. Why not prepare a special room for me too while at it? Ah, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t abuse my position to ask for special privileges. But the thought of my personal chamber filled with a myriad of your creations just makes my knees weak… Ahhhh…”

Her body trembles and I catch Lianne into my arms before she drops onto the floor. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t just out of excitement. She seems to finally realize her behaviour and starts blushing again while smiling wryly as I hug her.

“Sorry… I got a bit too excited, ahaha...” She steps away from me and takes a deep breath. “Again, thank you for everything. Let me know whenever you need anything. Now then, I really feel like I need to excuse myself or I might start leaving a trail behind as I walk.”

Lianne chuckles elegantly and quickly pecks my cheek before I can react. A moment later, she is already out of the room. I take a deep breath and sigh heavily.

“That was fucking close…”

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