I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

Chapter 119: The Creator's Heart Upgrade

Chapter 119: The Creator's Heart Upgrade

Gelrick's eyes widened, his mouth was agape as he watched the large man with flaming fists in front of him.

"Former High General C-Cain" he stuttered. "Sir, what are you"

"Who summoned me?" Cain only spoke gently but the impact of the aura he let out was enough to make the temple shake.

"Is that Cain from Alorde?" Connor gasped. "What is he doing here?"

"That is Cain Firstborn, the previous High General of Inferno," Geneva said. "Please Connor, concentrate on your flames."

"Right," Connor said, shaking his head when he felt his aura fluctuating. "I'm sorry."

"You shouldn't keep your guard down, Cain is not an ally," Geneva warned. "He's only here because of a Curse put on him by his late brother. That he shall not turn someone away. And to that, he shall be summoned when you say the brother's name three times."

Even when Gelrick was shaking, he still stood in front of Cain threateningly. He knew he was no match against the man but he could not back down as the Ruler's General. His pride was on the line.

"What payment shall I receive with this?" Cain asked, turning to Geneva and quirkes his brow. 

Seeing this, Gelrick rushed towards Cain and fired his swords like boomerangs. They were spinning at a high speed, making Gelrick green when he saw he has a clean shot.

"Let's discuss this later," Cain sighed and turned. He stomped his right foot gently on the ground and instantly stopped the motion of the two swords.

This made Gelrick's eyes widen. The light in his eyes faded thoroughly when Cain raised his right hand and fired two geyser-like beams from the ground and into his swords, melting them into oblivion.

"Didn't your so-called Ruler told you anything about manners?" Cain crossed his arms.

"Yeah, and manners being to be smart when facing someone stronger," Gelrick replied and clashed his palms. He pointed them at Cain, the insides of his hands were flaming. "Bathing Fire!"

Gelrick opened his handa and raised them beside him. He was conjuring dark blue flames, a widespread surge was flooding the temple.

"Are all citizens of this realm uses flame?" Connor asked, slightly creasing his brow. 

"Only the chosen ones," Geneva replied. "The ones who uses other elements are commoners. The ones who uses the flame are regarded as soldiers. The stronger the flame, the higher the status."

"Then I'll be stronger," Connor boasted. He felt the final piece of the Cauldron's flames inside his body completely. It was now one with his body, weaved into his soul like they were fabric.

He slowly descended into the ground and feel his body changing. He felt taller, lighter, and even stronger than he was just a few minutes ago.

Cain was in front of the two, conjuring a dome that shielded them and prevented Gelrick's flames to burn them. He extended his right hand beside him, a long and slender tornado was forming by his palm. When Gelrick ran out of mana from casting his spell, Cain deactivated his shield and fired the tornado that was now a sphere.

A series of swift clank from heels made of metal echoed from the stone floors. Before the flame sphere was even going to reach Gelrick, a woman with a hair of ponytail butted in, holding a pole that she used to block the sphere.

"So, it is Cain," she said, rotating the pole she was using. "It's been a long time, Cain. How's Abel?"

Cain grit his teeth but his eyes was stoic, staring at the girl without any other emotions.

"Petra Flemming," Geneva asked. "Why is she here?"

Geneva seemed to panic and conjured flames in her hands. She made a sphere from the fire and threw it up, the sphere exploding and smaller orbs of flame darting to different parts of the temple.

"Why? W-What's happening?" Connor asked.

"Is he still dead?" Petra asked. She did a short exhibition stance, rotating her pole with the use of her hands, arms and feet. A smirk formed in her lips and the pole she was holding suddenly formed fan-shaped water magic on both ends. "Let's put your flame out too, Cain. It's about time."

They placed Connor's body on top of the stone tablet they used to communicate with Geneva. 

Elliot was pacing in circles in front if the stone tablet. He was worried that the Seductors were planning something to Connor. He was scared that they would hurt him.

"Are you sure about this?" Elliot asked Lance for the hundredth time.

"Yeah, of course," Lance replied. "They know about him more than we do. We even saw the Priestess Connor always talks about."

"I just feel like something's going to happen," Elliot sighed. 

'Inventory full.'

'Found dumpable materials.'

There it goes with the made up words again. Elliot thought.

'New quest [ Feed the Glutton ] available.'

[ Feed the Glutton 

Reward: The Creator's Heart I

// Oh, no! There are so many dump in your Inventory. Feed the clutter to the bin of materials and receive an awesome reward. ]

"What the hell," Elliot grimaced and whispered to himself, "What's this thing even talking about?"

He opened his Inventory and saw a new button just beside the Select All button. It showed a ghost-shaped icon with its tongue sticking up like it was enjoying a meal.

Elliot felt tempted to press the icon. He was thinking what it was, but also thought that he might never know if he doesn't try.

And so he pressed the button.

'Dump all unnecessary materials?'


Several items in his inventory lit up and was broken down into pieces. Some disappeared while a number appeared below the rows of items.

[ 197/300 ]

Elliot scratched his nape and tried to figure out what the number meant. As the items keep disappearing one by one, even ones he thought he could use later on, the number kept growing.

'The Creator's Greed has filled its appetite.'

'Please select your desired item below.'

[[ Graceful Wind Blade ]]

[[ Dark Serpent Hatchet ]]

[[ Trail of Lights ]]

Elliot was curious about the last item but the second one reminded him of Viper. It has been a while since he last saw the kid and he was still yet to fulfill his promise.

"I did tell him I'd help him," Elliot said to himself. "And I never back down on my words."

Elliot pressed the second item, breathed deeply as he read the description.


[[ Dark Serpent Hatchet ]]

! Does not have a Weapon Gem

// A weapon made from the scales and fang of the Dark Serpent from the Hell's Naga Cave. Dark Serpent Hatchet has a passive ability that enhances curse magic.

'Quest [ Feed the Glutton ] finished.'

'Reward could not be claimed due to insufficient Inventory slots.'

'Claim again?'

Elliot creased his brow and thought what to take out from his inventory. It was mostly with food and potions, even some for their journey like blankets and sleeping bags. The others were materials for his future ventures.

He swiped the notification for now and sighed after seeing his full Inventory. "I need storage."

'Inventory slots +10.'

"What the"

"Are you okay, Elliot?"

He was awoken from his thoughts when Ed asked him. Elliot only nodded and walked further away, his sword was still in his hand. "Yeah, I'm fine Ed. Thanks!" 

"You're messing with me again," Elliot whispered and smirked. "I need a level up potion."

There was no notification this time, making him huff and sit under a tree where he claimed the reward.

'The Creator's Heart I now in Inventory.'

Elliot instantly took out the gem and tapped his sword.

'You currently have a similar Heart for your weapon.'

'Upgrade The Creator's Heart I to The Creator's Heart II?'


'Congratulations! You now have The Creator's Heart II.'

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