I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

Chapter 330: Deal Breaker

Chapter 330: Deal Breaker

Inside the stadium, the groups of Adventurers were dispersed due to the agile and fast true body of Leslie. He was rampaging inside the stadium, targeting random people and killing them.

The ones thrown in the air right after Leslie's true body appeared were all dead. After the initial kill, the body finished off all the others with its long bent claws.

"Where is Aquarius?" a woman from Aqaurius's group cried. "He's our commander. What shall we do?"

The other Adventurers with her was about to talk when Leslie's body appeared behind her. The woman's eyes widened, feeling the ominous aura behind her. She knew it was her end, so she only closed her eyes and accepted her fate.

With a swift swiped of Leslie's arm, the womans torso was detached from her. The others could only gasp in fear and hopelessness.

Something as terrifying as this creature was standing in front of them. Even with their combined powers, how could they possibly fight back against such a thing?

The body would buzz like a bee and retract its upper limbs for one second before it flies off and finds another prey. The Adventurers had already noted this behavior, but they were still powerless since their reaction time wouldn't match with it.

One by one, the people from Aquarius's group and some from the other groups fell into Leslie's havoc. His real body was too fast and too powerful for them that it was hard to keep track of everything.

As the final nine members of Team Aquarius stood beside each other, holding each other's hands in comfort, Leslie approached them slowly. Even without Leslie controlling his body, it made it seem like it had a mind of its own.

The body was taking its time crawling towards the terrified Adventurers, feasting on their fears and helplessness.

"Don't come near us!" one of the remaining ones yelled. He had an electric affinity which he used to blast a lightning strike against the body. The body responded by raising both its arms beside it and bringing out its chest. 

The attack could only tickle the skin of the body, not even leaving a mark on it.

"Impossible!" the Adventurer yelled. "I am Top 50. How could it be?!"

The body seemed to chuckle and ran full speed at them. It didn't spare any time and jumped, raising its claw to kill.

But in a blink of an eye, a sword appeared in front of the body. The sword lit aflame and cut it in half, burning its remains into ashes, not even giving it time to cry in pain.

"My body's gone?" Leslie thought in his mind.

He turned around to see the wall of water from the outer sphere barrier of Christina behind him. Aquarius's internal organs as well as his hands were connected to the water.

"What is this?!" Leslie gasped. "This is impossible!"

"God of the Sea's Broken Anthem," Aquarius whispered. "I am one with the water. Even when I'm inside someone else's realm, I am connected to water on a more deeper bond."

"Why you little"

Inside the vast-looking dimension of Leslie, the top of it broke. Light started to seep through the cracks, brightening up the entire dimension.

"The deal broke your ability," Aquarius smirked. "Just as expected."

"Impossible!" Leslie yelled. "How are you doing this? This is overriding my magic!"

"I wasn't," Aquarius said. "I was riding through your waves, but I made smarter choices."

"Maybe age made me rusty," Leslie signed. He raised his hands in surrender and let the cracks of his dimension continue. It traveled down to the ground, making the entire dimension white.

"Where are we?" Christina asked. "This isn't the stadium. What is this?"

"Prepare to listen for the Q&A," Luck said. "This is going to be interesting."

Leslie and Aquarius slowly descended from above. Aquarius instructed Christina to deactivate her shield, in which the girl obliged to.

"I have four questions," Aquarius said. "I touched you with all my fingers, but I do not have ten questions."

"Then that defeats the purpose of the deal," Leslie quirked its brow up. "One finger, one question. That was the deal."

"But then again, I won. I should be the one making the decisions," Aquarius said. "Understand?"

"Fine," Leslie pouted. It sat on the white floor and crossed his legs like a child. "You ask your questions and I'll answer them honestly."

Aquarius narrowed his eyes but sat in front of Leslie while Christina and Minos stood behind him. They were preparing in case Leslie plays a trick on them, in case Aquarius couldn't react on time.

"First question," Aquarius said. "Where exactly do you come from?"

"The Abyss has Nine Levels," Leslie started. "The deeper the Level, the stronger the beasts are. The first Level would be known as Hell, while the eight is Tartaros, the final Level is where the Forsaken lives."

"Forsaken?" Aqaurius asked, raising two fingers. "Who is that?"

"The complete opposite of the Almighty," Leslie replied. "He is the darkest being that ever existed. He even is considered darkness itself. Us in Tartaros wasn't even able to see a shadow of the Forsaken. And we're a Level above Him."

"How did you get here?" Aquarius asked as he raised another finger. "How did you ended up in Terra?"

"Thousands of years ago, the Forsaken opened a pit that went past all the upper Seven Levels," Leslie spoke, closing his eyes as he thought of what happened all those millenniums ago. "A large hole opened in our skies and we came out of the hole and got to the Seventh Level.

"We proceeded to ascend, curios as to what might caused something like this to happen. To be honest, the six Sins including me doesn't agree with the Seventh," Leslie said. "He had different ideals and it wasn't something that we could understand so easily."

Aquarius raised another finger, "What do you mean?"

"He" Leslie paused. "He wasn't in the same page as us. One side wanted to save lives, while the other wanted to get rid of it. We tried to talk him out of it, but he fought back. Something inside us to trigger like a switch and the darkness inside us turned to rage. We started to kill humans and wreck havoc, trying to get rid of life as we know it."

"You mean, the Seventh Sin wanted to destroy all life, but then you fought him?" Aquarius asked.

Leslie chuckled, "I thought you were only going to ask four questions?"

This made Aquarius scoff and roll his eyes, "I have ten chances. Besides, you're making me ask questions with what you're saying. The ones I got right now can be asked later on."

"Alright, alright," Leslie shrugged. "But yes, we did fought him due to conflict of interests."

"Where is he now?" Aquarius asked. "Is he alive?"

"The Seventh organized the Twilight Bless to seal us," Leslie spoke. "This might answer your next question, but the Seventh is the Sin that betrayed us and convinced humans to seal us. After he sealed us, we didn't know where he fled."

"Who is this Sin?" Aquarius asked. "He is dangerous. And we have to tell the others right now so we can still call off this battle. Who is this person?"

"He is the Sin of Wrath," Leslie replied. "His name is"

Just before Leslie was finishing his sentence, a dart of glass was shot right above Aquarius. Minos was swung his mallet to deflect the shard, growling while looking at Leslie.

"Better be safe than sorry," Leslie smirked. "You finished the deal and now I don't owe you anything."

The pure white dimension started to get darker again. Aquarius stood and conjured his trident with anger in his face, "This little mutt."

Leslie hovered in the air and covered his face with his fan. He was laughing behind the fan as he slowly ascended right above the three.

"All the tricks on your sleeve are shown," Leslie smirked. "Now you have no cards left."

Leslie raised his fan with one hand, a victorious grin etched in his face, "By the way, I don't have a reason to tell you this, but the Seventh Sin, the Sin of Wrath's name is Irus."

A spark lit up in front of him. Leslie tilted his head and leaned closer to the spark. Before he could come any more closer, his eyes widen and he had to back away.

The spark became a burst of flame that formed a vortex. Inside the flame was a large male figure, extending both his hands on either side of him. "Aquarius, Minos, Christina, this one is just delaying you."

The vortex exploded, creating a burst of fire that lit up the dark vast dimension. The fire was like a cloud but was so bright that it also looked like the sun.

From the cloud of flames, Leslie got out with a missing arm. The left part of his body was scorched, but he was mostly unharmed.

"Who are you?!" Leslie growled. "How did you get in my dimension when I only allow certain people in?"

Aquarius, Minos, and Christina watched in awe as the flame cloud was sucked inside the center. The man inside puffed his cheeks as he inhaled the flames inside his body. 

"Let's just say that I could pass through realms and dimensions," Cain said with a smirk. "Now, release us."

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