I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

Chapter 335: Blessing of Envy

Chapter 335: Blessing of Envy

Elizabeth turned around to see the giant armor made from pure aura standing above her. It stood twenty meters tall and had a dark purple armor similar to that of a Royal Guard. 

It carried a sword that was large and oddly similar to Ed who was standing in front of her. The man was panting as his hands shaked and was raised in front of him.

The woman looked at Ed, reading his stance and returned her gaze to the giant armor. She figured out that the armor was following Ed's movements, every small gesture of the man, the armor follows.

From the boy, there were two beams that connected him with the giant armor. The light comes from each of the giant's feet and would connect halfway, linking itself on Ed like a ray of light.

"So, this is the rumored God Mode," Juno smirked. "I heard it enhances the user's ability tenfold. Let's see if the rumors are true or not. I am envious, and I will not be denying that."

Ed lowered his sword while locking eyes with the centaur-like Sin. "Get jealous all you want. I am still going to defeat you."

"It's my nature to be jealous," Juno said. "I am made this way."

"Figures," Ed shook his head while felt ridiculous before saying, "And I was made from an egg. Yet I'm not a chicken."

Juno quirked her brow up and narrowed her eyes, "Where are you going with this?"

"You don't have to be chained to what you were," Ed said. "Why would you live that life when you can change?"

"You cannot change me," Juno said. "This is who I am. And I can never change. I like this."

"I was never on planning to change you," Ed said. "I will beat you!"

"Let's just see," Juno smirked and raised her front legs. She ran straight for the armor with the sword raising in her side. "Envious Thrust!"

She thrust her sword and shot a powerful cone-shaped attack. Ed took a step back and prepared his sword. He was planning to crash his sword right through Juno's attack, but decided not to. He wanted another attack to clash with her and show her how powerful he is.

"Eternal Chaos Godly Strike!" Ed swung his sword and fired a crescent-shaped attack. It was dark purple, flaming with the intense aura surrounding it as it approached the other attack.

The two auras meet and created a large explosion. The light from the explosion lit up the entire interior of the tree like it was a sun. Juno smirked but her eyes widen after she felt something approach her.

"You must've not known that I can nullify magic," Ed smirked. He hung his sword on his shoulder and watch his attack emerge from the cloud of the explosion and approach Juno at an incredible speed.

"No!" Juno yelled and spun. The chain from her tail that held the sword slowly formed a vortex around her. Juno kept on spinning until Ed's attack reached her, the purple blast vanishing after hitting the vortex Juno created.

"Oh, no," Ed gasped but immediately recovered his posture. He started to hear the laugh coming from inside of the vortex as it slowly dies down.

"You can nullify magic, but you can't nullify melee attacks," Juno laughed hysterically. "Now I know how to kill you, you measly bastard!"

Juno reached out for ther sword thrust it again to create the same cone as before. When she saw Ed preparing for a counter attack, Juno retracted her sword and tartgeted Ed for another attack.

"How will you defend this time?" Juno said with a wide and toothy grin. "How can you be so strong? I want your strength. Give me your strength!"

"She's crazy!" Elizabeth muttered behind Ed. The boy flinched after hearing her, facing the girl who was still kneeling on the ground.

"Hey, I kinda need some help," Ed gritted his teeth in awkwardness. "Can I receive some assistance?"

He offered his hand for her to stand, to which Elizabeth looked at for a moment. She shook her head, chuckling at herself before she accepted the hand and stood. "This woman is so crazy. Four human legs that should be four horse legs. That alone was a red flag."

"Yeah," Ed chuckled. "You block the second one. I'll get the first."

Elizabetht nodded and started to wave her hands in the air. The branches of the tree that formed a large dome above them shook. It started to spurt buds that blossomed into bright glowing flowers. "Floral Healing! Tree of Life!"

The light from the green, red, and blue flowers formed glitters that fell down to the Adventurers. The glitters let the parts of the Adventurers it fell to glow with a dim light. It was replenishing the Adventurers, green for HP, red for strength, and blue for mana.

The scale of Elizabeth's magic was beyond comprehension for most Adventurers. Something like this requires a lot of mana and a lot of practice. No wonder why the woman was the top Adventurer of the kingdom.

Elizabeth was humming something while Ed proceeded to block the first attack. He looked at the woman who was still focused on helping the ones left.

This time, Ed didn't counter Juno's attack with another strike. If he would create another blinding clash like that, Juno may use that opportunity to hunt them. Instead, he used his sword and clashed it with the blue cone-shaped attack.

"Elizabeth?" Ed called out as he saw Juno prepare to fire her next attack. "Elizabeth?"

"Shh," was all Elizabeth's respond while she continued waving her hands in the air. 

"Your woman has some loose screws in her head," Juno chuckled. "Get her fixed!"

Juno once again thrust her sword and shot the cone-shaped attack. This time, the attack started to spin as it approached Ed and Elizabeth.

The floral woman opened her eyes and rolled it, "Oh, screw you. Sunflower Sunny Flash!"

From the branch of the trees they were standing on, a gigantic sunflower grew in an instant. The but spun a few times before it blossomed into a large beautiful sunflower with all its petals firing a beam towards the brown center.

The brown seeds shot a thick and powerful beam that instantly wiped out Juno's attack without any moment's thought. The attack even passes through the roof of the tree, making everyone look up.

"That was amazing!" Ed cheered. "Elizabeth, you were capable of doing that. Why didn't you do it earlier?"

"Because I didn't have the courage to do so," Elizabeth replied with a smile. She looked at Ed, watching the purple flame-like aura surround him. "But now, I found my warmth and found my courage."

"If you're talking about me, well I think we can work it out," Ed wiggled his brows, earning him a smack on the back of his head from Elizabeth. "Ouch! You didn't have to beat me that hard."

"We'll talk later," Elizabeth said, raising her arms in front of Ed to push him back. "We have a big-*ass b*tch to take care of right now."

"Yeah, call me that," Juno growled. "I'll show you how powerful I can be."

Elizabeth raised her hand and formed a finger gun with it. She extended her index and middle finger while curling her other fingers. "Phew, phew, phew. I'll buy you some time and give you an opening. Kill her by then."

The flowers that blossomed earlier stopped spewing out glitters and started to shoot small beams that hit Juno. The beams alone weren't enough to defeat her completely but that wasn't all that Elizabeth had planned.

"This just feels ticklish," Juno said. "Do I have to feel pain from this?"

Elizabeth shrugged, "I don't know. Should you?"

Juno rolled her eyes and suddenly, her whole world stopped. She looked down and saw that Elizabeth was now alone. Ed was gone from behind her, as well as the giant aura from the man.

"Right over here!" Ed said from the side. Juno turned to the right and saw Ed there, charging his sword. "Let's test out my new attack. I learned this one from Elliot."

The man took a step back with his right foot and raised his sword to the level of his eye. Just like before, his giant armor above him followed his every move. He seethed and spun his sword above him, taking his left foot back before he spun his entire body and leaped.

"Etheorian Illuminating Roses."

When his foot stepped back on the ground, Ed's hand slashed forward, while the giant fired his purple aura towards Juno.

The aura formed a garden of roses at it surged like a beam as it shot towards the Sin. The roses bloomed as it gushed closer and closer to Juno, the latter couldn't believe her eyes at the power approaching her.

"So beautiful"

Ed's beam of purple roses swallowed Juno with its wrath. Everyone watched as the figure of the Sin slowly vanish as the light from the attack get brighter and brighter.

'Congratulations. You have earned the Blessing of Envy.'

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