I Have A Cultivation World

Chapter 305: 258 Flying Ming Taoist _2

The piercing sound of fractures permeated the air as flames and Sword Qi intertwined—mixing the stench of corpses, the aroma of charred flesh, and the sickly smell of mud. The smell overwhelmed the three of them, forcing them to breath internally.

Having slain an indefinable number and traversing a distance of roughly a hundred meters, at last, the zombies did not appear anymore.

Chen Mobai exhaled slightly. Although the job was done just using talismans, implying minimal Spiritual Power loss, the sheer number was undeniably excessive.

He estimated that he had aided the passing of at least fifty to sixty of them.

“These are Iron Corpses, the lowest in rank among zombies. They are created by burying strong malefactors in corpse raising grounds. A Qi Cultivation cultivator at level seven can effortlessly dispose of them.”

Just as Shan Hongyi began to speak, and Chen Mobai pondered why he was explaining this to him, a monotonous rumbling sound echoed.

With a sudden thud!

The Wolf Fang Club that Bi Yiyuan had tossed out rebounded back, hitting the top of the cave, making the entire mountain seem to vibrate slightly.

Chen Mobai discharged the “Red Misty Cloud Silk,” blocking the falling dust and rocks.

“Huh, this Bronze Armored Corpse has been well cultivated. It has a powerful force.”

The voice of Bi Yiyuan rang out. Afterward, two crimson eyes lit up in the dust, followed by an explosion of golden light. Accompanied by a cacophony of collision sounds as if copper and iron were fiercely colliding, the noise attacked Chen Mobai’s eardrum.

A sudden slashing noise!

Accompanied by the sound of a mass of meat and bone being torn apart, Chen Mobai used his Void Spirit Eye. Through the dust, he saw Bi Yiyuan tearing a Bronze Armored Corpse in half.

“Generally speaking, a Bronze Armored Corpse is equivalent to the end of Qi Cultivation phase, coupled with an unyielding body and immense strength, immune to ordinary spells, it’s not guaranteed that even the Qi Cultivation peak disciples of sects can overpower it.”

The voice of Shan Hongyi echoed, as Chen Mobai nodded lightly.

Given that the Bronze Armored Corpse could engage several moves with the Foundation Establishment cultivating Bi Yiyuan before getting torn apart, it was indeed a formidable foe.

And just at that moment, two more blazing crimson eyes lit up in the dust.

There was another Bronze Armored Corpse!

On Chen Mobai’s right side, sensing his weakest aura, the Bronze Armored Corpse rushed forward, with hands like claws, charging at him.

Gently patting the storage pouch at his waist, a blue Flying Sword sprang out like a fish, effortlessly severing the grotesque creature’s neck.

In almost an instant, the Bronze Armored Corpse charging towards Chen Mobai had its head separated from its body.

Its body continued forward through inertia onto the “Red Misty Cloud Silk,” colliding with the hot Fire Jade Crystal fragments, causing sparks to explode, and then ignited, which gave off an intense stench of the corpse.

On the other side, Shan Hongyi released a Clear Wind Talisman, converging the dust within the cave into a clump, clearing the obstruction in their field of vision.

Seeing the reality, his heart sank.

Before they could figure out when it happened, ten Bronze Armored Corpses had already surrounded them. Their eyes — ablaze with crimson light — were filled with a longing for flesh and blood, looking coldly at the trio.

“Both of you should go all out now; junior sister Yan might be in danger.”

Upon seeing this, the casual demeanor of Shan Hongyi hardened slightly. From his storage bag, he retrieved a red Flying Sword.

If the Daoist Mystic had twelve Bronze Armored Corpses, then he would definitely have had Silver Armored Corpses when he was alive.

Considering his transformation into a Silver Armored Corpse, even with the combined strength of Yan Jinye and Mei Jingjun being at the Early Foundation Establishment stage, it would have been impossible for them to survive half a year in this place.

A series of rumbling echoes!

When the three Foundation Establishment cultivators of the Divine Wood Sect moved to attack at the same time, even the ten Bronze Armored Corpses that had formed a defensive formation and been empowered by the Earth Evil Yin Qi were eventually completely destroyed after the three cultivators brought out their Magic Artifacts.

Bi Yiyuan, who had regrasped his Wolf Fang Club, smashed three Bronze Armored Corpses chunks. Chen Mobai and Shan Hongyi, employing their two Flying Swords to execute the Red Flame Sword Jue, overwhelmed the remaining zombies with their fiery Sword Qi Long Rainbow.

After the pouring of Sword Rainbow, only gray-black traces were left on the cave wall.

Once the trio revealed their full prowess, there was no longer anything that could obstruct them. Guided by the most recently activated Message Talisman, busting through three cave walls, slaying minimal hundreds of Iron Corpses, finally, they stormed into a cavernous hollow about four to five hundred meters deep underground.

“Senior brothers, over here!”

As soon as the three landed, they heard a voice filled with surprise.

Upon looking, they realized that at the center of this enormous hollow was an astonishing, translucent pool.

In the center of the pool was a white jade sacrificial altar with a Black Wood Coffin placed on it.

Normally, a coffin would be nailed shut, yet this one seemed to have been opened by someone. The lid was partially lifted, revealing a figure, clad in a brilliant silver robe with his eyes shut tight— a corpse.

An artefact resembling a talisman, marked with cinnabar and made of yellow paper, was resting on the corpse’s forehead. It was presumably a Corpse Suppression Curse. Beside the head of the corpse, there was a multicolored lotus lamp. Unfortunately, the wick seemed to have burned out, leaving no visible flame.

“This is the corpse of Daoist Mystic. He trained himself to become a zombie. Thankfully, Mrs Guo has a Rank-2 Golden Axe. Otherwise, we would probably be in quite some danger.”

At the side of the coffin on the altar, three Foundation Establishment female cultivators were seated. The voice was coming from Yan Jinye.

She, along with another female cultivator, stretched out their hands and poured their Spiritual Power into the talisman situated on the Silver Armored Corpse’s forehead, suppressing the corpse’s awakening.

A veiled, amply endowed beauty among them manipulated an artifact, interrupting the Yin-Evil Qi flowing to their location.

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