I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary Even In The Real World (LN)

Book 14: Chapter 2: Part 3

Book 14: Chapter 2: Part 3

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Part 3

After we finished the Twister game and I felt exhausted, Merl raised her hand.

Um, theres a game Id like to try too

What kind of game?

I asked Merl what kind of game she wanted to try, as long as it wasnt Twister.

I want to play something called the Kings Game.


I was surprised at the name of the game, which I had not expected, and Merl went on.

I heard that young men and women on this planet play this game to get to know each other better.

Wait, where did you get this information?

I got this information using technology from the planet Amel.

I have a feeling its wrong!

No, I dont know what kind of games young people play in the world, so I cant say

Then Lexia-san and the others showed interest.

Ara, that sounds interesting!

Yeah, I guess it is. Im curious too!

As for me, I couldnt say anything because I dont know how to play the Kings Game either, but it wont be like the Twister game, anyway.

I got an explanation of the rules from Merl, who said that she had been thinking about it for a while and had prepared a raffle.


Whos the king?

All at once we opened the raffle and checked what was inside.

Ah, I am the king!

Apparently, the first king was Lexia-san, who held up the raffle and puffed out her chest.

Kuh I didnt expect Lexia to be the first king

It must be a result of my daily deeds!

Thats not true.

Why not?

Luna was playing around with Lexia-san, but then Lexia-san regained her composure and declared.

Then Ill give you an order! Yuuya-sama hug me!


Hey, wait! Thats not in the rules!

When I was surprised by that, Luna quickly added.

The rule of this game is that the King specifies a number and orders the person with that number.

However, the King does not know who has which number.

Therefore, it is not possible to suddenly appoint me

Eh, isnt it okay?

If its against the rules, its a no-no! You better follow the rules!

Mmm then, number three! You hug me!

I froze at Lexia-sans words.

Because my number was number three.

Seeing my suspicious behavior, Lexia-sans eyes lit up.

Ara? Dont tell me Yuuya-sama is number three?



Lexia-san, youre cheating

For some reason, Kaori and the others were looking at Lexia-san with resentment, but I had none of it.

Its strange I thought that once I was free from the Twister game, I would be fine

U-um cant you give me another order?

No! What the King says is absolute! Right?

What am I supposed to do if Lexia-san, who is a real royalty, says it, its unfashionable, or!

To my confusion, Lexia-san held out her hand, waiting for me to hug her.

Come on, you better hurry, or we wont get to the next one, right?

I-I understand

I hugged Lexia-san very nervously and shyly.

The moment I put my hand around Lexia-sans back, she hugged me.


Fufu! Is that good?

I could hear her call out from behind me, but I didnt have time to think about it.

I tried not to think about anything else and managed to finish the mission.

Is that it? Can I hug you some more?

P-please give me a break

My heart cant take much more of this!

I was only cheered up by the fact that my friends were coming to my house to play, but when you think about it, they are all girls, and this situation of having so many girls gathered at my house is strange.

Well, this time is the celebration of the success of the School Idol stage, so its only natural that there are many girls

Anyway, it was a heartbreaking experience for me.

Then, before I knew it, the tickets were being collected, shuffled, and given out again.

Ugh next time, Ill be the one to win!

I-Im with Yuuya-kun too

For some reason, Luna and the others are strangely full of motivation and look at me.

Isnt it strange the main purpose of the game has changed? Whats the fun in doing something about me at all?

Well, theres no way that Im going to be chosen over and over again like this, and theres a chance that Im going to be King, too. Lets take it easy.

While I thought that, the next King raised a hand.

Ah, I got it! Im the King!

Then it seemed that the next King was Kaede, who was very happy.


Lets see then how about the person who is number five, give me a good pat on the head or something like that



I was holding a ticket with the number five written on it.

Thats strange, thats strange, you know How can I be nominated so many times in a row? No, it happens; thats why I was nominated!

On the other hand, Kaedes eyes lit up when she saw me freeze and realized that I was number five.

Eh, could it be that Yuuya-kun is number five?


T-then may I ask you to do as ordered?

Kaede looks up at me.

Luna and the others looked at Kaede with frustration.

Ugh Nonsense, why cant I become King!

Kaede-san is cheating too

Its strange that this me didnt get the kings raffle

Stand by. Im looking forward to the next raffle.

I patted Kaedes head shyly because we couldnt go to the next step without me patting Kaedes head.

E-ehehe Its kind of embarrassing, isnt it?

Kaede scratched her slightly red cheeks and smiled shyly.

Seeing Kaede like that made me feel even more embarrassed, but I managed to complete the order.

O-okay, I did it!

Next time, someone other than me should be chosen!

Once again, the tickets were distributed, and as each of us checked our own hand.

Oh this time its me!

To my surprise, the Kings ticket was next in Kaoris hand.

And then

W-well, then the one with number one please massage my legs until the next order is given!



Why do I have the number one ticket in my hand?

Where did my Luck status, which had been so well demonstrated during the Old Maid game, go? Could it be that I used it all up playing Old Maid?

I mean, for a while now, the King has only been giving orders that involve the King! Is that how the game was originally played?

Seeing me break out in a cold sweat, Kaori realizes something, and her expression brightens.

I-is it possible that Yuuya-san is number one?


U-um then the legs

I nervously grabbed Kaoris leg as she held it out to me.

That must be nice, Kaori.

Sure, if you decide that its until the next order, you can stay with Yuuya-kun for a long time

Why why cant I have the kings ticket!

Everyone seemed to be thinking a lot, but I was still preoccupied.

I was massaging Lexia-san and the others as a manager, though!

Kaori also looked embarrassed, but she looked at me and blushed.

I became more and more nervous at the sight of her.

I-is it okay Is my hand sweating or is it just uncomfortable?

(I-I said massage in the heat of the moment, but I didnt really expect Yuuya-san Ah, the sweat and all that, is it okay?)

Kaori looked pensive for a moment, and my anxiety grew.

The king game started with Merls suggestion, but after that, the King never came to me, and for some reason, I ended up getting involved in the Kings orders every time.

I guess my Luck status was not working after all.

Anyway, the party went on happily.

It has been some time since many worlds that had never existed before began to flow into the Between Worlds.


Since then, the white cat had been watching and observing Yuuyas life before his level-up.

The white cat could not take its eyes off Yuuya.

Yuuya had been born with spiritual power, so his parents shunned him, while his younger siblings, who had not acquired spiritual power, were adored by their families.

The white cat could not understand this.

Why were they treated so differently, even though they were siblings?

It was a feeling that was completely incomprehensible to the white cat, who had never known the existence of a family.

After that, the white cat continued to watch Yuuyas growing figure.

Yuuya lived a miserable life, bullied by children his own age.

He tried again and again, but under the influence of an invisible power called Spiritual Power, he was always hated by others.

However, only Yuuyas grandfather was on Yuuyas side.

Maybe it was because of his grandfathers teachings, or maybe it was because of his gentle nature.

Despite the fact that Yuuya had been through a miserable experience himself, he would always lend a helping hand whenever he found someone in need.

Witnessing such kindness, the white cat became more and more curious about Yuuyas existence.

But Yuuyas misfortunes did not end there.

His grandfather, the person who understood him best, passed away.


Seeing Yuuya in despair, unable to do anything but mourn, the white cat wanted to comfort him.

But the white cat who lives in Between Worlds cant even get close to Yuuya.

However, when the white cat saw that Yuuya was still living with kindness, it was completely drawn to him.

Then Yuuya is subjected to even more insidious and violent abuse at the junior high school he enters.


Seeing the student laughing like a devil and abusing Yuuya, the white cat wanted to jump on him and protect him.

But that will not happen yet.


Overwhelmed by its own helplessness, the white cat became sad.

After that, Yuuyas sad past was too much for the white cat to bear, and it involuntarily left the scene.

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