I Hate Systems

Chapter 220: A Warrior Fights While The Commander Instigates

Chapter 220: A Warrior Fights While The Commander Instigates

"Hiiik!" Grisha shuddered as she heard loud banging sounds on the door of the bathroom, flinching every time the sound resounded. Moreover, as she was using her hands to prevent the door from being broken through, she could feel the vibrations course through her body every time.

That wasn't all, as she was focusing on the door, she suddenly noticed a couple of locations on it through which the moonlight leaked through. Only now did she realise that the mosquitoes had pierced through the door.

Right as this thought resounded in her mind, a couple of needles pierced through the door, plunging into her palms, immediately siphoning some of her blood.

It was no different to a pair of sewing needles being plunged into her as Grisha shrieked from the pain, retracting her hand in reflex as she noticed blood dripping out of them.

"Kyak!" She noticed the door trembling as she hurriedly placed her hand on them to stop the vibrations, fearing the door would give out. But, the moment she placed her hands on the door, a couple of needles pierced through her palms once again.

"Heuk…hic…" Tears streamed out her eyes as Grisha endured the pain, constantly changing the locations of her hands as she prevented the door from being opened.

But within ten minutes, she felt her head spin, having lost a lot of blood. Not only were her palms bleeding, but every time the needles of the mosquitoes pierced through them, a part of her blood was sucked out.

Grisha endured, unwilling to die. For, not only would she die, but Compass Carburettor too would be affected. She had already implicated him once when she was under the effect of the owl-like bird.

Initially, she had thought that Compass Carburettor was her age and hadn't been bothered as much, thinking that it was the first time for both of them. But, she later came to realise that he seemed to be having a family somewhere, the very driving force of his actions.

He hadn't explicitly said anything to avoid hurting her, but she had good intuition in such things, realising that she had practically intruded into his life.

Part of her was selfish, wishing to be with him no matter what. The rest of her wished to give him his space. But no matter what, she wished to at least repay the favour of him saving her life.

So, she didn't wish to give in at this point, even though she was afraid, even though she was fearful of pain, even though she had a phobia of needles.

Gritting her teeth, Grisha trembled in fright and prevented the door from being broken down, screaming every time something heavy slammed into the door.

Another ten minutes passed in such a fashion as she was unable to hold on anymore, watching the wood being used on the bathroom door cracking, with small holes forming everywhere, leaking in the moonlight.

For the first time in her life, she hated the moonlight, wishing to never see it, for the more she saw it, the closer to death they were.

Through a gap that formed before her, Grisha noticed a cluster of mosquitoes condensing into what resembled a clenched fist, retracting a couple of metres before slamming into the door, breaking through it.

'Ahh…' Her mind blanked out as Grisha fainted. But, the feeling of being pricked by needles all over her body didn't follow suit as she had expected, but instead, a warm embrace enveloped her.

"You did well to hold on," Compass Carburettor muttered, glaring at the mosquitoes that hovered before his face. He tilted his head, watching the cluster do the same before moving backwards at an alarming pace.

After that, they moved forward and slammed into the wall nearby, the impact splattering most of them into blood.

Skill—Directional Misalignment (Level 1)!

Suddenly, every mosquito scattered before congregating into the centre, forming a massive sphere. The needles of each mosquito had pierced into the body of another, preventing them from escaping as they formed layers one atop another, forming a massive sphere in such a fashion.

Every mosquito that streamed into the room automatically pierced itself onto the sphere one after another, forming neat layers, as if pieces of puzzles falling into their rightful places.

Gently placing Grisha into the bathtub, Compass Carburettor entered the room, undressing as he returned to his Haggon Form, swallowing all the mosquitoes casually. Soon, he noticed that he had eaten until he was full, taking on his human form.

While alive, the mosquitoes generated Mental Energy for him. Once they died, they were digested by his stomach acids, converted into his source of Darlac. In both ways, they fuelled his abilities. And, the amount of Mental Energy he consumed to destroy them was only half of what he gained from them.

After all, he purposely made his stomach acids secrets a bit slowly. While within his stomach, the mosquitoes squirmed, trying to wriggle out. But, no matter what they did, they were unable to break out.

A Haggon's stomach was like a sealed container. Anything that entered its stomach could forget about leaving it. The needles of the mosquitoes were unable to pierce through his toughened flesh, even if they were his stomach walls.

Upon seeing that the mosquitoes beyond the house were only continuing to increase in numbers, he frowned, waving his hand as he activated Directional Misalignment once again.

But this time, it was directed at the ground, causing countless ants to stream out in confusion. When they were moving within, their sense of direction was morphed before they noticed that they had arrived on the surface.

Upon seeing a source of blood, the mosquitoes swarmed the ants, not realising that it was their mistake to do so.

After all, the ants never lacked numbers, constantly streaming forth as they bit the mosquitoes, clipping their wings. Moreover, upon consuming the mosquitoes, a command was passed to all the ants, declaring that a new nutritious source had been discovered—the mosquitoes.

With that said, more and more ants streamed out of the ground, filling up the road and all concrete pavements. Both sides considered each other as prey as the conflict spiralled out of control.

"Of course! Otherwise, after mosquitoes, we would have had to face the ants and the Grassmen…" Seeing the war ensuing below, Compass Carburettor smirked, taking out the tape Grisha had used to close the curtains once again, sealing up the gaps.

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